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WoW Classic Fishing Guide

Here is World of Warcraft Classic Fishing guide. It will help beginners to succeed in the fishing profession. Also, it can be useful for old players because we included some tips and guidelines to make fishing levelling more effective. But we will start from the basics though.

Table of context

[ps2id url=’#How to Catch Fish in Classic WoW’]How to Catch Fish in Classic WoW[/ps2id]

[ps2id url=’#Fishing poles – Classic Fishing Guide’]Fishing poles – Classic Fishing Guide[/ps2id]

[ps2id url=’#Fishing Lures – Classic Fishing Guide’]Fishing Lures – Classic Fishing Guide[/ps2id]

[ps2id url=’#Leveling Classic Fishing Guide (from 1-300)’]Leveling Classic Fishing Guide (from 1-300)[/ps2id]

[ps2id url=’#Types of Fishing Locations and Fish Schools’]Types of Fishing Locations and Fish Schools[/ps2id]

[ps2id url=’#Learning Expert Fishing’]Learning Expert Fishing[/ps2id]
[ps2id url=’#Learning Artisan Fishing’]Learning Artisan Fishing[/ps2id]
[ps2id url=’#How to get rich with classic fishing?’]How to get rich with classic fishing?[/ps2id]
[ps2id url=’#WoW Classic Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza’]WoW Classic Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza[/ps2id]

[ps2id url=’#Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza prizes’]Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza prizes[/ps2id]

How to Catch Fish in Classic WoW[ps2id id=’How to Catch Fish in Classic WoW’/]

There is nothing particularly hard in it. But before you can do that you’ll need to learn the fishing profession. You can do that from fishermen and fishing trainers. Usually, you can meet them near waters in towns. And of course, at the Capital of your fraction. Anyway, we will tell you more about it further. Let’s stick to the fishing process itself.

After you learn fishing, buy a fishing rod (a basic Fishing Pole costs 23 copper). That will be enough to start. But you can also apply Shiny Bauble to the Fishing Pole, that will give you a buff and a slight advantage).

Come to the closest waters, equip the fishing rod, find fishing action in your spellbook (you can put this action to the action bar for your convenience) and press it. Then wait until the bobber starts splashing. That’s a signal, now right-click on your mouse and see what you’ve got. You may continue as many times as you like. Also, you’ll see that every successful through gives you one fishing skill point.

That’s the basics. But if you want to succeed you’ll need to learn more about WoW fishing. So continue reading our Classic Fishing Guide.

Fishing poles – Classic Fishing Guide[ps2id id=’Fishing poles – Classic Fishing Guide’/]

You will see that you can get better fishing equipment. To be sure there are five more advanced fishing poles, that will give bonuses to your fishing skill. That means that you can fish for a better fish even with a low level. Those fishing poles are:

Blump Family Fishing Pole +3 skill points. You can get it by completing the quest The Family and the Fishing Pole in Auberdine from Gubber Blump. (Minimum fishing level 1)
Strong Fishing Pole +5 skill points. You can purchase it from Fishing & Trade Supply merchants for 9 silver and 1 copper. (Minimum fishing level 10)
Big Iron Fishing Pole +20 skill points. There is about 5% chance to get it from Shellfish Trap in Desolace. (Minimum fishing level 100)
Nat Pagle’s Extreme Angler FC-5000 +25 skill points. Only Horder can get it by completing the quest Snapjaws, Mon! from Katoom the Angler in The Hinterlands. (Minimum fishing level 100)
Arcanite Fishing Pole +35 skill points. Rewarded from winning the Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza. (Minimum fishing level 300)

Fishing Lures – Classic Fishing Guide[ps2id id=’Fishing Lures – Classic Fishing Guide’/]

As you can see there is no some rod that will make an expert at once, You need to deserve it. Anyway, here is the list of classic fishing lures.

Shiny Bauble +25 skill points for 10 minutes. You can get it from Fishing & Trade Supply merchants for 50 copper. (Minimum fishing level 1)
Nightcrawlers +50 skill points for 10 minutes. You can get it from Fishing & Trade Supply merchants for 1 silver or as a drop from undead creatures. (Minimum fishing level 50)
Aquadynamic Fish Lens +50 skill points for 10 minutes. You need to complete Electropellers quest from Wizbang Cranktoggle in Auberdine. (Minimum fishing level 50)
Bright Baubles +75 skill points for 10 minutes. You can get it from Fishing & Trade Supply merchants for 2 silver and 50 copper. (Minimum fishing level 100)
Flesh Eating Worm +75 skill points for 10 minutes. It is a rare drop from Rotted One in Duskwood. (Minimum fishing level 100)
Aquadynamic Fish Attractor +100 skill points for 10 minutes. You can get it from Fishing & Trade Supply merchants or Engineers for 2 silver and 50 copper. (Minimum fishing level 100)

Also, there are some items that can increase your fishing skill. You can read about them here. We don’t want to stop on them as you can do well without obtaining them.

Leveling Classic Fishing Guide (from 1-300)[ps2id id=’Leveling Classic Fishing Guide (from 1-300)’/]

Now you know how to fish and what equipment to use. But also you should know that not all fishing spots are effective. Moreover, some of them better than others. But you need to come there with a matching level. If your skill doesn’t fit the fishing spot then you’ll see the error that you can’t fish there. So it is very useful to know where and when to fish.

Here you can see fishing pool locations and minimum skill requirements.

  • Alliance
    Fishing skill 1-55 – All starting zones
    Fishing skill 55-75 – Darkshore, Darnassus, Ironforge, Loch Modan, Stormwind City, Westfall
    Fishing skill 75-150 – Ashenvale, Duskwood, Hillsbrad Foothills, Redridge Mountains, Wetlands
    Fishing skill 150-225 – Alterac Mountains, Arathi Highlands, Desolace, Dustwallow Marsh, Stranglethorn Vale, Swamp of Sorrows, Thousand Needles
    Fishing skill 225-300 – Felwood, Feralas, The Hinterlands, Moonglade, Tanaris, Un’Goro Crater, Western Plaguelands
  • Horde
    Fishing skill 1-55 – All starting zones
    Fishing skill 55-75 – The Barrens, Orgrimmar, Silverpine Forest, Thunderbluff, Undercity
    Fishing skill 75-150 – Ashenvale, Stonetalon Mountains, Wetlands
    Fishing skill 150-225 – Alterac Mountains, Arathi Highlands, Desolace, Dustwallow Marsh, Stranglethorn Vale, Swamp of Sorrows, Thousand Needles
    Fishing skill 225-300 – Felwood, Feralas, The Hinterlands, Moonglade, Tanaris, Un’Goro Crater, Western Plaguelands

Sometimes you will need to know where to find the specific fish school. That’s not a problem as we made a list if them for you below.

Types of Fishing Locations and Fish Schools[ps2id id=’Types of Fishing Locations and Fish Schools’/]

There are two types of fishing schools in WoW Classic. Inland fish you can find in lakes, ponds, rivers, and streams. And coastal fish usually is at the coastal waters.

If you are up to catch a specific school you need to know where to find it. So here is a list of the most common locations for specific schools. We will start from the fish that you can catch from the first level and move on until the maximum level. Also, we write the best zone to fish for it, but that doesn’t mean you won’t catch anywhere else. The best means the highest success chance to catch it.

Classic Fishing Guide Starting at level 1

Deviate Fish – The Barrens (Oases)
Oily Blackmouth – Darkshore, Silverpine Forest (lake around Fenris Isle as well as Coastal), The Barrens, Westfall, Loch Modan (the Loch)
Raw Brilliant Smallfish – All 1-10 zones
Raw Longjaw Mud Snapper – Capitol Cities
Raw Rainbow Fin Albacore – Silverpine Forest, The Barrens, Westfall
Raw Sagefish – 1+ fishing: Loch Modan, Silverpine; 75+ fishing: Ashenvale, Hillsbrad Foothills, Stonetalon Mountains
Raw Slitherskin Mackerel – Durotar, Teldrassil

Starting at level 55

Firefin Snapper – Hillsbrad Foothills, Wetlands, Stonetalon (Cragpool Lake)
Raw Bristle Whisker Catfish – Ashenvale, Duskwood, Hillsbrad Foothills, Redridge Mountains, Stonetalon Mountains, Wetlands

Starting at level 130

Raw Greater Sagefish – Alterac Mountains, Stranglethorn Vale
Raw Mithril Head Trout – Alterac Mountains, Arathi Highlands, Desolace, Dustwallow Marsh, Stranglethorn Vale, Thousand Needles
Raw Rockscale Cod – Arathi Highlands, Desolace, Dustwallow Marsh, Stranglethorn Vale, Swamp of Sorrows

Starting at level 205

Raw Glossy Mightfish – 20% – Azshara, Feralas, Stranglethorn Vale (Jaguero Isle), Tanaris, The Hinterlands
Raw Nightfin Snapper – 25%: Azshara, Eastern Plaguelands, Felwood, Feralas (Jademir Lake), Moonglade, The Hinterlands, Un’goro Crater, Western Plaguelands, Winterspring. Special Requirements: Best time to catch: between midnight at 6 AM server time. Cannot catch at all between noon and 6 PM server time.
Raw Redgill – 40% – Azshara, Felwood, Feralas, The Hinterlands, Un’goro Crater, Western Plaguelands
Raw Spotted Yellowtail – 40%: Azshara, Feralas, Stranglethorn Vale (Jaguero Isle), Tanaris, The Hinterlands
Raw Summer Bass – 25%: Azshara (Bay of Storms; fishing 330/425); 10%: Azshara, Feralas, Stranglethorn Vale (Jaguero Isle), Tanaris, Hinterlands. Special Requirements: Only catchable between the Spring Equinox and Fall Equinox; never between midnight and 6 AM server time, except in Bay of Storms, Azshara. Switches places with Winter Squid.
Raw Sunscale Salmon – 25%: Azshara, Eastern Plaguelands, Felwood, Feralas (Jademir Lake), Moonglade, The Hinterlands, Un’goro Crater, Western Plaguelands, Winterspring. Special Requirements: Not catchable between midnight and 6 AM server time.
Stonescale Eel – Azshara, Feralas, Tanaris
Winter Squid – 25%: Azshara (Bay of Storms; fishing 330/425); 10%: Azshara, Feralas, Stranglethorn Vale (Jaguero Isle), Tanaris, Hinterlands. Special Requirements: Only catchable between the Fall Equinox (Sept 22 or 23) and Spring Equinox (March 19 or 20); never between midnight and 6 AM server time, except in Bay of Storms, Azshara. Switches places with Raw Summer Bass.

Starting at level 303

Raw Whitescale Salmon – 40%: Eastern Plaguelands, Feralas (Jademir Lake), Winterspring
Darkclaw Lobster – 45% – Azshara (Bay of Storms)
Large Raw Mightfish – 5% – Azshara (Bay of Storms)

If you read attentively, you may have noticed that there are some schools that spawn only at a particular time. So take that into account.

Learning Expert Fishing[ps2id id=’Learning Expert Fishing’/]

When you level up any profession you will see the first limit of skill points. It means that you cannot get higher than that until you widen your limit. Naturally, you will need to meet some requirements. The first one is that your character must be level 20. The second one is that your fishing skill must be 125. After that, you’ll see that you cannot learn expert fishing from just any fishing trainer. That’s because you need to buy a book Expert Fishing – The Bass and You. 

There is one particular NPC that sells this book. He is located in Booty Bay under the tavern and his name is Old Man Heming (fisherman). He will sell you the book for 1 gold, so be ready for that.

After you read the book your fishing cap will raise up to 225 skill points. Don’t forget to buy a better fishing pole and a lure. You can buy Strong Fishing Pole and Aquadynamic Fish Attractor. We wrote about them above. But if he doesn’t have them it means you need to check them up later.

Learning Artisan Fishing[ps2id id=’Learning Artisan Fishing’/]

This one you will have to learn at 225 fishing level and reach at least 35 level. And it is associated with Nat Pagle quest (Nat Pagle, Angler Extreme). Even though you can get the quest at the 35th level, we recommend you level up until 45 or so. That’s because of the zone you will need to go, mobs there are pretty strong. You can find Nat Pagle at Dustwallow Marsh in Theramore.

The tricky bit is that Nat will ask you to catch 4 specific fish. You can catch them only if you have the quest and if you are not in a group. So what are they and where to catch them:

Savage Coast Blue Sailfin – There are two places in Stranglethorn Vale where you can catch it. The first one is called SOUTHERN Savage Coast, and the other is just Savage Coast, near the Grom’gol base camp (which is horde).
Sar’theris StrikerDesolace near horde town called Shadowprey village and it’s pretty far south near the zone to Feralas and west of the Gelkis clan over on that coast.
Misty Reed Mahi Mahi – Swamp of Sorrows (which is East of Darkshire). It’s at the very south past the Sunken Temple of Attal’Hakkar. Go into the water at the South-West part and there are three islands, one of which you still stay in the Misty Reed and stay safe away from Murlocs.
Feralas Ahi – It is in the middle of Feralas near the Horde town in Verdantis River.

If you want to see pictures of the locations or certain coordinates check WoW head.

How to get rich with classic fishing?[ps2id id=’How to get rich with classic fishing?’/]

That’s an interesting question. The main idea here is to sell fish in the auction of course and sell it for a high price. As some fish is very useful for players who level up cooking or alchemy you can get pretty rich if you know where and what to fish. The other useful thing is a raid food, there is fish with such properties.

So the most profitable zones are Steamwheedle Port in Tanaris, the western coast of The Wetlands, the Wailing Caverns in The Barrens.

And now let’s look at them in nutshell. The points of interest here are the following:

Deviate Fish – The Barrens & waters inside Wailing Caverns. It is used in cooking and alchemy.
Big-mouth Clam because of Pearls – you can get them at all the coasts. Pearls used in high-level crafts.
Stonescale Eel – Steamwheedle Port in Tanaris, but not in free waters, fish only in schools. This one is used in alchemy and it is extremely popular and valuable.
Winter Squid  – 25%: Azshara (Bay of Storms; fishing 330/425); 10%: Azshara, Feralas, Stranglethorn Vale (Jaguero Isle), Tanaris, Hinterlands. Used for raid buff.

Always keep in mind to check the prices before you put them on the auction. And we recommend you sell it via goblin auctions so that everyone can see them.

WoW Classic Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza[ps2id id=’WoW Classic Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza’/]

We have already mentioned slightly about this event when we wrote WoW classic fishing poles list. Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza is an event that takes place every Sunday in classic. When participating you can catch Speckled Tastyfish to exchange it for prices. One of them is the Arcanite Fishing Pole. An interesting fact that the first tournament took place 15th April, so it was a B-Day of this event last week.

Anyway, you compete in Stranglethorn, but to get a price you’ll need to turn it in in Booty Bay. To participate you need to start a quest or to get an invitation. You can compete only after you reach the 150 level of fishing. That’s because of the location fishing restricts.

Get your invitation called Fishing Tournament! from a Dwarf in Ironforge and a Goblin in Ogrimmar each Sunday. First of all, you need to know about Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza timing. It takes place every Sunday between 14:00 and 16:00 (2-4 pm) server time. When the tournament has concluded, players can still turn in fish for prizes and cash to NPCs until 17:00 (5 pm) server time.

After that, you go to Stranglethorn Vale and fish for Speckled Tastyfish in the coastal or inland waters. But you must stay in Stranglethorn Vale but not in Booty Bay itself! There are no spots of schools for the fish, so everything depends on your luck. In Booty Bay go to Riggle Bassbait and take and turning quest Master Angler. If you are the first to turn in 40 Speckled Tastyfish you win. If you are not lucky, then you can sell or exchange it for something else and try again next week.

Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza prizes:[ps2id id=’Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza prizes’/]

If you manage to win you’ll get 1 gold and 80 silver and an award on your choice:

  • Arcanite Fishing Pole – The best fishing pole in WoW classic and is usable at Fishing Level 300. It gives you +35 to fishing.
  • Hook of the Master Angler – The trinket that turns you into a fish and gives both water breathing and increased speed under water.

Only one player can get those prizes. But what other’s can get? Read on.

First of all, you have pretty good chances to catch rare fish: Brownell’s Blue Striped Racer, Keefer’s Angelfish, and Dezian Queenfish.

Second of all, find Fishbot 5000 next to Riggle Bassbait. There you can get extra prizes for competing in WoW Classic Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza. Firstly, you can exchange 5 Speckled Tastyfish for 23 silver. You can repeat it as many times as you want. Secondly, you can exchange rare fish from the list above to the following items: Nat Pagle’s Extreme Anglin’ Boots (for Brownell’s Blue Striped Racer), Lucky Fishing Hat (for Keefer’s Angelfish), High Test Eternium Fishing Line (for Dezian Queenfish). All of these items give you classic fishing bonuses.

Keep in mind that it is useless to leave Speckled Tastyfish in your bag or bank. It will disappear automatically after the tournament ends, so you’ll just waste extra gold.

This is all you need to know to succeed in the fishing profession in World of Warcraft classic. We think that our WoW Classic Fishing Guide will be useful for your friends as well, so share it may be. 😉

The post WoW Classic Fishing Guide appeared first on Expert Game Reviews.

This post first appeared on Expert Game Reviews, please read the originial post: here

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