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1 An online biblical museum of art app

1 An Online Biblical Museum Of Art App

Ours is an online Christian art gallery with over 1,000 FAMOUS paintings presented as MUSICAL SLIDESHOWS and BIBLE WALLPAPERS. Some of the painters featured include Carl Bloch, Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, Rafaello Sanzio and others found in galleries and museums all over the world.

  Unique features of our bible art app
- Free sharing and downloading
- You can upload your own music for the slideshows
- Scripture verses linked to each bible art painting

Bible Wallpapers based on the New Testament

A) Nativity of Jesus Art
- Visitation to Elizabeth
- The flight to and from Egypt
- The shepherds and magi Jesus painting
- Joseph's dream
- The annunciation
 - Massacre of the innocents in Bethlehem

B) Passion of Christ Jesus Painting
 - The agony in the garden
- Crucifixion
- The kiss of Judas Jesus art
- Simon the Cyrene carries the cross
- The good and bad thief

C) Ministry of Jesus Art
- Samaritan woman
- Sermon on the mount
 - Healing Miracles
- feeding of the 5000
- Walking on water
- blind Bartimaeus healed

  D) Parables of Jesus Painting
- the prodigal son    
- the wicked servant
- blind leading the blind 
- wheat and tares
- the pharisee and the sinner 
- Widows mite

E) Mother Mary Christian art
- Madonna and child     
- Teaching of the virgin
-  Visitation to Elizabeth
- Wedding at Cana
- Mary and other women at the cross

 Bible paintings based on the Old Testament

A) Genesis
- Sodom and Gomorrah
- The flood   
- Lot and his daughters
- Abraham appeals to God on behalf of Sodom    
- Esther and Hagar

B) Garden of Eden
- Expulsion   
- Temptation
- The tree of life
- The sacrifice of Cain and Abel 
- Cain murders Abel

C) Exodus
- Ten commandments  
- Pillar of cloud and fire 
- Parting of the red sea
- Moses goes up mount sinai    
- Carrying of the Ark of the covenant
- Israelites worship a calf

D) Samuel 
- Killing of Uriah   
- Saul pursues David   
- David and Goliath
- King Solomon and David 

E) Kings and Prophets 
- Jael kills Sisera    
- Samson and Delilah   
- Nebuchadnezzar reduced to an animal  
- Daniel in the den of lions


Video 1: A general and quick outline

Video 2: Slideshows feature

Main Features

a) Musical Slideshows

All the paintings which number about 1,000 are viewable various categories, the primary ones being the NEW and OLD Testaments. The intention is to mimic the museum experience as one walks from one work to the next. 

b) Primary division

Our primary division is between the testaments. Each has an average of 500 artworks painted by renaissance and other painters over the years. We have tried to ensure that you get the best quality while not compromising on upload speeds.

c) New Testament categories

 We have 22 categories focusing on the Ministry, Passion and Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We also have those on Mother Mary, Jesus Parables and Portraits of our Savior.

d) Old Testament

 We have 13 categories some of which are Garden of Eden, The Flood, Kings, David, Samson and other Judges etc. 

We generally ensure that we have High Definition (HD) paintings. Indeed, many can be found on the net, however our idea was to create a portable museum which you can feast your eyes on at any time. The HD nature ensures that, you enjoy the paintings as the original masters intended.

A sample of further works


This is a painting by Carl Bloch. It is a well known painting depicting the sermon on the mount. The bible references are to be found in all the gospels both synoptic gospels and John as well. The app depicts it well.


Also found in the gospels is this depiction of the Last supper by Leonardo Da Vinci. We use it as  a main category for the new testament as an introduction.


This serves well to depict the sermon on the plain and could also be used for the one on the mount as well.


Our savior carries his cross by Fetti, a renaissance painter.


This post first appeared on Bible Art Slideshows Museum App, please read the originial post: here

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1 An online biblical museum of art app
