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Louisville KY Alt-Duo Feral Vices Take On Abusive Religious Systems On New Single “Lock & Key” @ – Armessa Music News

New York, NY (Top40 Charts) Louisville KY alternative rock duo Feral Vices has dropped a new single titled “Lock and Key.”
Lead vocalist and guitarist Alexander Hoagland says, “‘Lock & Key’ is about the abusive religious systems that I think a lot of us grew up in where leaders were taking advantage of their positions for money, power, sex, or some combination of those. Being in that world, you’re taught that this is a blessing or that is a blessing when in reality you’re being taken advantage of and are forced to experience the evils of it alone because once you start tugging at the strings of that, the whole system falls apart. It’s a very hard and lonely place to be even though you’re surrounded by people and I think that makes it even harder to get out of or acknowledge the reality of. So, this song was my way of talking about that and processing it for myself.”

As a two-piece alternative rock band out of Louisville, KY, Feral Vices has created a sound and feel all their own. Drawing from influences ranging from Queens of the Stone Age to Refused to The Jesus Lizard and even The Dillinger Escape Plan, lead singer and guitarist Alexander Hoagland and drummer Justin Cottner bring a feel to the world of two-piece bands not yet well tread. Constantly touring and releasing new music, the prolific duo has earned spots on the stage with bands like Four Year Strong, Microwave, Save Face, and more. As well as having their song “Mass Produce Your Revolution” as the end credits to the Scott Adkins and Ray Stevenson film “Accident Man: Hitman’s Holiday”, Feral Vices is a band to keep an eye on.

Artwork: Sara Jean / @greaterthanokay





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// Here we run a very simple test of the Graph API after login is
// successful. See statusChangeCallback() for when this call is made.
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Louisville KY Alt-Duo Feral Vices Take On Abusive Religious Systems On New Single “Lock & Key” @ – Armessa Music News


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