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Sandeep Marwah Will Represent India In Trilateral Global Summit Blog

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Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios will represent Republic of India in second edition of Trilateral Global Summit scheduled on the 16th of June 2021 via online platform. The summit is being organized by the founder and Chairman of “World Humanitarian Drive (WHD)” Dr Abdul Basit Syed, a world renowned British Indian social activist and entrepreneur. He is a global influencer campaigning for peace, unity and equality of access, regularly engaging over 50 countries to create international impact. Trilateral Global Summit is a “Platform of different country Leaders, Diplomats, Corporate Heads, Policy makers, Investors and Influencers from different fields to demonstrate their ideas to strengthen their global ties for investments and knowledge sharing access especially at this difficult time of global pandemic. Dr. Sandeep Marwah is seven times World Record Holder in media. He is the founder of Noida Film City, Chancellor of AAFT University of Media And Arts, Chief Scout For India, National Chairman of Media And Entertainment Committee Ministry of Consumer Affairs Government of India, President International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry and has been titled many times as Global Cultural Minister. Few of the eminent guests in the summit include HE Anthony Carmona 5th President of Trinidad and Tobago, HE Madhav Kumar Nepal 34th Prime Minister of Nepal, H.E. Anneli Jäätteenmäki 39th Prime Minister of Finland, Hon. Mani Shankar Aiyar MP Former Minister of India, Prof Dr. Arben Malaj MP Former Minister Finance Albania, Sheikha Hend bint Faisal Al Qasimi Princess of UAE, Dr Andrew Nevin Partner & Chief Economist PWC Nigeria, Datuk. Amer Bukvic, CEO Bosna Bank International, Bosnia, and Hon Dr KJ Purshotham Honorary Consul of Macedonia.

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Sandeep Marwah will Represent India in Trilateral Global Summit
