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3 Surprising Things to Do On a Trip to London –


London is a city full of events and vibrant cultural life. It has so much to offer that anyone who comes to visit this colossal metropolis will have a tough nut to crack. It’s literally impossible to visit all of London attractions, even if you had months to do it. That’s why you have to be selective and make a good sightseeing plan. But, before you start, consider one more thing. Is it worth to follow the crowd, and spend two or even three hours on the London Eye? It’s, of course, fun thing to do, but there are so many quirky attractions in the capital city of England, which are much better to see. Here are a few examples of them.

Silent sounds boat party

The most extraordinary cruise on the Thames is waiting for you. The silent sound party is an unforgettable combination of London most remarkable sights along the Thames and a wild, unusual type of party. Hop aboard The Dutch Master, put the headphones on, and enjoy the best music, served by the three greatest DJ’s. Definitely, an event that you’ll never forget.

Paranormal activity tour

Participate in the tour, where you can discover the city most scary places, including London’s biggest execution place and abandoned prison cells that housed the infamous Jack the Ripper. Use Ouija boards, K-II meters, and dowsing rods to unravel murder stories, and contact with the other side. It is not a trip for the faint-hearted.

The magic hour

It’s one of a kind close up magic show in the style of the Victorian masters. A perfect activity for families with children. You can watch and be amazed by the great magic of Tony Middleton. If you didn’t believe in magic, after this show, you will.

Travelling is one of the best things you can do with your money. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to save up enough, to be able to visit the greatest places all over the world. Good news is, you don’t have to take extra hours, to earn money quickly. All you need to do is watch the British Pound exchange rate live, and make appropriate decisions in the Forex market. If you want to learn more methods of effective money investing, check out this infographic provided by ExchangeRatest

This post first appeared on Xavier Radio Ug, please read the originial post: here

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3 Surprising Things to Do On a Trip to London –
