Warning: Spoilers for The Batman & Scooby-Doo Mysteries # 8 in advance! Rebounding from an unpleasant portrayal in Velma ( 2023 ), Scooby-Doo! ‘s Fred Jones eventually deals with to rack up a significant gain – and also over Batman, no much less. While incredibly few of the Mystery Inc. crew took care of to eke out a beneficial functionality in HBO Max’s Velma, it is actually arguable that no person endured much more than staff forerunner Fred Jones, whose character was actually modified coming from being a relatively airheaded yet highly qualified technician to a totally unlikeable buffoon. In comics, however, Fred still preserves his crown as the king of booby traps, dealing with to record among DC’s ultimate houdini in his nets.

In Sholly Fisch as well as Erich Owen’s The Batman & Scooby-Doo Mysteries # 8, the Mystery Inc. staff is actually bewildered to uncover that their normal relationship with Batman has actually been actually taken over by a new team of adolescent sleuths called the Wraith Wranglers. In spite of Mystery Inc.’s struggles to stay on par with this new team, Batman and also the Wraith Wranglers lead all of them on every turn as they make an effort to resolve the puzzle of an early bat ghost that is haunting Gotham. At one aspect, Mystery Inc. faces Batman on a boat equally he has actually selected the person in charge of the ghostly happenings – just for Batman to drop prey to the gangplank that Fred booby-trapped to cover their measures, allowing the wrongdoer to get out.

Fred Snares One of DC’s Greatest Escape Artists

While Fred absolutely performed not aim to catch Batman in his pitfall, this is actually however a significant feather in the trap-maker’s cap as extremely couple of individuals can match Batman’s capability as an escapee. During his instruction to come to be Batman, Bruce Wayne studied escape approaches under the magician John Zatara, an expert of the designed and also one of DC’s biggest magicians. His skill-sets are actually so excellent that they also match those of Scott Free, a.k.a. Mister Miracle the New God of freedom and leaves.

This ego-booster for Fred comes at only the correct time, as his depiction in Velma ended up considerably exaggerating the character’s adverse attributes. While present day pictures do recognize Fred’s propensity toward absent-mindedness, this often tends to be bundled into his desire for thinking up as well as executing sophisticated snares – as well as, significantly, performs certainly not meaningfully influence his ability to help in Mystery Inc’s initiatives. His skill-set in setting traps is actually such that Batman, who regularly encounters down difficult death snares from opponents like the Riddler, outright informs Fred, “Next time you booby-trap a ship … tell me first.” This suggests that Fred’s skill-set is actually such that even Batman will need admonishment.

While these activities may inevitably certainly not appear like a lot (Fred clears away a slab from a gangway as well as Batman falls through the void), the reality still stays that Batman is actually still caught by some of Fred’s pitfalls. Fred is among the more often-mocked participants of Mystery Inc., from his love of ascots to his catchphrase of “Let’s break up! ” (typically when splitting up would certainly put the whole team in danger), and also his insulting as well as privileged representation in Velma performed him no supports. In the end of the day, nonetheless, Fred Jones of Scooby-Doo‘s Mystery Inc. efficiently recorded Batman – a best compliment that few others may claim.

The Batman & Scooby-Doo Mysteries # 8 is right now available coming from DC Comics.