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Sonya Lorelle – Into The Wild [Album Review]


Sonya Lorelle lays bare her soul in “Into The Wild,” and I find myself profoundly touched by the depth of her sincerity.

In her highly anticipated fourth album, Sonya Lorelle embarks on a captivating journey, weaving together a tapestry of ten deeply evocative songs. Each of these tracks delves into the intricate labyrinth of grief, an emotion that unites us all in its universal embrace. 

What truly sets this album apart is its raw, unfiltered honesty, a fearless portrayal that exposes the very essence of her being. It’s a musical odyssey that speaks from the depths of the heart, fearlessly exploring a diverse range of genres while evoking the spirit of a Carol King-esque aura while imprinting her unique signature onto every note and lyric.

The album gracefully opens with “Surrender,” a breathtaking debut single that serves as a testament to Lorelle’s avant-garde prowess and encapsulates the grandeur of a Bond-esque epic. In its soul-stirring verses, it gently captures the raw vulnerability experienced when we lose someone dear. For me personally, it’s not just a track; it’s an emotional powerhouse that not only sets the stage but invites you to an emotionally charged journey that lies ahead.

While the album undoubtedly carries both lyrical and sonic weight, it also has melancholic moments. It’s Time” is one such instance where the music becomes a soothing balm for the soul. Then there’s “Whiskey Crying,” a contest-winning traditionalist country gem that adds depth and variety to the record. 
Furthermore, “Who Am I” takes a similar approach, evoking a sound reminiscent of the timeless tunes in Dolly Parton’s “Jolene.”

The melodies woven throughout this album are often rich and full, creating a complex and enchanting soundscape. Yet, amidst this lush musical tapestry, there’s a hidden gem waiting to be uncovered. “Drunk On Your Kisses” is a raw and beautifully intimate piece, a testament to Lorelle’s remarkable ability to convey profound emotions with simplicity.

Below is a rating for each song on a scale of 1-10:

“Surrender” – 7

“Want This Life” – 6

“Losing You” – 8

“What You Gonna Do” – 7

“You’d Be Sorry” – 6

“It’s Time” – 8

“Who Am I” – 7

“In to The Wild” – 7

“Whiskey Crying” – 7

“Drunk On Your Kisses” – 8

SCORE/EXCELLENT: “Into The Wild” is an album that takes you on an emotional rollercoaster, traversing the depths of grief and painting a vivid musical portrait of the human experience.

(We rank albums on a scale of: Poor, Mediocre, Good, Excellent, Outstanding).

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Sonya Lorelle – Into The Wild [Album Review]
