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How To Increase Melanin In Hair: Melanin Rich Foods You May Not Know

How To Increase Melanin In Hair: Melanin Rich Foods You May Not Know

Grey hair is something that some women do with style. Others try to avoid premature graying. Learn how to increase your hair’s levels of Melanin.

What is Melanin in Hair?

Our natural hair color is either black or brown. Have you ever wondered how your hair changes in color as you age? It gradually becomes whiter and grayer. Your hair’s pigment is called Melanin. As we age, our bodies lose more Melanin, which causes us to change color.

What causes Melanin Deficiency

  • Age

As we age, our body’s production of melanin decreases, and hair begins to grey. A study shows that greying hair occurs around 50 years old, and most people notice greying around this time.

  • Genetics

Your body produces melanin through genetics. A study has shown that genetics can affect hair color. Hair may become premature due to melanin deficiency or genetic makeup.

  • Sun Damage

According to research excessive sunlight exposure can cause the body to produce free radicals. These free radicals can cause oxidative stress which damages hair proteins and DNA, resulting in premature greying.

  • Stress

Anxiety and stress can cause chemical changes within the body that destroy hair stem cells. This causes premature graying.

  • Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Vitamin B12 is vital for hair color and growth. A study found that the body cannot carry enough vitaminB12 oxygen to the hair cells, which can lead to greying.

  • Smoking

Research shows that smoking significantly increases the risk of melanin deficiency and accelerates hair greying. Smoking can increase the likelihood of premature greying by constricting blood vessels and reducing blood flow to the hair follicles.

How does Melanin play in hair?

Melanin is the main factor that determines your hair’s color. Genetics and other factors play an important role in how much Melanin your body is born with. These are the two types of Melanin:

  1. Eumelanin is responsible for darker hair colors
  2. Pheomelanin is responsible for lighter hair colors

Your hair is protected from harmful UV rays by Melanin. Hair pigmentation changes throughout a woman’s lifetime. Hair vitality is also affected by Melanin. This makes hair dry, brittle, and breakable.

How can you increase melanin in your hair?

  • Vitamins

Vitamins B5, B6, and B9 are vital for melanin production, as well as reverse premature hair graying. A study has shown that vitamin B9 is necessary for hair pigmentation. Deficiency could lead to hair greying. Beans, citrus fruits, and green leafy vegetables are good sources of vitamin B9.

Another study shows that people with grey hair are deficient in vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is available in dairy products, cereals, meats, and eggs. A vitamin D deficiency has been linked to hair greying. This can be reversed by eating moderate amounts of sunlight and eggs according to a study.

  • Minerals

Hair growth and hair color are dependent on minerals such as zinc, copper, and iron. A study suggests that low iron levels could lead to premature hair graying. Lentils and green leafy vegetables are natural sources of iron.

  • Antioxidants

To eliminate free radicals, antioxidants are vital. If not neutralized, free radicals can lead to hair cell degeneration and premature greying. Dark chocolate, carrots, beans, citrus fruits, and citrus fruit are all natural sources of antioxidants.

Ayurveda: How to Increase Hair Melanin?

These are some ayurvedic methods to increase Melanin levels in your hair.

  • Brahmi Bringaraj Talia

This oil helps prevent premature graying and hair loss by nourishing the scalp.

  • Henna

Also known as Mehndi, henna can be used to give natural color to your hair. Apply it to your hair with hot water or lime. Let it sit for at least half an hour before you wash it off.

  • Coconut Oil

Coconut oil keeps your scalp cool and protects you against any discomfort. Coconut oil can be used in combination with:

  1. Amla Combine 3 tbsp coconut oil and 2 tbsp amla Powder, and heat until the mixture turns black. Allow it to cool, then apply it to your hair.                                        
  2. Curry leaves: Heat coconut oil with a few curries leaves until it turns dark. After the mixture has cooled, apply it to the hair.                                                 
  3. Aloe vera: Use a combination of coconut oil, aloe gel, and olive oil on your hair. After 15-20 minutes, wash your hair.                                                    
  • Bringamalakadi Talia

It improves blood circulation and reduces scalp heating. This helps to strengthen hair and stop grey hairs from growing.

  • Sesame Seed Oil

This oil is rich in vitamins and antioxidants that help to prevent hair graying. These are some of the ways you can use it:

  1. Massage your scalp with oil
  2. Include it in your daily diet
  3. For massage, mix with olive, mustard, and almond oils.

What are the Best Melanin Rich Foods For Hair?

To prevent premature greying, melanin-rich foods should be eaten. This is usually due to vitamin and mineral deficiency. These are the best melanin-rich foods for hair:

  • Red Cabbage

Rich in: Vitamin C, Sulphur

Benefits Vitamin C is antioxidant and vital for greying hair. Sulphur is a natural ingredient that produces hair keratin, and enhances pigmentation.

  • Avocado

Rich in: Vitamin E

Benefits – Prevents sunburn and protects hair from premature greying.

  • Dark Chocolate

Rich in: Antioxidants; Vitamins A, B, C, D, E

Benefits – Prevents premature graying by stimulating melanin formation.

  • Carrots

Rich in: Beta-carotene, Antioxidants

Benefits Boost melanin and cause hair to turn black.

What causes hair loss of melanin?

Here are some reasons you might have melanin deficiency.

Loss of Melanin can happen with age

As you age, your body’s ability produces melanin declines. This is why many older adults have gray or white hair.

Sun damage can cause hair loss of melanin

The sun’s UV rays can damage melanin in your hair, turning it white.

Melanin is lost in hair due to genetics

Your genes control the structure and color of your hair. They also influence melanin production. If you have such genes, you may experience premature grey hair. There is no way to increase Melanin levels in hair.

Melanin loss in hair due to autoimmune diseases

Sometimes, your immune system may consider melanocytes foreign and attack them. Alopecia and Vitiligo are two examples of autoimmune diseases.

Loss of Melanin in hair can be a sign of mental health

If you’re under prolonged stress, anxiety, or any other type of mental pressure, the stem cells of your hair follicles can be damaged. This could lead to premature graying.

Smoking can cause hair loss of Melanin

It blocks blood vessels, which slows down blood flow to the hair follicles. It can cause melanin to be affected and may result in hair problems such as discoloration, hair fall, and so on.

A vitamin deficiency can cause a loss of Melanin.

Vitamin B12 is essential for Red Blood Cells (RBCs), which carry oxygen to many parts of the body including hair follicles. A deficiency in Vitamin B12 could cause hair discoloration due to a lack of oxygen within hair follicles.

Hair loss due to chemical products

Products containing silicon, parabens, sulfates, and other haircare ingredients can cause premature graying.

Are there any side effects to Melanin Supplements

An excessive intake of melanin supplements can cause nausea, headaches, or allergic reactions. It can also interact with these drugs, which could cause problems.

  • Anticoagulants
  • Diabetes medicine
  • Immunosuppressants
  • Anticonvulsants
  • Antiplatelet medicines
  • Contraceptives

If you plan to use supplements, you should consult your doctor.

What causes melanin-rich hair to grow?

Melanin-rich hair is produced by foods rich in copper, iron, and catalase, such as sweet potatoes and grapes, peaches, sprouts, and cashews.

Is lemon good for melanin?

This is a myth. Although lemon has anti-pigmentation properties, direct application to hair can be damaging. Lemons reduce the activity of Tyrosinase, which prevents the formation of Melanin. To take good care of your hair, you should use Melanin in a diluted form.

What foods reverse grey hair?

Melanin is distributed by melanocytes in your cells. This Melanin is then transferred to Keratinocytes, which are the cells that make up your hair shaft. To reverse grey hair, foods high in Vitamin B-12 such as milk, cheese, salmon, and milk are great food options. Drinking green tea, drinking green tea, and quitting smoking are all ways to reduce stress.

Is Melanin in Hair Possible to Recover?

Vitamins and minerals can help melanin in hair come back if melanin levels are low because of nutritional deficiencies. It is possible to reverse melanin production if the reason for premature greying is genetics.

Can Amla increase melanin?

Yes. Amla is rich in vitamin C, which can increase melanin production. Amla is also rich in antioxidants, which are important for black hair growth.

Summarising: How can you naturally increase your hair’s melanin?

Healthy eating habits are key to naturally increasing your hair’s Melanin levels. Eat copper-rich, iron-rich, and catalase-rich food, such as onions, broccoli, and apples.

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How To Increase Melanin In Hair: Melanin Rich Foods You May Not Know
