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Hypnagogia as an Aesthetic for AI-Generated Music Videos

short 4-second video clips from notPussyFootin


Science, Art & Entertainment

Presently AI text-to-video platforms such as Runway are limited to producing 4-second long video clips. In art and design practices, such limitations are often positively referred to as ‘constraints’ rather than ‘limitations’ which has more negative connotations.

Strict constraints in the context of art and design can paradoxically support creativity and craft by providing a structured framework within which artists and designers can explore and innovate. These limitations, whether they are in the form of rules, guidelines, or specific requirements, act as a catalyst for creative thinking and problem-solving. Here’s how strict constraints support creativity and craft in art and design:

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Focused Vision: Constraints help define the scope and direction of a project, guiding artists and designers towards a specific goal or concept. By narrowing down the possibilities, creators can concentrate their efforts on exploring and refining ideas that align with the given constraints.

Overcoming Challenges: Limitations force artists and designers to confront obstacles and limitations head-on. This encourages them to think outside the box, finding inventive ways to work within the given boundaries. Such challenges foster resilience and resourcefulness, pushing creators to push the boundaries of their craft.

Encouraging Innovation: Strict constraints often lead to unconventional solutions. When conventional approaches are limited, artists and designers are more likely to experiment with new techniques, materials, or styles, resulting in fresh and innovative works.

Enhancing Craftsmanship: Constraints can focus attention on the craftsmanship and technical skills required to execute a design effectively. When artists must work within specific limitations, they can devote more time to refining the finer details and honing their technical abilities.

Increased Depth of Exploration: By channeling creativity through strict constraints, artists and designers can explore a concept from various angles and depths. This intensive examination often leads to richer, more thought-provoking works that might not have been achieved with unrestricted freedom.

Consistency and Coherence: Strict constraints can help maintain consistency and coherence within a project or design collection. When adhering to predefined guidelines, artists can create a unified body of work that speaks to a particular theme or concept more effectively.

Efficient Decision-Making: Having clear limitations can simplify the decision-making process, reducing the overwhelming number of choices that might arise in open-ended projects. This allows artists and designers to make decisive and deliberate choices, ensuring that their creative vision stays on track.

Real-World Relevance: In professional contexts, artists and designers often face constraints imposed by clients, budgets, timelines, or technical limitations. Embracing and navigating these constraints helps prepare them for real-world challenges and the demands of the industry.

Emotional and Conceptual Impact: Art and design that successfully operate within strict constraints can be more emotionally and conceptually impactful. The deliberate choices made to navigate limitations can add depth and meaning to the final piece, resonating with audiences on a profound level.

This essay explores hypnagogia — the transitional state between wakefulness and sleep — as an aesthetic can be effectively applied to AI-generated music videos.


Hypnagogia is a term used to describe the transitional state of consciousness that occurs as we drift from wakefulness into sleep. It’s a threshold consciousness phase often marked by vivid and sometimes peculiar sensory experiences known as hypnagogic hallucinations. These could occur in the form of sights, sounds, or even tactile sensations, creating a surreal and often creative mental landscape.

Contrary to the commonly held belief that sleep is a passive process, the hypnagogic state is an active and dynamic phase of the sleep-wake cycle. It’s during this unique state that the brain engages in a flurry of activity, transitioning from the conscious, alert state of wakefulness to the restorative realm of sleep.

Hypnagogic Experience

During the hypnagogic state, individuals often experience a range of phenomena, including:

  • Visual Hallucinations: These range from random geometric patterns, kaleidoscopic displays of colors, to complex scenes involving people or animals.
  • Auditory Hallucinations: These could manifest as faint noises, loud crashes, music, or even distinct words and phrases.
  • Tactile Hallucinations: Some individuals may experience sensations of floating, falling, or the feeling of a presence in the room.
  • Lucid Dreaming: This is a unique state where individuals, while dreaming, become aware that they are in a dream and can often manipulate the dream’s narrative.
  • Sleep Paralysis: This involves a temporary inability to move or speak while falling asleep or upon waking.

These experiences may vary widely among individuals and are influenced by various factors including stress, sleep deprivation, and even certain medical conditions.

The Science Behind Hypnagogia

The hypnagogic state is marked by distinct changes in brain wave activity. During wakefulness, our brains predominantly exhibit beta waves. As we transition into sleep, these give way to alpha and then theta waves.

This shift in brain waves is accompanied by the onset of hypnagogic hallucinations, signaling the brain’s transition from the perceptual reality of wakefulness to the dream-like state of sleep. This transition phase, characterized by hypnagogic experiences, often serves as a creative hotbed, fostering novel ideas and insights.

Hypnagogia and Creativity

The hypnagogic state is often associated with heightened creativity and problem-solving abilities. Many renowned artists, writers, and thinkers, including Thomas Edison, Salvador Dali, and Edgar Allan Poe, have attributed their creative insights to this unique state of consciousness. The fluidity of thought and the vivid, often surreal, imagery experienced during this phase can provide a rich source of creative inspiration.

The Hypnagogic Aesthetic

The aesthetic of hypnagogia is one of continuous, fluid transformation, a surreal blending of imagery and emotions. It’s an aesthetic characterized by its unpredictability, its rich, vivid imagery, and its seamless transitions from one sensory experience to another.

This hypnagogic aesthetic, with its inherent fluidity and dynamism, offers an exciting framework for AI-generated music videos. By leveraging the hypnagogic aesthetic, AI can create music videos that are not only visually engaging but also richly creative and deeply resonant with the viewer’s subconscious experiences.

AI-Generated Music Videos

AI-generated music videos represent an exciting frontier in the application of AI technology. Using complex algorithms, AI can create a sequence of images and transitions that harmonize with the rhythm, melody, and mood of a piece of music, creating a unique visual representation of the auditory experience.

These AI videos, often composed of short, rapidly changing sequences, bear a striking resemblance to the fleeting, vivid imagery experienced during the hypnagogic state. Just as the hypnagogic state represents a fluid transition between wakefulness and sleep, AI-generated music videos represent a fluid visual journey that complements and enhances the auditory experience of the music.

Applying the Hypnagogic Aesthetic to AI Videos

Hypnagogia, with its surreal, ever-changing imagery, provides a valuable aesthetic model for AI-generated music videos. By mimicking the fluid, dynamic transitions of the hypnagogic state, AI can create music videos that are not only visually engaging but also deeply resonant with the viewer’s subconscious experiences.

The hypnagogic aesthetic can be applied to AI-generated music videos in a variety of ways:

  • Rapid, Fluid Transitions: Just as hypnagogic hallucinations often involve rapid, fluid transitions between different images or scenes, AI-generated videos can incorporate rapid, fluid transitions between different visual elements.
  • Surreal Imagery: The surreal, often dream-like imagery of the hypnagogic state can be mirrored in AI-generated videos, creating a visually engaging and emotionally resonant viewing experience.
  • Harmonization with Music: Just as the hypnagogic state often involves a blending of different sensory experiences, AI-generated videos can harmonize the visual content with the rhythm, melody, and mood of the accompanying music.

By adopting the hypnagogic aesthetic, AI-generated music videos can offer viewers a unique, engaging, and deeply resonant visual experience that enhances the enjoyment and understanding of the music.


In the realm of AI-generated music videos, the aesthetic of hypnagogia provides a novel and exciting framework for the creation of visually engaging and emotionally resonant content. By mimicking the rapid, fluid transitions and surreal, vivid imagery of the hypnagogic state, AI can create music videos that complement and enhance the auditory experience of the music, offering viewers a richly creative and deeply resonant visual journey. As we continue to explore the possibilities of AI and its capacity to create, the hypnagogic aesthetic offers an intriguing model for the intersection of technology, art, and the human psyche.

Hypnagogia as an Aesthetic for AI-Generated Music Videos was originally published in Sound & Design on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

This post first appeared on Making Electronic Music, Visuals And Culture, please read the originial post: here

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Hypnagogia as an Aesthetic for AI-Generated Music Videos


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