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How to Take Proper Care of Your Teeth

How To Take Proper Care Of Your Teeth

How to Take Proper Care of Your Teeth

The teeth is an integral part of the body that should not be ignored, it requires proper maintenance. If anything happens to your teeth you may find it hard to chew, talk and you might not feel comfortable especially if the problem you are having is a hole in your teeth.

Aside these effects of having a bad teeth, imagine not being able to smile or talk in public simply because of the discolouration of your teeth or because of bad breath. In this article, you will learn how to take proper care of your teeth.

Before proceeding on how to take proper care of your teeth, you have to know the meaning of the following teeth problems:

Gum Disease:

This is caused by plaque forming under your gum line, here, your gum becomes red and tender. If a gum disease is not treated, it can lead to periodontitis which can lead to bleeding gum, teeth loss and sore.

Tooth Decay:

This happens when the acids produced by the plaque harm the enamel leading to cavities.

Oral Cancer:

This mainly affects people who are above the age of 40, it could occur in the throat, tongue or mouth. In order to prevent oral cancer, you must avoid alcohol or drink it in moderate quantity, avoid pipes, cigarettes, tobacco and always wear a lip balm that has sunscreen.

Plaque is a sticky combination of food and bacteria that causes tooth decay, if the plaque is not removed from the teeth, it develops into tartar. Tartar is a plaque that is more damaging and can be more difficult to remove.

Plaque in the teeth can lead to bad breathe also known as halitosis, cavities, etc. Having known the problems associated with the teeth, we will now let you know how to take proper care of your teeth.

Brush Daily:

You just have to brush everyday and to ensure your teeth are properly cared for, brush twice a day. When you wake in the morning and just before going to bed at night.

Floss your teeth:

Flossing of the teeth comes after you have brushed it, flossing helps to remove plaque that is in your teeth. It also reduces the chances of having a gum disease or tooth decay. To floss your teeth, tightly hold the floss between your thumbs and forefingers, let the floss be in the space between your teeth and use a gentle rubbing method for this, do not snap the floss into your gums. When the floss gets to the gum line, curve it into a C shape against one tooth and gently slide it into the space between your gum and your teeth. While holding the floss, use it to rub the side of your teeth. Throw the floss away when you are done.

Change your toothbrush after 3-4 months, do not use one toothbrush for a long period of time. Using one toothbrush for long will not help in removing the plaque off your teeth. Also, the bacteria which are transferred to your toothbrush whenever you brush, can transfer back to your mouth if the toothbrush isn’t changed.

If using an electric toothbrush, change the head every three month.

Use a soft bristle brush and brush for not less than two minutes. Some electric toothbrush have a timer and they stop once it is up to two minutes.

Avoid alcohol:

The flow of saliva in the mouth helps in washing off bacteria that may be clinging somewhere in your teeth or mouth. When you drink alcohol, there is a decrease in the flow of saliva resulting to the bacteria clinging to your enamel which in turn can put you at risk of having tooth decay.
Avoid eating sweets or candies, they could create problems in your teeth and even damage your teeth. If you are to eat sweet, ensure you brush your teeth after eating it. Eat healthy

Avoid smoking:

Constant smoking can lead to discolouration of your teeth, the nicotine and tar in the cigarette stay in your teeth. Smoking can also increase your chances of having a gum disease especially if you are a chronic smoker.

Use toothpaste that contains fluoride. Fluoride fights germs that cause decay in the teeth.

Drink enough water.

Electric toothbrush are more effective in removing plaque from the teeth so you might just want to consider using it.

When brushing, brush at a 45 degree angle and when brushing your tongue, ensure you do it gently
Spit out the foam while brushing, do not swallow it
When brushing the mouth of children below the age of three, you should use a smear of toothpaste that the fluoride level is not less than 1000ppm (parts per million).

In the case of children who are above the age of three, use a pea-sized toothpaste with a fluoride level that is between 1350ppm-1500pm.

Ensure you visit a dentist at least twice a year.

What Can I Do If My Teeth Are Damaged?

If you have a broken tooth due to decay, your dentist could fill or bond it. A dental veneer can also be applied. Another thing to do if you have damaged teeth is to apply dentures. Dentures are false teeth used to replace missing teeth, there are two types of dentures, partial dentures and complete dentures.

Partial dentures are inserted when some teeth are missing while complete dentures are applied when all the teeth are missing. When using dentures for the first time, you have to pay attention to how you eat. Cut food into tiny pieces and make sure you start with soft food, when chewing, chew on both sides of the mouth and avoid sticky and crunchy food as they can get trapped under the dentures.

To wash dentures, place it in a container of water or denture cleaner but never place it in hot water. Using dentures does not stop you from brushing daily, brush it using a soft toothbrush and water. Aside partial and complete dentures, there are other types of dentures too.

Foods to Avoid When Preventing Teeth Problems

Avoid coffee, sodas and tea, they can be dangerous to your teeth. Tea and coffee stain your teeth, sodas weaken the teeth. Carbonated sodas can make the plaque to produce more acids which then attack tooth enamel.



Ice: Chewing ice can damage the enamel.

Chips: Chips like potato chips have starch in them and this starch turns into sugar that gets trapped between the teeth and feeds the bacteria in the plaque.

Avoid dried fruits as they are sticky and can easily cling to your teeth

Popcorn, they can get stuck in your teeth
Avoid citrus fruits like lemon, lime and orange. Eating them alone can increase your chance of getting teeth decay due to their acidic nature. If you cannot avoid them then don’t forget to rinse your mouth after taking them.

Sweets and candies. They can get stuck in your mouth, hard candies takes time to dissolve and with time it could lead to a crack, chip or breakage in your tooth and this is why people mostly children are advised not to chew candies.

Foods To Take To Improve Your Teeth

Vitamin D: Vitamin D does not only help the body fight bacteria, it also helps in fighting bacteria in the mouth so you should go for foods that contain vitamin D.

Aloe Vera: According to researchers, aloe vera can help prevent the teeth from getting bacteria. Use aloe vera gel on your teeth.

Green tea: Studies show that green tea is helpful to the teeth as it prevents it from getting decayed.

Clove oil: This helps to relieve pain and also to treat gum problems, people also use it to stop bad breathe.

Take fruits rich in fibre. Do not forget to add vegetables to your meals.

Milk and cheese are also good for your teeth.

What Causes Teeth Discolouration?

Teeth discolouration is the change in the colour of your teeth and it has various causes which include:

Foods and drinks like wine.

Ageing: As one ages, the outer layer of enamel on the teeth wears out.

Tobacco, it can stain your teeth.

Medications: Some medications like doxycycline can discolour the teeth especially the teeth of children who are below 8. Other drugs like antihistamines and high blood pressure drugs can cause teeth discolouration in adult.

Can I Use Charcoal to Whiten My Teeth?

Some people feel using charcoal on their teeth will aid in whitening the teeth. Charcoals are used to absorb and remove toxins but then, it may not be safe for your teeth as it is too abrasive and using an abrasive material on your teeth could destroy your enamel. Some particles from the charcoal could stain your teeth too. Before using charcoal on your teeth, see a dentist first and even while using, it should be an activated charcoal.

Never hesitate to visit a dentist if you start feeling pains or you start noticing some changes in your teeth, your teeth should be treated with utmost care.

The post How to Take Proper Care of Your Teeth appeared first on MoMedia.

The post How to Take Proper Care of Your Teeth appeared first on AfroNaija.

This post first appeared on AfroNaija.Com, please read the originial post: here

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How to Take Proper Care of Your Teeth
