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VENNA Shares 'Sugar Venom' EP - @iam_venna

VENNA Shares 'Sugar Venom' EP - @iam_venna


VENNA Shares 'Sugar Venom' EP
In 2020, Shay Esposito rebranded as VENNA in order to further commit to the vision and style of what she wanted her brand and her music to be. She continues to grow as a musician and writer while she focuses on her dream and plans for her promising future in music. Her new Sugar Venom EP is an honest look into the heart of toxic power dynamics.

The five songs revolve around the idea of toxic, aggressive love. Drawing from the metaphysical motif of discovery and conquest – in this case, regarding the nature of people to seek dominance and power even in such a calm joy as love – Sugar Venom attempts to delve into the heart of toxic power dynamics and the desperate desire to control the ones we love in order to remain invulnerable to abandonment and betrayal.

Same as the others, focus track "V." was inspired by toxic relationship dynamics. As the final track (or the first, if you're looking at the track list) of Sugar Venom, "V." combines each of the other four songs and becomes introspective, even apologetic, though it's clear the apology is not a promise of change, and the cycle will continue.

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This post first appeared on FADED4U, please read the originial post: here

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VENNA Shares 'Sugar Venom' EP - @iam_venna
