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Presidential Aspirant, Tinubu’s Supporters exchange blows while sharing money

Presidential Aspirant, Tinubu’s Supporters Exchange Blows While Sharing Money

Presidential Aspirant, Tinubu’s Supporters exchange blows while sharing money

There was full blown melee at the International Conference Centre (ICC) on Wednesday as supporters of the former Governor of Lagos State, Bola Tinubu, fight dirty over money.

The pandemonium is sequel to altercation that ensued over how the money given to them will be shared.

What started as simple altercation became a free-for-all affair as the supporters engaged one another in a brawl.

All hell broke loose shortly after the former Secretary to the Government of Federation, Babachir Lawal, who was there to submit nomination and expression of interest forms on behalf of Tinubu, left the venue.

The group of supporters, who had stationed themselves at strategic locations at the centre, were given a bail of money which caused the fight as everyone scrambled to get a bit of the pie.

One of the supporters was sighted running away with the money as others went after him. He was eventually caught and beaten to a pulp.

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Presidential Aspirant, Tinubu’s Supporters exchange blows while sharing money
