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Bauchi gov imposes curfew as violence claims two, houses razed

Bauchi Gov Imposes Curfew As Violence Claims Two, Houses Razed

Bauchi gov imposes curfew as violence claims two, houses razed

Bauchi State Governor, Bala Mohammed, has imposed a 24-hour curfew in Yelwan Tsakani, a suburb of the Bauchi metropolis, following violence clash that claimed two lives with houses razed and many injured.

According to PUNCH, the violence was said to have happened at about 9.30pm on Friday when some youths started shooting sporadically at another rival group on the road leading to Lukshi village.

WITHIN NIGERIA reports that this incident is coming barely one week after a crisis erupted in Katanga community in the Warji Local Government Area of Bauchi State as a result of an alleged blasphemy by a lady, who was said to have posted online a video considered to be blasphemous against Islam and Prophet Mohammed.

A resident of Yelwan Tsakani said, “Our area is currently under attack; houses are currently on fire as I speak with you now. I don’t know what exactly is happening, but we were in our house when we heard shouts and we realised that houses opposite us were on fire.

“We can hear sporadic gunshots being fired outside and we don’t know who are firing the gunshots. The whole area is in serious tension at the moment.”

Another source from the area said that the clash was a reprisal following an earlier attack on Tuesday when three youths were allegedly hacked with machete in front of their house in Yelwan Tsakani.

PUNCH reported that the source added that the attackers also snatched mobile telephones and other valuables from the youths after attacking and inflicting injuries on them.

“We were at home when suddenly we started hearing gunshots and shouts from outside. Much later, houses were set ablaze by the rampaging youths.

“I can’t tell the number of people injured but many were injured, just as houses and cars were burnt by the youths. It was the prompt arrival of security operatives that saved the situation. I am not aware of any death,” she stated.

The Bauchi State Commissioner of Police, Umar Sanda, who led journalists to visit the area, expressed sadness over the incident.

The CP said, “Preliminary investigation has revealed that the clash was between the two rival youth groups because of a lady. We are spreading our investigative tentacles to fish out the perpetrators of the clash and just as we did for those behind the Gudum Hausawa clash who are now in jail, same thing will be done with anyone found culpable here.

“The number of death is now two, many were injured, five houses completely burnt down, three cars and a number of motorcycles were also burnt down.”

Meanwhile, the Bauchi State government has imposed a 24-hour curfew as a measure to contain the spread of the incident and possible reprisal.

The government, in a statement signed by the Chief of Staff, Government House, Aminu Gamawa, warned that “government will not fold its arms and allow some criminal elements and their sponsors to disturb the hard-earned peace, security and harmony being enjoyed in Bauchi State.”

Gamawa said, “The government has ordered a full-scale investigation into the immediate and remote causes of the disturbances and those found culpable will be dealt with according to the law.

“In view of the foregoing, a 24-hour curfew is hereby imposed in Yelwa and its environs, especially Lushi, Tsakani, Kagadama and Birshi Areas of Bauchi LGA. This action is not intended to cause hardship to people but to ensure the restoration of peace and order. The timings for the curfew will be reviewed from time to time as peace returns.”

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Bauchi gov imposes curfew as violence claims two, houses razed
