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Immigration officials under fire as deported Chinese national Shao Guixiang returns to Kenya

Immigration Officials Under Fire As Deported Chinese National Shao Guixiang Returns To Kenya

A Chinese national, Shao Guixiang, who was deported in February 2022 after being convicted of being in Kenya illegally, has reportedly returned to the country under mysterious circumstances. 

The Immigration Department is facing questions over how Guixiang was able to re-enter Kenya despite an active deportation order against him. 

Guixiang, along with four other Chinese nationals, was arrested in January 2022 at a construction site on Mombasa Road. 

He is believed to have re-entered Kenya a month after being deported, having landed in Uganda before obtaining a three-month tourist visa. 

During this time, he attempted to appeal his case but was unsuccessful. 

Guixiang's presence in Kenya was discovered after a video circulated on social media showing Chinese investors involved in a property dispute along Kindaruma Road in Nairobi. 

Guixiang was identified as the person who started the brawl, and it was subsequently revealed that he was in Kenya illegally. Despite this, his deportation was discontinued, and he has been permitted to continue conducting business in the country. 

Interior Cabinet Secretary Prof. Kithure Kindiki has demanded an explanation from the Immigration Department regarding the circumstances that allowed Guixiang to re-enter Kenya and avoid deportation. 

This post first appeared on Bana Entertainment News, please read the originial post: here

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Immigration officials under fire as deported Chinese national Shao Guixiang returns to Kenya
