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1.) We’re very happy to welcome to our pages the lead singer for Fame on Fire, Bryan Kuznitz; greetings and salutations, Bryan! Before we dive into the Q&A deep-end, how has the back-half of 2022 been treating you?

Bryan Kuznitz: The back half has been really great for us. We dropped our sophomore album ‘Welcome To The Chaos,’  which the reception has been amazing for, and we just fished a great tour with One Ok Rock and You Me at Six. The tour was legendary – everyone was so good to us and supportive. It felt great!

2.) Could you introduce the other members of Fame on Fire for our ever-lovin’ reading audience?

BK: Yes totally! We have Blake Saul on guitar, Paul Spirou on bass, and Alex Roman on drums.

3.) Congratulations on the recent album release of Welcome to the Chaos! What was the genesis of this particular gem of an album?

BK: When we set out to begin working on the new album, our main goal was to be extremely honest and true to ourselves. Not just lyrically but musically. We wrote what we loved, and it shows. At least from my perspective it does.

4.) How is Welcome to the Chaos similar to your Levels album? How is it different?

BK: I would say it is similar in the sense that the lyrics are self-reflecting a lot of times. We also still have the heavy drums and guitars. But it is different because the heavy parts are heavier, but they are a different kind of heavy. Also, everything is just so refined on the album. No two songs are the same which I love.

5.) Who was your producer on Welcome to the Chaos and what did that collaboration between artists and producer look like in the studio? Or was this self-produced by the band much like Levels was?

BK: ‘Welcome To The Chaos” was mostly self-produced. We did work with a producer friend of ours Erik Chokanis aka “Arcaeus” in some way on every song. He is pretty much a hidden 5th member of the band. Aside from that, we also had the help of Brian Howes on a couple of songs. Working with these producers is always great because they know what we can do, and we know what they can do and we all go in with the mindset to always do what is best for the song.

6.) How is Welcome to the Chaos different than anything else on the 2022 music scene?

BK: I like to think Welcome To The Chaos is very different. First is the overall sound of Fame on Fire. Next, I think we really tried some weird things. Things we haven’t done before that worked out. For example, we have always taken influence from hip-hop, but on this album we threw in so many other genres. From Hyper-Pop to Prog-Metal. There is a stand-up bass solo in ‘Robbery.’ If that isn’t different I don’t know what is!

7.) What do you hope listeners walk away with after giving Welcome to the Chaos copious spins on their turntables?

BK: I really want people to walk away wanting more from us. I want them to think, ‘Shit I need to see this band.’ We have heard it before from people listening to us, but the energy of the album live is on another level.

8.) Musically, who inspires you?

BK: We take a lot of inspiration. A lot of our peers in the industry inspire us, but some of the classics for us would be: Linkin Park, Sevendust, Avenged Sevenfold, Post Malone, Juice Wrld, even Katy Perry. Teenage Dream slapped.

9.) How did Fame on Fire come together as the tight and awesome band we hear today? Is there a VH1-Behind the Music Secret Origin story you could share with us?

BK: I’ll keep it as short and sweet as I can. Basically myself (Bryan), Blake and Alex all grew up next to each other and started a band when we were teens. That band broke up because our singer at the time was a full-on nutcase. I moved to Orlando with Blake, and we would record all the time just for fun. One day Alex came up to visit and said he wanted to record a drum cover of Katy Perry’s ‘Unconditionally.’ So, we tracked it and it was super dope. Blake then thought, ‘let me throw guitar on this.’  So, he did and Blake and Alex decided that a singer was needed. Now I wasn’t much of a singer then, but they begged, and I agreed to do it. We filmed a video and posted it but not as Fame on Fire. It was the Alex Roman band because it was his cover. The video went viral. We freaked out and decided we did something right. We felt it was time to officially be a band. Fast forward to now and here we are.

10.) We’re tremendous admirers of the tune Ketamine off of the Welcome to the Chaos album. Can you talk about what inspired Fame on Fire to record this brilliant gem?

BK: ‘Ketamine’ was a demo that we had. I remember the riff being super unique and upbeat and the only word we had for the song was ketamine. I remember the moment the hook came together. I was so unbelievably hyped on it. It was catchy and cool, and we kept saying ketamine which some people had an issue with. But I didn’t care I was like ‘No that word stays.’ There is something catchy about it and I’m very familiar with it. Lyrically I sat down, and I wrote every song about a time in my life. This one was basically about going from one drug to another and using ketamine to get past the anxiety of withdrawals.

11.) What does the creative process look like for you and the other guys in Fame on Fire? Does everyone have an equal say in what music you cut?

BK: Yes, everyone has equal say and it is very democratic. We serve the song. We don’t write with ego. If your idea is better, then we roll with that. Lyrics I will take and do my own thing, but I still go over everything and make sure it sings well and makes sense.

12.) Fame on Fire actually built their own music studio. What was the inspiration behind this?

BK: To put it simply, we needed our own studio. We need to have the ability to write, record and shoot videos whenever it was necessary. The best waw to do that was to build the space for it.

13.) How is 2023 shaping up touring-wise for Fame on Fire?

BK: 2022 isn’t even over for us yet. We have some really awesome radio shows coming up in December 2022 (Falling In Reverse and Escape the Fate) as well as another as support for The Struts. 2023 is going to be dope! We start with Wage War and Nonpoint the night before Shiprocked which I’m very excited for. It’s going to be so awesome being on a cruise with my friends and watch some of our favorite bands. Then in March 2023 we have the tour with Our Last Night which is going to be a banging tour!

14.) Any final thoughts on Welcome to the Chaos?

BK: I love the album. I’m very grateful it is out there, and people can listen to it. The album consumed my life and now I am ready to play every song off of it and have our fans screaming the words. Thank you to everyone who has enjoyed it and thank you to the people who are about to enjoy it!

This post first appeared on A Teaser For The Upcoming Single From Faiz Hassan Song, Baytee., please read the originial post: here

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