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The use of sound effects in theatre has evolved dramatically from the early 20th century to the present day, shaping the way audiences experience live performances. What began as simple, rud… Read More
Vale – Frank Castel
I was saddened to hear of the passing of a friend and a great audio guy, A good friend and an excellent sound engineer. I met him at high school. At the time he was playing bass guit… Read More
Lighting design in theatre, dance, and opera plays a crucial role in enhancing the mood, atmosphere, and storytelling of a performance. It involves the creative and technical process of usin… Read More
Richard Pilbrow, a pioneering lighting designer and theatre consultant, passed away on December 6, 2023, at the age of 90 after a brief battle with cancer. Pilbrow’s impactful career b… Read More
Well, the Adelaide Fringe is approaching at a rapid rate. But a couple of things have come to my attention, one being venues that have no technical resources. This is a worrying trend. Surel… Read More
Normally at this time of the year I am finishing the lighting designs and arranging staff for the Adelaide Fringe at one of Adelaide’s well-known theatres, the Bakehouse. Well, this ye… Read More
Well after COVID and one of the main venues I work at has been closed permanently, I fell in a sort of funk. Theatre went to the back, and I struggled with trying to get back into the stream… Read More
Eventec Acquires LSW
As of today June 09, 2022 Eventec has acquired LSW. The LSW trading name and its brands and distribution rights has been acquired by Eventec. They are currently in a transitioning phase and… Read More
Well, it seems that with COVID being around so long, that theatre has turned to streaming of their productions. People sit in their homes in their pajama’s watching the latest producti… Read More
How many years have mobile phones been around? How many years have we been telling audiences to either turn them off or onto silence ot of respect to others. Yet the same thing keeps happeni… Read More
As the local arts festivals get closer and companies are busy rehearsing their productions, the “would you work for free” rears its ugly head. We see this every year; the cast is… Read More
So the Adelaide Fringe next year will look a lot different. A lot fewer acts, about 800 it seems compared to the usual 1100. This could mean more audience to see them, they won’t be sp… Read More
As an audience, we sit there immersed in the show, and the sound washes over us. The audio seems so perfect we don’t really notice it, as good audio should be. Why is the audio so… Read More
In South Australia, we are seeing the return of theatre. But only the state-run theatre company at a state-funded venue. It seems no other venue is really open, and there are no stage produc… Read More
Feels comfortable like slippers, but also has that nice new car feel. The “refurbished” theatre is a nice space. It feels like a new theatre but still hangs onto its atmosphere… Read More
Martin ELP LED ellipsoidal fixtures deliver the luminance, brightness and vivid color rendering that have been synonymous with the Martin name for more than 30 years. Martin ELP WW IP offers… Read More
Coming Soon! MagicQ MQ500M Stadium console gives designers and programmers greater flexibility at the highest level of show control, incorporating a robust array of software features that su… Read More
Stars, Shadows And Sunrises
A director’s musing on lighting By Matthew Chapman It was back in 2012, between university degrees and ready to take on the world, that I first set foot inside a professional the… Read More
MagicQ MQ50 Compact Console
From Chamsys we have another lighting console in the Magic Q console range. They have recently released the MagicQ MQ50 Compact. This is MagicQ MQ50 is part of the new generation of com… Read More
Excited to announce that I will have a few guest writers that are putting together some neat articles on the importance of the technical elements within a production. Everybody from director… Read More
Documenting Your Design: Lighting
As a lighting designer, we need to make sure our lighting design is fully documented. We need to make sure all paperwork is always up to date. This is useful for troubleshooting, touring of… Read More
LSC Lighting News
Covid-19  has affected every company in the world one way or another and LSC Lighting is no different. Many of the impacts of the pandemic are still to be felt but like many other organ… Read More
Book Club For Theatre Folk
Well with so much downtime, I have decided to revisit my library. I have a fairly good range of books. So, I have decided to re-read some of these books and revisit some of the knowledge I l… Read More
Please assist the wonderful folk at SupportAct. They exist to help all people in the entertainment industry. The video is by the John Foreman’s Aussie Pops Orchestra is indictive of ho… Read More
So how are you coping? What measures have you taken to get through these tough times? In these times it is important that we look after our physical and mental wellbeing. We need to look wit… Read More
We at Rambling are pleased to announce that the occasional article will now appear in TheatreArtLife. We are very happy to have articles published at TheatreArt Life, this will also increase… Read More
Nuts And Bolts Workshop (Australia)
Hi fellow theatre folk. As we are all in the same boat with the virus, I would thought I would offer some online workshops to help others get skills and for me to also learn from others. The… Read More
We all must have theatre gripes, those things that are annoying but sometimes we do not have enough time to solve them. Or some things that cast or directors do, that don’t seem to mak… Read More
Well, we have survived the first few weeks. But I imagine we are all thinking, surely it will improve sooner rather than later. I have a feeling the virus is going to be a problem for a lot… Read More
With Corona virus shutting all venues down and technicians etc becoming unemployed, we need to keep our skills levels up. Not only to keep us occupied but in readiness for when the venues sl… Read More
Saw this little article in the job section of our local paper, one of the Murdoch gutter papers. Now we in the industry probably know one or two sound designers. But are they earning a… Read More
Again Adelaide has been graced with the traveling tech roadshow. This has become a regular feature on the entertainment technicians’ calendar. This is a chance to network and also to… Read More
Well, it is Fringe time.  The time of little sleep and trying to keep 3 or 4 shows in your head at one time. Just remembering all of their names can be a problem, especially if they are… Read More
I am sure we all have had a show that has had a few problems on the night. Lights stop working, an audio track does not play, the curtain gets stuck. Have we as technicians got a plan B, or… Read More
For the next 3 years, we will see the NW Group be the production partner for WOMADdelaide. So 2020, 2021 and 2022 will see the technical expertise of the NW Group on one of Australia’s… Read More
Well, it is that day again. It is rather sad in a way that we need a day to ask people, R U OK. We should be asking this question every day. We need to constantly make sure our work coll… Read More
Bleak Dot 2 News
It seems that the future for the Dot 2 is bleak. MA Lighting has ceased production of this model due to the fact that one of the critical components is no longer available. The key component… Read More
This is a thought that often crosses my mind. Should venues have a standard lighting rig, and then clients have to work with that basic design and then add only a few specials to create thei… Read More
Capture 2019 – What Is New?
For Capture 2019 we have focused on the lighting designer’s workflow. All user interface elements now remember their state – current selection, column widths and sorting. Wind… Read More
Our industry is moving along at a reasonable pace. There is new equipment, software etc that is coming out at regular intervals. The trick is finding the time to actually suss it out. We nee… Read More
Well this problem is making noise yet again. The sound of the phone ringing during a show. The audience has been asked by the Front of House staff to make sure their phones are off or at lea… Read More
They sit quietly in the audience with a stub of pencil making notes on the back of an electricity bill envelope or a small notepad if they get paid. That is the image most people think of wi… Read More
Eventec Has Some Exciting News To Share
Eventec have been appointed the exclusive Australian distributor for Antari Lighting and Effects. They already stock a vast range of Antari products and will now be stocking almost every mod… Read More
I received this book awhile ago from Focal Press, Taylor & Francis Group. It is written by Lynne Porter, who is the Resident Designer and Director of the theatre program at Fairfield Uni… Read More
Defend Our Opera House
The Iconic Opera HouseRacing NSW has gone beyond the pale with the concept of projecting images on the sails of the Sydney Opera House. These projections are just advertising. It is the barr… Read More
One of the most useful skills in the entertainment industry is the ability to roll cables correctly. None of this over elbow/shoulder stuff that you may have picked up from your parents. If… Read More
I turn to set up and tech a brass band concert on a Saturday at a local council venue. I have unlocked the space and set up some gear in readiness. They seem to be late in arriving. After wa… Read More
Having a drama teacher asking for the light to stop behind the performer as they moved around the stage. It took awhile to explain the law of physics and photons and lights waves worked. Sti… Read More
Learn your equipment. Get familiar with the equipment you are going to be using. See how to change the bulb, zoom the lens and how to focus. Get familiar where the controls are on the lanter… Read More
Recently had an overseas client that must have super-fast internet speeds. They relied on a cloud service to provide their backing tracks for their fringe show. In my mind this fraught with… Read More
That Time Of The Year -unsung Heroes
Adelaide has become a hive of activity. It is that crazy period where several major events happen. We have the Fringe Festival, Adelaide Festival of Arts, a major car race with associated co… Read More
Starting Out – Tip 2
A lot of venues, especially school based, have a standard lighting rig installed. The beauty of this is that you can turn on some nicely focused lighting for simple shows and presentations… Read More
LIGHTING Remember back to when you started out in technical theatre. How did you learn about the ins and out of the backstage magic. Often an old hand was around to show us the ropes, and it… Read More
Organised Chaos – The Bump In
Bump in day has arrived. So how smoothly it runs depends on how you plan it. You don’t want it to take longer than necessary as you do have an important deadline. Opening night is wha… Read More

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Ramblings of a Techie | Thoughts, opinions and rev
