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Status Report – 083123

Status Report – 083123

Status Report – 083123:

Man, it’s been awhile since I’ve done one of these. The last one was this entry.

Lots of web work being done these days. During my hiatus, my sites, my social networks, my books–everything got left behind and now, behind the scenes, needs some sprucing up. Most of it is metadata work and I’ve also been spending some of my time picking at a secret fun project that I hope to reveal soon. In fact, though I haven’t officially announced it, there is a link to it on this site.

Can you find it?

So, yeah, throw in the day job and I’ve been pulling 12-hour days since August 8th. Worth it though. Needs to be done for a variety of reasons.

YouTube is my big thing right now. Lots of content going up, mostly on a daily basis. Shorts and reels, long videos and podcasts. Plenty going on at the REALM OF HEROES AND MONSTERS on YouTube.

I hope to do more interviews this fall and into next year. I had a blast on Travis Bruce’s YouTube channel, which you can watch here. (And be sure to subscribe to both our channels. It’s Nerd City!)

On a serious note, I’ve been getting my thoughts together on doing a in-depth vLog on anxiety. It’ll be for adults only as I don’t want a kid (or even teen) stumbling across it because it will tell the hard truth about anxiety and its various treatments and I don’t want that info entering ears that might not be ready for it. In other words, I don’t want to scare a young person. But anxiety occurs at various degrees so some might not find it frightening, but others might, depending where they’re at. Even some adults might get triggered so I’m gonna try and remember to announce a little disclaimer at the beginning to avoid that.

Anyway, the vacation I took at the beginning of the month did me wonders. It was a good reset and recharge for getting back to real life. Bittersweet that it’s over; almost like a dream. I’m hoping for a break at Christmas so we’ll see what happens.

By now you’re probably sick of hotwheels videos. C’mon. It’s the batmobile. The coolest car around. Anyway, one more to air then I’m outta cars to show. Need to find one more so I can put together a third volume compilation of hotwheels shorts. Volume 2 is set to air Monday.

Regarding FREDRIKUS, I have one more strip done. I thought it was colored but when I went to look into it, I learned that the page is done and scanned but that’s as far as it is. Next step is to enhance the scan so the blank ink is nice and sharp then color it. I think that’ll be a weekend task and then I’ll air it for you.

Well, time to go. Work to be done.


This has been your Status Report for 083123.

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This post first appeared on Canister X - A.P. Fuchs - Writer, Artist, Creator, please read the originial post: here

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Status Report – 083123
