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3 Christian Art Work App

Biblical artwork app



Batoni - The Prodigal Son
Luke 15:11-32

I think this is a beautiful depiction of a fathers love for his child. The son was greedy and impertinent, doing what is unconscionable, demanding ones birthright while the parents are living; I would say unforgivable. This is what is so wonderful about the parable, our father in heaven will forgive us anything for as long as we ask and are remorseful; remember, we are his creation and there is nothing he cannot see.


Battista - Handing the keys to St Peter
Matthew 16:19-21

And may the gates of Hell never overcome the Church. Despite that gnawing feeling that evil is winning, always remember the words of Sta Paul, where evil abounds (and the press, social media, internet etc is full of it), grace abounds the more. Evil cannot exist in the absence of good; evil is a parasite on the good. The press, social media and the internet, simply focus on evil and the good is left for you and I to find.


Bergers - Adoration
Matthew 2:1-12

  We all adore the savior.


Carravagio - The incredulity of St Thomas
John 20:24-31

"Doubting Thomas"


Carravagio - Conversion on the way to Damascus
Acts 9:1-19

  First you fall off your self righteous horse, then you start again. A beautiful story of self righteousness, turned to being downtrodden, then to being a Saint; God bless you Saul, our St Paul the Disciple to the gentiles!


Cavalier - Christ taken prisoner
Matthew 26:47-56

 Judas betrays the Lord with a kiss. A beautiful though painful depiction of Christs arrest.


Ciseri - Behold the man
John 19:1-20

  Pontius Pilate presents the Lord to the people. They bay for his blood, despite all the good works done during his ministry. If you feel betrayed by anyone, don't forget this moment our Lord endured.


Eugeniusz- Divine Mercy
Romans 9:1-33

 Also known as the fountain of mercy. Red is for blood that is the blood of our Savior, while the white depicts the water from his side that washes over us; thus the fountain of mercy.


Fetti- Veil of Veronica 
Isaiah 53:3-5

Christ, the suffering servant of all humanity. St Veronica wipes his face, as he heads to calvary. His face imprints on the cloth and it is preserved in the Vatican to this day. Wanna know more? Google it!


Gandolfi- Josephs dream
Matthew 1:16-25

I have always thought of Joseph as my personal hero. He must have gone through hell, trying to decide what to do with his pregnant wife by another man, yet still trying no to dishonor her; what a man! The painting depicts the angels explanation of the divinity of her pregnancy. 


Giovanni- Christ in Gethsemane
Mark 14:32-42

The agony in the garden of Gethsemane as our Lord looks towards what is to come.


Feti- David and Goliaths head
1 Samuel 17:34-58  

A remarkable story of courage and resilience in the face of extreme adversity. I have always imagined that to David, the event was a walk in the park. He was accustomed to killing Lions, Bears and other large animals using his sling. Goliath was simply another bear. It really shows that skill and character can only be obtained over time and with much effort.


Gerome- Moses on Mt Sinai Visiting with Yaweh
Exodus 19:1-6

  This occurred after the Israelites left Egypt. This was where much was learnt about the covenant between Yaweh and Israel. It is where the ten commandments were delivered, where the generation that left Israel was accursed to travel the desert for 40 years, where the community learnt the Pentateuch as written by Moses and many other landmarks.


Luca - The wise King Solomon Judges
1 Kings 3:16-29

This painting depicts the first judgement of Solomon. It truly demonstrated his wisdom; if you value something you would rather lose it and allow it to exist, than have it destroyed all together.


Mortynov- The witch of Endor
I Samuel 28:1-25

 This depicts Saul, Israel's first divinely appointed King, seeking the help of the prophet Samuel, who has since died. He seeks the aid of a witch, to reach into the realms of the dead to summon the soul of Samuel who does appear but angry with being disturbed. He follows to pass on his message to Saul, who goes on to lose his Kingdom to David


Memberger - 
The flood
Genesis 3:1-24

 The artist depicts a terrible scene, nowhere to go with water all around you. While we don't dwell much on how it must have been, the artist does give us food for thought.


Merwart- The Flood
Genesis 7:1-24

 A poignant representation of the harrowing nature of the flood. This could be a wife, daughter or mother being hoisted from the waters, but its an exercise in futility.

Moeyart- Jeroboam introduces idol worship

1 Kings 12:25-33

When Jeroboam was the King of Israel while Rehoboam (Solomon s Son) was King of Judah. Jews generally all worshiped in the temple in Jerusalem on major feasts e.g Passover. To stop the yearly migration to the temple from the North, Jeroboam introduced Idol worship, fearful of losing political power to the Southern Kingdom.


Natoire- Adam and Eve expelled 
Gen 3:21-24

Its their fault right? Well, we are likely to have done the same if it was us. The first couple are expelled.


This post first appeared on Bible Art Slideshows Museum App, please read the originial post: here

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