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Software development life cycle (SDLC) becomes complete only with the inclusion of Software Testing. In particular, manual testing necessitates the actual running of test cases against the applications in order to find bugs and other forms of error. However, manual testing presented several obstacles, prompting the development of an approach to automate the testing procedure. Thus, the robust automated testing program Selenium was released. That’s why answering interview questions about selenium is crucial if you want to land a career in the field.

Training in mock interviews is a must. It’s crucial to be aware of the kinds of questions you might be asked in a job interview, as this will allow you to prepare thoughtful responses ahead of time and maintain your cool under pressure.

The ability to anticipate and prepare for Test Engineering and Quality Assurance (QA) for both manual and automated interviews would be precious. We’ll be providing you with a list of frequently asked interview questions and responses that Accenture has dealt with in the past. Enroll in the selenium training in Chennai at SLA to get prepared readily for Accenture and other IT interviews.

1. Tell me briefly about yourself.

Your response should adhere to a straightforward, simple format. We advocate sticking to the tried-and-true pattern of Past, Present, and Future.

Structure your response as follows :

Tell yourself about your background and relevant work experience, for example. What made you reach this role? Present tense – what is your current position? What do you do and what are your most significant achievements? The future – what are your plans for the near future? What attracts you to the position?

2. What are the Selenium suite’s building blocks?

Selenium IDE

It is a Firefox/Chrome extension designed to facilitate the construction of automation scripts. It logs the user’s web browser actions and outputs them as reusable scripts.

Selenium Remote Control (RC) 

RC is a server that enables application testing in multiple programming languages. Taking instructions from the test script, this server then issues those instructions to the browser in the form of Selenium core JavaScript. Consequently, the browser will operate correspondingly.

Selenium WebDriver

WebDriver is an interface that facilitates the creation and execution of test cases. It provides the ability to operate on site elements. WebDriver, unlike RC, requires no external server and interacts directly with browser apps.

Selenium Grid

The grid was developed to simultaneously distribute commands to multiple devices. It enables the concurrent execution of tests across several browsers and operating systems. It is very adaptable and integrates with other suite components for concurrent execution.

3. What constraints does Selenium testing have?

  • Lack of dependable technical support: Because Selenium is an open-source technology, it lacks dedicated technical assistance to answer user questions.
  • Only tests web applications: To test desktop and mobile applications, Selenium requires integration with third-party technologies such as Appium and TestNG.
  • Support for image testing is limited.
  • Selenium must be coupled with tools such as TestNG or JUnit, among others, to simplify test reporting and management because it lacks a built-in reporting and management capability.
  • Possibly necessitating knowledge of programming languages: Selenium WebDriver assumes the user has fundamental programming expertise.

4. Where do Selenium 2.0 and 3.0 differ?

A useful tool for creating automated tests of web applications is Selenium 2.0. This is the result of the integration of the Selenium and WebDriver projects. For legacy support, however, the deprecated Selenium RC is still in use.

If you’re familiar with Selenium 2.0, you’ll love Selenium 3.0. It doesn’t require Selenium RC and has built-in compatibility with older systems. The latest update brought with it a number of improvements, including bug fixes and enhanced reliability.

5. What is software testing?

To achieve a high-quality end result, it is necessary to do thorough software testing in order to determine whether or not the developed software satisfies the requirements set by the project’s stakeholders.

Bugs, errors, and faults in software can be found by doing the aforementioned tasks.

6. What are various types of software testing?

  • Manual Testing
  • Automation Testing
  • Performance testing
  • Unit tests
  • Integration tests
  • Smoke testing
  • Acceptance testing

7. How does the same-origin policy work, and what is it?

Same origin policy is a precautionary measure. In accordance with this principle, a web browser permits scripts from one webpage to share content of another webpage, given that both web pages have the same origin. The origin specifies the protocol used, as well as the hostname and port number. The same Origin Policy also stops dangerous scripts from accessing private information on other web pages.


Let’s take, as an example, a Google JavaScript application. This mockup has full access to any page on the domain, including the login and email pages. Web pages hosted on other domains, such as, are inaccessible.

Because of this, Selenium RC was developed. The server “tricks” the browser into thinking that Selenium Core and the web app under test originate from the same source by functioning as a client-configured HTTP proxy.

8. What exactly is security testing?

Security testing is a subset of software quality assurance that aims to protect an application from intruders by identifying and fixing any flaws that could allow an attacker to get access.

When doing Security Tests, it is important to look for any vulnerabilities in the program that could be exploited by insiders or outsiders to steal data or damage the company’s reputation. Selenium Training in Chennai is the right destination for you if you want to become an excellent software tester.

9. Where do you envision yourself in two years?

First, a sincere response to the question “What do you HOPE to be doing in the future?” will undermine your chances of receiving a job offer. What should you say then?

  • Keep your response relatively general
  • Emphasize your commitment to a long-term career
  • Exhibit your excitement

10. What exactly is compatibility testing?

Compatibility testing is the process of evaluating the functionality of an application on various software, hardware, network, and browser platforms.

Once the application is stable, it is moved to production, where it may be used or accessed by multiple users on various platforms, who may encounter compatibility issues; to prevent this, we conduct one round of compatibility testing.

11. What does code coverage mean?

Code coverage is a measure that indicates how much of your source code has been tested. It is a very valuable measure for evaluating the quality of your test suite, and we will examine how to implement it in your projects.

Code coverage tools employ one or more criteria to detect whether or not your code was executed during the execution of your test suite.

12. Why are you searching for a change?

The method to address the interview question “Why are you looking for a new occupation?” is to focus on positive, clearly comprehensible grounds. Responses that are negative, such as a nagging boss or work pressure, should be avoided at all costs.

  • Willingness to acquire new abilities
  • Should relocate
  • Plan to learn, expand, and investigate new possibilities
  • Desire for further new tasks and jobs

13. What are your project’s accomplishments?

Interview questions that ask you to boast about yourself are challenging, but you must be prepared to sound confident and demonstrate your accomplishments. This is not the time for modesty.

The format of your Response is:

  • Your diligence: Interviewers are interested in your definition of “accomplishment” and the verifiable labor you performed to attain it.
  • Your essential values: The interviewer wants to know which accomplishment you consider to be your “greatest” and why.
  • Illustrations of your work: Interviewers are interested in particular examples of your past work. These samples give them a sense of the projects you’ve performed and what to expect from you.

Gain immense knowledge and board practical training by enrolling in the best Selenium training in Chennai.

14. What challenges did you face with your project?

Questions on overcoming obstacles are asked for all work types and at all levels. Therefore, it is essential that you prepare your responses in advance so that you can illustrate how you handle obstacles and convey what you’ve learnt from them.

  • The interviewer seeks responses to queries such as, “What is your method to overcoming obstacles?”
  • How do your skills facilitate the successful completion of projects?
  • What kind of work ethic do you have?
  • How do you cope with stress?

15. List the various types of Web locators.

Locator is a command that specifies which GUI elements (such as Text Boxes, Buttons, and Check Boxes) Selenium IDE must work on. Location indicators define the scope of a project.

Locator by ID: It accepts a string parameter representing the ID attribute value and returns the object to the findElement() function.


Locator by the link: If the element you wish to seek is a link text, you can use the by.linkText locator.


(By.linkText(“Daily specials”)).


Locator by Partial Link: The target link can be located using a part of text included within a link text element.



Locator by Name: Returns the first element whose name attribute value matches the location.




Locator by TagName



Identifier by classname: This locates elements depending on the CLASS attribute value. If an element has many classes, this expression will match each of them.


It accepts a String parameter that is an XPATHEXPRESSION and returns an object to the findElement() method.

driver.findElement(By.xpath(“/span[contains(text(),’an account’)]) is equivalent to driver.findElement(By.xpath(“/span[contains(text()


Locator by CSS Selector: Locates elements based on the CSS selector engine underlying the driver.


sendKeys(“[email protected]”);

16. Explain the many forms of  navigation commands. 

  • driver. navigate().to(“”); – Directs the browser to the specified URL
  • driver.navigate().refresh(); – This method updates the webpage.
  • driver.navigate().forward(); – This procedure is equivalent to clicking the Forward button on any web browser. Nothing is neither accepted nor returned.
  • driver.navigate().back(); – This approach does the same action as pressing the browser’s Back button. Nothing is neither accepted nor returned.

17. What is the most significant distinction between driver.close() and driver.quit?


The browser’s open window is closed with this command. If several windows are currently active, the active window will be closed.


When quit() is performed on a driver instance with one or more open browser windows, all open browser windows are closed.

18. Why is Selenium such a popular testing instrument? Give justifications.

  • Selenium is simple to use because it is primarily written in JavaScript.
  • Selenium is capable of testing web applications on browsers such as Firefox, Opera, Chrome, and Safari, among others.
  • Multiple programming languages, such as Java, Perl, Python, and PHP, can be used to create the test code.
  • Selenium is platform-independent and may be installed on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.
  • Selenium can be connected with third-party test management technologies such as JUnit and TestNG.

19. Some questions using logic and probability.

In probabilistic reasoning, we use the probability concept to express the degree of certainty associated with a body of information. Probabilistic reasoning incorporates both probability theory and logic to better deal with ambiguity. Become job ready with SLA’s Selenium training in Chennai.

20. How do you keep your knowledge and skills up to date?

  • Consider Enrolling in Courses for Professional Development.
  • Utilize Online Resources
  • Maintain Vigilance for Professional Events
  • Utilize the Internet to Network
  • Invest in Professional Development and Certification. Join the Selenium training in Chennai and update your software testing skills.

21. What exactly is STLC?

The Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) is a series of tasks performed to carry out Software Testing. Contrary to popular assumption, QA Software Testing Services are an ongoing process. It consists of a series of methodically executed steps designed to reevaluate your software product.

22. What is a Page Object Model (POM)?

Each page of the application contains a page class that is accountable for locating web elements and performing operations on them. Page Object Model is a design paradigm that facilitates the creation of web element object stores. POM enhances the reusability and legibility of code. Multiple test cases are executable against the object repository.

23. Are Captchas automatable?

Captcha cannot be automated with Selenium. Well, the purpose of Captcha is to prevent bots and automated programs from accessing sensitive data; hence, Selenium never automates it. The captcha requires manual entry from the automation test engineer, whereas the rest of the form can be pre-filled. Get your dream job as software tester by joining the Selenium course in Chennai.

24. Can you tell me how Selenium handles pop-ups in Windows?

Selenium was created for managing web applications. Selenium does not implement Windows-specific features natively. However, Selenium can be coupled with third-party technologies such as AutoIT, Robot, etc. to manage pop-ups and other Windows-based functionality.

25. How can you capture screenshots with WebDriver?

WebDriver’s TakeScreenshot interface can be used to capture screenshots.

The screenshot can be saved using the getScreenshotAs() method.

File scrFile = ((TakeScreenshot)driver).


Can you explain the distinction between a single slash and a double slash in Xpath?

The absolute path in Xpath is generated with a single slash, which means the XPath is made to begin selection at the root node.


When making an XPath, a double slash is used to indicate a relative path, which means that the XPath can begin selection from anywhere in the page.



26. When using Selenium WebDriver, how do you locate broken links?

A status of 200-OK is returned whenever the driver.get() method is used to access a URL.

The status code 200 -OK indicates that the requested resource was successfully received. The link is considered to be down if an error status is received.

Here are a few examples of HTTP status codes:

200 – valid Link

404 – Link Not Found

400 – Bad Request

401 – Unauthorized

500 – Internal error

First, you’ll need to acquire the links from the web app and check their status one by one.

Find the site you’re interested in visiting, such as, and go there.

Just copy and paste all the links from the website. Every one of these references has the word “a” in their tag.List links = driver.findElements(By.tagName(“a”));

Every one of these references has the word “a” in their tag.List links = driver.findElements(By.tagName(“a”)); Create a list of type WebElement to store all the Link elements in it.

  for(int i=0; i

           WebElement element = links.get(i);

                      String url=element.getAttribute(“href”);

                       verifyLink(url); }

Establish a Link Now by Using the URL Object ( i.e ., link)

  URL link = new URL(urlLink);

Connect using Connect Method

   HttpURLConnection httpConn =(HttpURLConnection)link.


Use getResponseCode () to get response code

    if(httpConn.getResponseCode()!== 200)

Through exception, if any error occurred

    System.out.println(“Broken Link”);

27. What is automation testing?

The term “test automation” refers to the practice of utilizing dedicated software to manage test runs and evaluate their results against predefined criteria. By automating mundane but necessary operations, automation testing frees up testers to focus on the most important test cases, hence reducing testing time, cost, and effort.

28. What are the benefits of using automated tests for software development ?

The benefits of using automated testing are numerous. It can help you save time and energy, which is probably the most noticeable benefit. Testing cycles can be shortened with the aid of automation testing, which eliminates mundane yet time-consuming tasks like repeatedly executing the same test cases or testing in numerous browsers.

Automation testing also has the additional benefit of increasing test accuracy. When you automate your tests, you remove the possibility of human error and guarantee that they will be performed in exactly the same way every time. In the context of testing more complicated applications, when mistakes are more likely to occur, this can be especially useful.

Test coverage is another area in which automation testing can help. More test cases can be executed and more features can be tested if more of the testing process is automated. In this way, you can increase the likelihood that your software has been fully tested and is bug-free. Register in the best Selenium training institute in Chennai and learn everything about software testing.

29. Give some examples of popular functional automation testing automation technologies.

QTP, Test Complete, Rapid Functional Testing, and Silk Test.

30. Give examples of non-functional automation testing tools.

Tools: LoadRunner, WebLoad, Neoload, Silk Performer, and JMeter

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31. Provide examples of other automation technologies that could be used in conjunction with Selenium to enable continuous testing.

In order to implement continuous testing, Selenium can be coupled with other automation tools such as:

  • Jenkins
  • AWS CodePipeline
  • CircleCI
  • Travis CI
  • Azure DevOps
  • Bitbucket Pipelines

32. In Selenium, what exactly do you mean by the assertion?

An assertion is a logical statement that can be used to determine if a certain hypothesis is true. Assertions are used in Selenium to check the status of page items and the outcomes of actions. Assertions can be used to verify the existence, value, and content of a given element. It is also possible to utilize assertions to determine whether or not an element is visible or hidden.

Assertions are a crucial aspect of Selenium testing since they allow you to ensure that the actual behavior of your application matches your expectations. Without assertions, you won’t know for sure if your tests are succeeding or failing. Enroll in the software testing course in chennai and become a successful software tester.

33. Is there something you did in the last three years that you’re especially proud of ?

Here are some traits and abilities that can help foster creative thinking:

  • trust in one’s own abilities to do difficult tasks and to take calculated risks
  • skill in dealing effectively with novel circumstances
  • the drive to see what needs fixing and do something about it
  • drive to learn and experiment
  • innovative problem-solving skills, including not only creative brainstorming but also strategic and realistic evaluation (after all, it doesn’t matter how original an idea is if it isn’t financially practicable).
  • flexibility in working both autonomously and collaboratively to achieve a common objective

Join the top selenium training institute in Chennai and hone your testing skills.

34. Describe your selenium framework.

The Selenium Framework is a collection of JavaScript-based tools for conducting automated software tests. It may execute tests locally on the browser of choice, simulate user activities on the target page, and restart the tests automatically.

35. What repository have you used for framework objects?

You can think of an Object Repository as a directory for your UI elements. It can also be expressed as an Object Map between the UI component and its location. In the context of Selenium WebDriver, this term refers to a “Mapping” that maps a WebElement to its associated locator type and value.

36. When testing, how do you go about parameterizing?

Parameterization is the way to go if your program allows for a variety of user inputs. Parameterization in the TestNG framework for Selenium automation testing is an example of a framework that allows us to tailor our automation scripts to specific needs.

While it’s possible to use excel files to retrieve data sets and then include them into automation scripts, more sophisticated test automation frameworks like TestNG are often required as we expand the capabilities of our automation suite. Enroll in the top selenium training in Chennai that offers extensive syllabus and exhaustive training.

37. In testing, how do you manage situations where multiple tests depend on each other?

It’s common practice to wish to execute TestNG test cases in a specific order. While the priority option can be used for this purpose, it will run all the cases without checking for the relationship we are trying to define (alphabetically for the same priority). TestNG’s dependent tests identify which other tests a given test relies on.

A test is said to be dependent on another test when it requires passing the first test before passing the second. It’s analogous to saying that a browser needs the internet to function properly. The browser would be useless without access to the internet. In cases when many methods need access to the same state or data, providing dependencies across tests is also helpful.

38. Distinguish between the assert and verify commands and explain their differences.

The assert command is used to determine whether or not a specified condition holds true. The program will proceed if the condition evaluates to true. Whenever the condition is not met, the program will terminate.

The verify command determines whether or not a specified condition holds true. With a true condition, the program will proceed with its execution. An error notice will be shown instead of the program terminating if the condition is false. Become an expert in Selenium by learning the Selenium course in Chennai with practical training.

39. Just what do you mean by the term “XPath”?

When working with XML, XPath is the language of choice for referring to specific elements within the file. In order to retrieve information from within an XML document, XSLT and other related technologies rely on it. Use XPath to explore an XML file’s components and attributes. In order to effectively process XML documents, XPath is an essential component of the XSLT standard.

40. Clarify XPath attributes and XPath absolutes.

The two most common kinds of expressions in XPath are absolute and relative. The forward slash (/) at the beginning of an absolute expression denotes the document’s root node. Expressions that refer to their surroundings but do not begin with a forward slash are called relative expressions.

A significant aspect of XPath is attributes. Attributes are informational labels that can be appended to elements. The at symbol (@) followed by the attribute name is the syntax for accessing an attribute.

41. How many distinct kinds of annotations does Selenium support?

Annotations come in a variety of forms in Selenium, such as:

  • Annotation used to identify a method as a test method, @Test.
  • This annotation, @BeforeMethod, is used to run a method before every test method is run.
  • This annotation, @AfterMethod, triggers a method to run after each test method.
  • This annotation, @BeforeClass, is used to trigger a method’s execution before the very first test method is run.

Learn everything about Selenium by joining the best selenium training institute in Chennai.

42. Which mobile testing drivers are compatible with the WebDriver framework?

AndroidDriver, iPhoneDriver, RemoteWebDriver, and Selendroid are the four most common mobile testing drivers that are compatible with WebDriver.

  • Android applications may be tested with the help of AndroidDriver. It works on both actual and simulated devices.
  • Tests for iOS apps can be run on IPhoneDriver. This service is only compatible with physical hardware.
  • Web application testing on mobile devices is made possible with the help of RemoteWebDriver. Safari, Chrome, and Firefox are only a few of the browsers that are compatible with it.
  • The Android app testing framework Selendroid. It works on both actual and simulated devices.

43. What distinguishes type commands from type keys?

In computer programming, type commands are not the same as the keys used to enter them. Different from type commands, which are instructions sent to a computer, type keys are individual characters entered via the keyboard. Join the best Selenium Training in Chennai under the mentorship of subject matter specialists.

44. What is the distinction between the “type” and “typeAndWait” commands?

To enter text into a field on a website, use the “type” command. Similarly, the “typeAndWait” command inputs text into a field, but it pauses while the website loads before moving on to the next action. If you type something into the box and aren’t sure if it will force a page refresh, this can help.

The primary distinction between the “type” command and the “typeAndWait” command is that the former does not wait for the page to reload while the latter does. When in doubt as to whether or not the text you’re inputting will trigger a page refresh, the “typeAndWait” command is your best bet. In this approach, the following command will not be carried out until the current page has finished loading completely.

45. When using implicit wait, what is the primary drawback?

Implicit wait has the potential to slow down your tests, which is the biggest drawback. This is due to the fact that the implicit wait time is initially set to 0 seconds. The test will keep looking for the element for as long as the implicit wait time specifies it should. This may lengthen your set of tests considerably. Moreover, if the element you’re waiting for takes longer to appear than the implicit wait time, your tests will fail. Lastly, the flakiness that implicit wait can introduce can make your tests less dependable. Learn the Selenium course in Chennai and ace the interview easily with SLA’s placement training.

46. How do we use Selenium WebDriver to launch multiple browser instances?

Several ways exist in Selenium WebDriver for launching various browsers. By way of illustration, we can tell the browser where to find its executable file by calling its setWebDriver() method. In contrast, we may utilize the addCustomProfilePreference() method to set a user-specific browser preference. The launchBrowser() method allows us to finally open a browser.

47. What is the procedure for using WebDriver’s drag-and-drop features?

WebDriver’s Actions class allows for drag-and-drop functionality. Clicking, dragging, and dropping are just a few examples of the many possible actions that can be performed with the help of this class’s many methods. The Actions class requires a WebDriver object to be instantiated before it can be used.

Actions actions = new Actions(driver);

To execute a drag-and-drop action, create an Actions instance and then call its dragAndDrop() function. The toDrag and the toDrop WebElements are sent as parameters to this procedure. For instance, here’s how you move an element with the id “draggable” and drop it on an element with the id “droppable”:

You may create a draggable Web element by typing: 

WebElement draggable = driver.findElement(“draggable”));

WebElement droppable = driver.findElement(“droppable”));

actions.dragAndDrop(draggable, droppable).


The clickAndHold() and release() methods can also be used to drag and drop items. If you pass a WebElement to the clickAndHold() method, it will “grab” the element and hold it until you call the release() method. Case in point:




In addition to using a single Actions method, you can combine several of them to build elaborate interactions. The following code, for instance, will choose the draggable element, click and hold it, then select the droppable element and release the selected item:







48. What are the many ways to refresh a web page in WebDriver?

In WebDriver, you may refresh a page in a few different ways. Pressing the “Refresh” button on your browser’s toolbar is the most typical technique. If that doesn’t work, the standard refresh key on most keyboards is F5. Last but not least, you can use the right mouse button to refresh the page. When using any of these techniques, the website will refresh, and your edits will be lost.

You can use the “Reload” button on your browser’s toolbar to refresh the page without losing your edits. By clicking this button, the server will reload the page without losing any of your edits. Another method is to utilize the reload keyboard shortcut, which is usually Shift+F5. Last but not least, you can use the right mouse button to reload the page. Using any of these techniques will force a refresh of the page without erasing any customizations you may have made.

49. How can an application be invoked using WebDriver?

Use either the “get” or “navigate” methods of a WebDriver driver instance to begin an application. A third-party tool, such as Selenium IDE, can also be used to invoke applications. However, you’ll need to know the application’s URL in advance in order to achieve this. The “get” method accepts a string representation of the application’s URL as its only parameter. Join the best Selenium training institute in Chennai to shape your career.

50. Why is it beneficial to use automated testing?

In some cases, automating the testing of software can significantly reduce testing time. Time and money that would have been spent on manual testing can be saved by automating some tests. You can get more precise results from your tests and more insightful insights from automation, both of which can help you zero in on problem areas. In conclusion, software development teams may benefit greatly from implementing automation testing.

51. Is there a.NET version of the HtmlUnitDriver?


53. How may a browser’s browsing be redirected through a proxy?

There are multiple approaches to routing a browser’s traffic through a proxy server. Employing a web proxy is one option. If your company’s network administrator has prohibited access to a certain website, a web proxy will allow you to view it. Using a virtual private network is yet another option for traffic rerouting (VPN). With a virtual private network (VPN), you may encrypt your data as it travels via the Internet and bypass any censorship or restrictions by going through an intermediary server. Now, with a simple browser add-on, you can easily reroute your web traffic. If you wish to avoid using the proxy server your network administrator has set up, a browser extension can help. Enroll in the Selenium training in Chennai to secure a stable job in a top firm.

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