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“Its actually just silly” – Sol Phenduka slams parents who abandon their African heritage

“Its Actually Just Silly” – Sol Phenduka Slams Parents Who Abandon Their African Heritage

“Its actually just silly” – Sol Phenduka slams parents who abandon their African heritage

Sol Phenduka recently took to his Twitter to slam parents who abandon their African heritage.

The star is one that loves to share his opinion about issues and does not shy away from the truth.

In his new tweet, Sol sparked a heated debate on the merits of teaching children their native African languages.

He slammed parents who choose not to teach their children their native African language. He said the whole idea is not as “classy” as they think it is, but is rather tacky and stupid.

The tweet brought mixed reactions from fans as they wonder what he his driving at.

Some followers have asked him to mind his business while others felt he is saying the truth.

Sol tweeted: “Your african kids not being able to speak an african language isnt a sign of progress or high class .its nothing to be proud of . Its actually just silly”

See tweet below:

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“Its actually just silly” – Sol Phenduka slams parents who abandon their African heritage
