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Los Cuadernos De Julia Blog

The writer and translator Julia Shuvalova blogs about Literature, Cinema, Art, Music, and Photography. The blog is rich in illustrations, as well as audio and video material.
Following THE INTERVIEW of the century (Tucker Kalrson and Vladimir Putin), I want to point you to some posts on this blog that illustrate or analyze Russian history. Being an historian who… Read More
Since Tuesday it’s been abnormally cold in Moscow. Last time the temperature was so low in 2016 when it fell down to -33. This year it hasn’t gone below -30 at night, but -27 in… Read More
Psychologists today talk a lot about our “resource”. You either need to build it, or to maintain it and, if worst comes to worst, to recover it. Resourcefulness, overall, is para… Read More
I wish us, dear friends and readers, a good year. I won’t call it happy or prosperous, although I certainly want it to be such. But not all things can be foreseen, whereas goodness nee… Read More
I wish all my readers who celebrate Christmas today a lovely and peaceful festive season. May you and your near and dear stay warm and safe, and may the Eternal Light shine on you in all its… Read More
Today is Christmas Eve in the countries that celebrate it on December 25th. As for me, this time has marked, for the past few years, the period of celebrations that end on January 7th. I cel… Read More
Today the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the Day of St Nicholas. In Europe, his day falls on December 6th; and in Russia it is otherwise called the Wintry Nikola Day. There is also the S… Read More
I don’t often write about my birthday on this blog. I am very grateful to all my Russian and some foreign friends who sent their greetings. I spent this day with my father at the perfo… Read More
Today I gave a masterclass on working with different kinds of sources when writing a Wikipedia-style article. Earlier in 2023 I have become a member of Znanie Society, which used to be a hig… Read More
Since last year I’ve been taking part in different academic events. Last year I had a paper on the pictorial fate of Wales, from Richard Wilson to William Turner, and I had an article… Read More
Another important aspect of December 31st was always a last-minute cleaning. I have recently written a text about residential and office cleaning in the Crimea, Russia; and me writing it in… Read More
One of my most vivid childhood memories is that of decorating a New Year tree. It was still the Soviet times, so we barely mentioned Christmas/Nativity. Instead, the whole country celebrated… Read More
My last year’s Christmas Tree Challenge has brought me a lot of traffic, thanks to Pinterest. Most importantly, it has inspired me to carry out November Thanks series of posts featurin… Read More
“Find Love…, and Love will come looking for you” I love this line from Paul McCartney’s Young Boy. It succinctly tells about the principal source of all bountiful th… Read More
Warmth is something we take for granted. A house should be warm, and so should our tea and meals, and winter clothes, and a hot water bottle. Little do we think, though, about the warmth of… Read More
Of all things I’m most thankful for I’d single out the friends that I acquired after 2014. The year when the Crimea reunited with Russia, a massacre in Odessa happened and a Mala… Read More
In expressing our gratitude we should not lose the sight of one, most curious fact. We thank God and the Universe for providing us with opportunities. We are capable of thanking ourselves fo… Read More
Britain celebrated Remembrance Day, and I wrote on my Russian Telegram channel about it. November 11th was first marked in 1919 by the decree of King George V. Since then, and especially aft… Read More
I’m moderating my first mastermind, and this is a new thing for me. I can see where I’m falling back on my previous managerial experience, and what aspects of it need improving… Read More
My gratitude note is short today. I’m grateful for the quiet inspiration that spurred me to make a good progress on my work. We have come to think of inspiration as a bout of madness t… Read More
November 7th used to be widely celebrated as the birth of the Soviet State. It was considered a benign democratic antidote to the tzarist system. If we take seriously the fact that the three… Read More
Today I spent a fairly hectic day. I gave three classes, wrote some prose and posts, recorded a couple of extracts from Kazuo Ishiguro’s An Artist of the Floating World. I’ve had… Read More
I was hoping to spend the long weekend relaxing. Instead I had to go shopping and do some things about the house; and tomorrow I’m teaching. Yet I’m grateful to be able to work a… Read More
On the Day of National Unity our gratitude goes to the patriotic spirit of the 17th century Russian citizens. A chain of ill-thought events following the death of Boris Godunov led to the Mo… Read More
Today, my gratitude goes to Nature. Its wisdom is such that it always reminds us that all periods of our life are intrinsically interconnected. The seeds of maturity and old age are sown in… Read More
Today I’m grateful to my positive thinking. I’m trying to be an informed optimist, which entails a good understanding of life and people. My positive mood is generated by my awar… Read More
I’m starting another challenge here. I see that you liked Christmas Tree challenge I had in December last year. So now I’m going to take you for a pumpkin ride! November starts w… Read More
If Marylin Monroe had been alive, she would definitely visit Mr President, if in disguise. I recently saw the play The Insignificance at the Oleg Tabakov Theatre, and if Marylin were able to… Read More
I shall especially remember this year’s Teacher’s Day. You see, despite the fact that I’d been teaching foreign languages for several years, my students weren’t parti… Read More
There were many events dedicated to the International Children’s Day in Russia. Indeed children are the future of any country, all the more so in Russia due to the country’s trad… Read More
Back in 2007, when I worked at my first Advertising agency, I had to research into national holidays in different countries. For example, the International Women’s Day is a day-off in… Read More
A historical moment: Uganda passes the anti-gay law, to protect African children from paedophilia and LGBTQ+ The post Uganda Passes the Anti-Gay Law appeared first on Los Cuadernos de Julia Read More
On March 22nd, 2023, Belarus marks the 80th anniversary of annihilation of Khatyn village - one of nearly 5,000 villages that suffered the same fate during the Russian phase of the Second Wo… Read More
The days are getting longer. I now finish some of the days in broad daylight – a far cry from the bleak midwinter. On such days I want to have my own cute and cozy balcony where I coul… Read More
It’s hard to believe how many things can happen in a relatively short period of time. On March 8th, I went to see an exhibition of works of Igor Grabar dedicated to the artist’s… Read More
The abnormally low temperatures in Moscow have brought spectacularly bright sunsets. The red glow against the frozen sky amazes and terrifies the viewer. Like I wrote a few years ago, the te… Read More
I’ve chosen the religious name for Russian Christmas this year. Indeed, I wanted to stress the religious aspect of this holiday in Russia. So many people visit churches on January 6th… Read More
It’s been -27 in Moscow all day on January 6th. On a day like this one wants to stay home and to watch the life going by… As I’m writing this, there are some fireworks out… Read More
Minus 27 is forecast in Moscow this weekend. This doesn’t sound particularly exciting, and I’m bracing myself and my dogs. But… it’s good and wholesome. Frost is a c… Read More
After January 1st Russians begin to prepare to the holiday of Nativity of Jesus Christ. It is interesting to observe the difference in traditions and approaches to the celebration of the tur… Read More
My 2023 was anything but uneventful. We celebrated the 25th anniversary of finishing school and the 20th anniversary of graduating from the Moscow State University. It was also the 25th anni… Read More
The Christmas tree decorations stir imagination and produce the spell-binding effect on children and adults alike. In my childhood we used to set the tree on the last day of December. In fac… Read More
I’m still bouncing after yesterday, and I’m excited about the new developments. I had 3 classes today, and I’m all but ready for the new year 2023. I haven’t decorate… Read More
I spent today at the ArtPlay creative quarter in Moscow. I had a fantastic photo session in a studio with a photographer. ArtPlay itself is a fantastic place and I hope to have more time to… Read More
It wasn’t a particularly eventful day by any account. I spent it giving final lessons to some of the students whom I will see in January 2023. But I was preparing to something more exc… Read More
I spent Christmas Day on December 25th walking around Moscow. My friend and I rambled the streets in the city centre that had been decorated almost as lavishly as before. This year the Musco… Read More
Christmas Day has arrived, and I want all of you who celebrate it today to have a very warm-hearted season. Please keep close to your near and dear, support each other, yet do not forget to… Read More
As I’m narrating a Christmas story on the mentioned Telegram channel, I vividly realise what importance the story of Nativity had for the people of the past. Their world was indeed reb… Read More
Yesterday we celebrated the victory of Argentina at the FIFA World Cup in Qatar. I also attended a meeting with my colleagues when we drew a line to our 3-month course together. It was a gre… Read More
Christmas Calendar is a Telegram channel dedicated to celebration of Nativity of Jesus and other winter festivals in arts throughout history The post Christmas Calendar Festival in Telegram… Read More
This year there’s a lot of talk about the Transition into 5D. I don’t follow it much but I acknowledge that something is about to happen. The energy flow is palpable, and people… Read More
As we’re getting closer to December 25th, and I’m going further along the list of my personal wishes for different spheres of life for 2023, I decided to add some whizz to the Xm… Read More
When I started this glittering challenge a fortnight ago, I didn’t think of what I’d write in each post. Now, of course, I’m beginning to think of it; for instance, what if… Read More
The show has returned to Moscow after two days of thaw. The city is falling asleep to the magical lullaby, and the lush snowflakes are gently covering the ground, and cars, and houses, and… Read More
An astrologer friend and I had a live stream today when we discussed the trends for 2023. Interestingly, she said that the events of 2022 had been forecast for the year 2025, yet “than… Read More
Yesterday Moscow was covered with the snow. I had to go out shopping, and both times I came back looking like a snowman. Incidentally, snowmen don’t live long these days. They last for… Read More
I thought I wouldn’t write much in this post, for the picture should say it all. I feel happy and blessed, and the year ahead feels magical and opulent. Many thanks to each and everyon… Read More
As time goes, I think it was the most fortuitous event to have been born on December 9th. Two weeks later there’s Christmas holiday on December 25th, and just a little later – th… Read More
Decorating an Xmas tree is always a labour of love, for you cannot just throw baubles around and stick the garland on top. This festive tree is going to set the tone for the year ahead, so i… Read More
I strongly believe that Xmas trees should astonish children and adults alike. Whether by their sheer size or their grandiose decorations, they should make an indelible impression, for this i… Read More
Apparently, metallic silver is back in fashion, so I chose this photo with metallic bronze Xmas tree toys. There’s a couple of similar toys in the form of pine cones in my collection… Read More
What do you think when you look at a Christmas tree? Do you remember your childhood or youth if you’re an adult? Or does something specific spring to mind, like a toy or a dish or a re… Read More
This time I am engulfed with some nostalgia for my English Christmases. I loved the rather solemn gathering of crowds in Manchester city centre in front of the Town Hall. We all waited for t… Read More
This time I am engulfed with some nostalgia for my English Christmases. I loved the rather solemn gathering of crowds in Manchester city centre in front of the Town Hall. We all waited for t… Read More
Another day, another tree, this time in a traditional home setting. I had two rather dire Christmases in my life, in 2008 and 2009. If you browse the blog’s calendar, you’ll find… Read More
To lift our spirits and put us in the mood for upcoming festivities, I decided to make daily posts with Christmas trees. We aren’t celebrating the festival widely due to the special mi… Read More
We never like it when it rains on our parade. Yet apparently it’s quite different when it snows. Snow causes rapture and brings happiness. In many Russian cities, including Moscow, peo… Read More
In the last 10 years I barely visited my friends. I was out of reach due to work; and I gave some lessons at my students’ homes, so I kind of had enough of home visits. This year thing… Read More
This year I’ve got lots of classes. People want to learn English and French, two students are preparing for their A-levels, younger students are eager to acquire new skills. I’m… Read More
Russia is moving from the servile copying of liberalism to creating the Russian national state and the renaissance of the Russian empire The post An Empire Reborn appeared first on Los Cuade… Read More
Following the referenda in four parts of the now former Ukraine, we are waiting for the ratification of historic documents tomorrow. The sunset tonight signifies the glimpse of hope that alw… Read More
After today's attack on Nord Stream it is clear: the powers-that-be are working hard to speed a bitter end for Germany and European industry. The post The End of Germany? appeared first on… Read More
You can now follow my blog in Telegram, the link in the post. I'll be sharing old posts there, and I plan to do live streams. The post My Blog Archive in Telegram appeared first on Los Cuade… Read More
Phos Hilaron is considered the first church hymn in a proper sense. It was sung every evening. In the video it is sung by the Valaam monks. The post Saturday Music: Phos Hilaron appeared fir… Read More
It is indeed the time to move to Russia and to bring over your "traditional" European or American heritage. The post Time to Move to Russia appeared first on Los Cuadernos de Julia Read More
This is the view I had today from my window. You’ve seen my sunset cloudscapes before, now here’s something I occasionally see in broad daylight. My previous week was all about c… Read More
This is the view I had today from my window. You’ve seen my sunset cloudscapes before, now here’s something I occasionally see in broad daylight. My previous week was all about c… Read More

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Los Cuadernos de Julia
