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Sifat Dan Karakter Nama Cici

Sifat Dan Karakter Nama Cici

Sifat Dan Karakter Nama Cici: Meaning in different languages Cici in Greek means sparkling white. Nature and character: The name Cici symbolizes a skilled, tenacious, and competent person. He was meek and generous in matters of money. By nature, this person is a speaker and speech giver because of his instinctive talent.

Cici is a girl’s name. Cici is the best choice for a first name. Cici Faradillah, Cici Justari, Cici Paramida, Cici Carnasih, Cici Padmasari, and so on. Most are in Bandung, Garut, Tasikmalaya, Bogor, and Brebes, Indonesia. Cici represents a skilled, tenacious, and competent individual. In terms of money, he was meek and generous. Because of his natural talent, this person is a natural speaker and public speaker.

Personality in numerology The name “Cici” has a number of digits:

C = 3
I = 9
C = 3
I = 9

The total amount is 24: So according to numerology studies, the name “Cici” has a responsible, protective, caring, social, balanced, sympathetic personality.

Name of popular character/figure In Indonesia, the names of figures and professions such as Sharif Cicip Sutardjo (Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries KIB II (2011-2014)), Cici Paramida (Dangdut Singer)

Name of famous artist/celebrity/figure whose name contains the word “Cici” Cicilia Martha, Cici Tegal, Cici Panda, Cici Faramida, Tamara Ciciel

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Sifat Dan Karakter Nama Cici
