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10 Institutions With The Best MBA Programs in The World


Are you looking for a master’s degree major that can bring about a positive career change for you? Maybe you can consider studying for an MBA abroad.

The MBA program is one of the most popular postgraduate programs in the world because it allows students to do three things: get promoted, increase salary, and change industries.

The MBA major also provides access to an alumni network that can enhance job prospects and collaboration opportunities.

MBA is not the only postgraduate program that falls under the umbrella of business science.

Because of this, you may still doubt whether an MBA is a right program for you. As a general guide, the MBA program is the ideal program for:

  • Business people looking to gain additional skills;
  • Manager-level employees who want to move up to the executive level;
  • Top-level executives are seeking academic qualifications to complement their experience as leaders in the workforce.

Meanwhile, other business master’s programs are usually ideal programs for:

  • People who want to practice specific skills and focus on 1 specific area;
  • Recent graduates who have not had extensive business experience;
  • Students who are more theory-oriented and interested in becoming researchers in their chosen field.

If you feel that an MBA major is the right major for you, you can start planning your studies by choosing a place to study abroad.

To help your planning, this time, I will discuss the institutions that are ranked in the top 10 full-time MBA programs (full-time) in the world based on the QS World University Rankings: Global MBA Rankings 2021 list.

Come on, see the following explanation!

10. UC Berkeley – Haas School of Business, United States of America

Program Duration: 21 Months

UC Berkeley Haas is the second oldest business school in the United States and a Global Network for Advanced Management member.

The institution is located in Silicon Valley, so the educational philosophy of its MBA program is heavily influenced by the rapidly evolving technology ecosystem.

Technology, management consulting, finance, and retail are the industries that recruit the most MBA students from UC Berkeley Haas.

The three regions most alums of the UC Berkeley Haas MBA program work after graduation are North America, Latin America, and Asia.

9. IE Business School, Spain

Program Duration: 11 Months

MBA students at IE Business School can choose to take the English route or the bilingual route (English & Spanish)

About 45% of this MBA program can be personalized so that each student can learn things that suit their individual needs.

IE Business School has a Liquid Learning concept that uses the latest educational methodologies and technology to ensure every student gets a better education.

The institution’s Women in Tech mentorship program connects MBA students with female mentors in the technology industry.

8. Columbia University – Columbia Business School, United States

Program Duration: 20 Months

Columbia Business School is one of the Ivy League business schools with an excellent reputation in finance.

MBA students at this institution can replace core courses with elective ones. However, they must first prove their expertise in these core courses.

MBA students at Columbia Business School will be grouped into a Learning Team of approximately five students. They will work in groups to complete assignments from all core courses.

Some of the notable alums of this institution are Mitch Albom, Warren Buffett & Noor Pahlavi.

Also, read about what is an MBA degree.

7. London Business School, England

Program Duration: Flexible

The MBA program at London Business School allows students to choose one of 3 study durations: 15, 18, or 21 months.

About 92% of MBA students at this institution are international students.

MBA students at this institution can take the London CAP (Core Application Practicum), a course that will place 4-5 students in a local company/organization where they will work as project consultants for ten weeks.

The majority of alums of the MBA program at London Business School find employment in the UK (42%), Asia (16%), and North America (13%).

6. INSEAD, France & Singapore

Program Duration: 10 Months

INSEAD has two campuses in Paris & Singapore. The institution is known for its expertise in the Asian region and companies in Asia.

The curriculum of this institution is divided into five periods of 8 weeks each.

On average, MBA students at INSEAD are 29 years old with around 5-6 years of work experience.

The MBA program at INSEAD requires applicants to be fluent in at least two languages ​​(English and one other). INSEAD also requires students to master a third language as a graduation requirement.

5. HEC Paris, France

Program Duration: 16 Months

Most CEOs of Fortune 500 companies who have received an MBA in Europe are HEC Paris alums.

The curriculum of the MBA program at HEC Paris is divided into two phases. Students will learn core business skills over eight months in the Fundamental Phase. After that, they are free to design their educational program in the Customized Phase so they can learn things that suit their personal goals and aspirations.

HEC Paris has a tradition where MBA students will host the MBA Tournament, a sporting competition event that is participated by MBA students from 15 institutions.

60% of MBA students at HEC Paris manage to find work while participating in official campus activities.

Also, read about the recommendations for MBA Programs in the United States.

4. Harvard University – Harvard Business School, United States of America

Program Duration: 21 Months

Harvard Business School is known for its educational method using case studies. In this method, students will discuss real problems faced by the best managers in the world and find solutions to these problems.

Approximately 50% of students at this institution receive scholarships based on their personal needs.

According to the Pitchbook 2020 Rankings, the MBA program at Harvard Business School is the program that produces the most female start-up founders.

The majority of alums of the MBA major at Harvard have found employment in the finance industry (34%), consulting (24%), & technology (19%).

3. MIT – MIT Sloan School of Management, United States of America

Program Duration: 2 Years

The MBA major at MIT Sloan is a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) MBA, which means the program is designed to teach business skills in STEM fields. Unlike other MBA programs, graduates of the STEM MBA program have the opportunity to attend OPT for 36 months in the US.

MBA students at this institution only need to take core courses in the first semester. They are free to design their study path in the following semesters.

The MBA program at MIT Sloan has three specialization tracks: Finance Track, Entrepreneurship & Innovation Track, and Enterprise Management Track.

Applicants for the MBA program at this institution are not required to have a TOEFL score certificate. Applicants’ English fluency will be assessed from the results of the verbal section on the GMAT/GRE test and during the student admissions interview session.

2. University of Pennsylvania – Wharton School, United States of America

Program Duration: 21 Months

The MBA program at Wharton is known for its comprehensive finance curriculum. Another uniqueness of this institution’s curriculum is that MBA students must attend a pre-study program before starting the first year.

Some of the notable alums of this institution are Sundar Pichai, Ruth Porat & Peter Lynch.

Wharton provides three interdisciplinary MBA programs and 12 dual-degree MBA programs.

98.5% of Wharton’s MBA program graduates receive post-graduation job offers. Some companies that accept MBA graduates from Wharton include Amazon, Apple, Boston Consulting Group, Credit Suisse, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, McKinsey & Tesla Motors.

1. Stanford University – Stanford Graduate School of Business, USA

Program Duration: 21 Months

The MBA program at Stanford is the most selective in the world. Admissions staff at this institution typically look for students with intellectual energy, proven leadership qualities, and a real contribution.

The most popular elective course at the Stanford MBA is ‘Interpersonal Dynamics,’ a course designed to develop students’ ability to forge strong relationships with others in an organizational/company context.

Stanford’s curriculum for the MBA program requires students to have global experience by participating in programs such as the Global Management Immersion Experience (GMIX), Global Explorations, & the Stanford-Tsinghua Exchange Program (STEP).

The majority of alums of the MBA major at Stanford work in the finance industry (33%), technology (24%), & consulting (18%).

The post 10 Institutions With The Best MBA Programs in The World appeared first on Primavera Reader.

This post first appeared on Technology And Project Management, please read the originial post: here

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10 Institutions With The Best MBA Programs in The World
