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Intuitive Articles Blog

Gain insight and valuable knowledge on topics ranging from Psychic Intuition, Tarot Cards, Mediumship, and Many More!
We understand the importance of herbs not only as a culinary ingredient but also as a part of traditional folklore. Throughout history, herbs have been used for medicinal purposes, to ward o… Read More
Intuitive Articles, in partnership with Intuitive Lifestyles Consulting, we’re committed to providing the best possible content to our readers, and that includes articles that help the… Read More
Tarot cards have been captivating the human imagination for centuries, and their history is as intriguing as their mystic symbolism. From their humble beginnings as a game of chance to their… Read More
Tarot cards are a powerful tool for self-discovery and spiritual growth. They can provide insight into your past, present, and future, helping you to gain a deeper understanding of yourself… Read More
Inner Peace is letting go and truly surrendering. The first step in finding inner peace is to think carefully about your goals. What are you trying to achieve, and what are you doing th… Read More
Herbal medicine has been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments and promote overall health and wellness. If you’re interested in learning more about herbal medicine, one of… Read More
Becoming a psychic is a journey that many people embark on, whether out of curiosity or as a way to tap into their intuition and spiritual abilities. It can be a deeply rewarding path, provi… Read More
The zodiac is a band of the sky that extends approximately 8° north or south (as measured in celestial latitude) of the ecliptic, the apparent path of the Sun across the celestial sphe… Read More
Crystals have been used for centuries for their healing properties and spiritual significance. From Amethyst to Rose Quartz, each crystal has its own unique characteristics and benefits. Her… Read More
Let me quickly paint a picture for you. You are sleeping and all of a sudden your spouse jumps up out of bed and starts yelling at you. They start yelling, ”why would you do that to me… Read More
Crystals and gems have long been prized for their healing capabilities, with people turning to them throughout history in search of relief. Although they should be used as an additional aid… Read More
Who doesn’t love getting flowers? The fresh smell and the bright colors have the ability to bring a smile to any face. You would hope anyways… unless you did bad and you&rsquo… Read More
In order to live our lives to the fullest, we have to do what makes us happy. If you were wondering how well, you must first be willing to move past the fear of failure. There are tons of in… Read More
Fear is without a doubt among the strongest and most influential emotional responses we have, and it may act as both a protective and destructive force depending upon the situation. Obviou… Read More
Lightning is truly a work of art, especially in the night sky. It’s so beautiful and yet deadly at the same time. As children growing up in Ohio we would watch the storms move in. Th… Read More
Seeing a lion in your dreams represents courage, strength, and power. The lion shows strength and courage when faced with adversity. Even when fear may be present in our waking lives. we a… Read More
Have you ever noticed how the flames of fire seem to dance with the wind around it? It’s amazing how the flames have the ability to change from bright orange colors to dark red and p… Read More
Life is as Limitless as the Sky In searching for the meaning of a seagull sighting, you will feel appreciation for this bird of flight and fearlessness grow immensely. Those who have grown u… Read More
Have you noticed that in movies it only rains when people are in distress? The movie The Notebook, (written by Nicholas Sparks), comes to mind. (Spoiler Alert!!!) Close to the end of the m… Read More

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