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Artists / Creatives: How to create a cool email signature

Artists / Creatives: How To Create A Cool Email Signature

My new pal, Thea, from (THE CHARMED STUDIO) has all kinds of great tips for creatives.

She has a great post on creating an email signature that leave a great impression and give that usually “dead space” at the end of an email a new pop of color.

Use it as a marketing tool and provide a little more (unobtrusive) info in your emails.

READ THE POST (I urge you to check out her blog for numerous great tips!)

Here’s one I made using Canva (love love love Canva!)

Just choose “email signature” template and get creative!

This post first appeared on Learn How To Paint With Acrylics, please read the originial post: here

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Artists / Creatives: How to create a cool email signature
