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22 things I’ve loved in 2022

22 Things I’ve Loved In 2022

Heyyy all!! Happy new year 2023!! It’s so good to be back again to WordPress, writing and communicating in my blog after like what… one whole year!? (sorry for ghosting you all)

Looking back at this year and all I could think was “damn…this life is better than the death”. Sorry to put it in that way, it’s a line from my favorite song but yeah, this life is beautiful despite every darkest days that I’d been through.

There are few struggles that everyone endure silently. No one is completely detached from their problems. Be it a health issue, commitment problems, anxiety or whatever shit that pops up everyday in my life, at least I’m trying my best. Only that matters in the end, right?

I’m so proud of the person whom I’ve become. Do you ever get this satisfaction looking at yourself and thinking “wow, old me could have never done it” and that brings enormous happiness and a fulfilling smile on your face? Something like that makes you feel worthy and proud? Yeah!!

This post idea was actually inspired from one of my favorite blogger :-

Here are the 22 things that I’ve got to love this year.

1. Friends are the purest form of love – Getting admission into VIT university was one of the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. Experiencing hostel, learning new things, coming out of my comfort zone was more exciting, fun and made my memories special. Even hell would feel like heaven if you’ve got your best friends beside. I guess, that’s what I learned the most this year.

2. Sometimes ‘Vulnerability is Strength’ too- I was the one whom you would call – ‘the hardcore’. I never talked about my feelings or even expressed any slightest emotions in my past. I’d always been that ‘mysterious girl’ whom everyone taught she had no fun in her life (all misconceptions only). But that brought nothing to my life. So this year I was like “fuck it” and did something I never taught I could. I expressed love, happiness, created a public insta blog account to post my everyday little pleasures, frequently wrote down my feelings in notepad and had silly conversations with my friends (they kinda helped me to come out of my comfort zone too). I watched my life taking a new turn- people coming and expressing themselves to me, sharing their secrets, personal stories and most importantly: cherishing me for who I am. I guess it took me a long time to realize that ‘it’s okay to be vulnerable sometimes because it takes courage to open up and be yourself”. 2022- the year I understood that I’m my best when I reach out.

3. Life can be tough on you but it’s okay, ‘This too shall pass”- It’s the manthra that I kept repeating to myself everyday. Whenever shit happened “This too shall pass”. Whenever I was happy “This too shall pass”. This gave me comfort and helped a lot in realizing that problems won’t last forever and at the same time allowed me to enjoy every moment to the fullest because this happiness also won’t last forever.

4. Kpop – Okay this doesn’t need an explanation. Kpop is my obsession. Kpop is my serotonin drugs. Kpop is everything to me and so many albums got released in 2022!!

5. Family time- Since I’m in final year, the last semester was all about master thesis (project) and its still going on in online mode. Because of it, I got to spend more time with my family. (which I know I’m gonna cherish it forever)

6. Books: Who know 2022 would ignite my reading passion again? Let it snow, It starts with us, It ends with us, The maze runner 2,.. and the list is pretty endless including webtoon comics.

7. Traveling: One more thing I discovered this year was how much I loved traveling, catching flights and wandering around in the city.

8. MGM Dizzee world (Water theme park): OMG!! The best experience ever!! I had so much fun with my friends.

9. BTS online concert: I was so happy to the point where I literally cried. It was my first time streaming their online free concert legally without asking other army’s for unauthorized access link. I literally felt on top of the world. We also got so many solo songs from each membera this year. Even though I kinda miss seeing them as a group, I was so happy for them at the same time too.

10. Binge watched insane number of series and kdrama including Wednesday, Stranger things S4, The 100, The K2,…

11. Created new instagram account for blog: having so much fun with it.

12. Got gold medal for outstanding performance in my UG College on April 30, 2022. (One among my biggest achievement)

13. Celebrated birthday with a great surprise given by my friends!!

14. Had a crazy farewell celebration on 27.4.2022.

15. Foods- Tried variety of cuisines and new dishes from different countries.

16. Writing review post(as soon as I finish it): new hobby unlocked

17. Heard the entire midnights album by Taylor Swift with my bestie: another dream fulfilled.

18. Found my crazy obsession for Samyang spicy chicken noodles ×2

19. Learned the importance of studying hard and chasing your dreams. (ASAP otherwise Indian parents and Aunty’s will drag you into getting married. You need an escape plan and that is: get a job, flew out of this country. Lol.)

21. Being single- yeah, that’s an another reason to be happy for me right now. No commitment issue, no drama, no bullshit, nothing. Just absolute peace with friends, family and few loved ones. 2022 gave them all!!

20. ”Got my driver’s license last week just like.. ” - LOl!! No really I got my driver’s license guys!!! (* so proud of myself, *wiping happy tears, *dramatically singing driver’s license song by Olivia)

22. Brought 2 pet rabbits!!- Yeayyy!! It’s not like this is my first time raising it but still I was so excited when we brought them to home. And I named them mumu and mimie.

The first time when I heard this new Taylor Swift song, the line “You’re on your own kid, you always have been.” shook me to the core because I was brought back to so memories to few which I want to really forget along the way. The amount of times I’ve heard ‘oh, we don’t have to worry about her’, ‘wow, you are so mature for your age’ or getting labeled as the ‘good one’ while growing up often left me in utter coldness. Not bragging but yeah.
I became so concentrated on being the best at eveything- constantly seeking academic validations, struggling to say ‘no’ and getting called ‘people pleaser’, being the right role model for my sister and what not. As a child, it felt like there was no room for me to make mistake or even have a bad day.  Everything I did, I did it all on my own, but at what cost?
Almost everything changed in 2022 not externally but more internally.
To think of it, those who knew me from my past would probably NOT recognize me now. Due to many reasons, a lot of things had changed around and also within me. I look more gorgeous now. I’m more happy now. Even though I get called ‘bitch’ or ‘attitude walla girl’, ‘no fun or nerd’, comments from time to time, it makes me laugh tough because they knew nothing about me. Oh come on!

You’re on your own kid song, ironically, taught me that I’m not struggling alone here. It reminded me to take care of my inner child, to prioritize having fun and it’s totally okay to ask for help. Sometimes the people you love the most will leave from your life and it’s no one’s fault. You might feel like you can’t live without their presence or love or support but let’s face it, you’ve got this. You’ve always have been in this situation and that’s totally fine.

Sending much love and healings to all those who needs it.

Happy new year guys!!

This post first appeared on Small Talks, please read the originial post: here

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22 things I’ve loved in 2022
