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PHOTO: Woman is caught smuggling four kilos of cannabis in a fake baby bump

PHOTO: Woman Is Caught Smuggling Four Kilos Of Cannabis In A Fake Baby Bump

PHOTO: Woman is caught smuggling four kilos of cannabis in a fake baby bumpPHOTO: Woman is caught smuggling four kilos of cannabis in a fake baby bump

The police in Argentina has arrested a woman for allegdedly trying to smuggle four kilos of drugs in a fake baby bump.

According to reports, Police said they discovered she was faking her pregnancy after they found a man she was travelling with on a long-distance coach carrying a small amount of marijuana in a black bag. The coach was heading to the Patagonian city of Santa Oliva.

According to Police, the pair were arrested at a police checkpoint in an area known as Valle de Uco near Mendoza close to Argentina’s border with Chile.

Argentina’s Minister for Security Patricia Bullrich tweeted photos of the bust, saying: ‘She made a belly out of paste, hid 15 cannabis bricks inside it and faked a pregnancy before trying to take it from Mendoza to Santa Cruz.

‘At a police control the pretend mum-to-be and her accomplice were arrested. This is how she tried to smuggle the drugs.’

A police spokesman confirmed: ‘Two Argentinian nationals have been arrested after they were caught smuggling drugs. A young woman was beside him who appeared to be pregnant. She was asked to leave the vehicle and it was confirmed she was also carrying drugs but no baby inside her.’

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PHOTO: Woman is caught smuggling four kilos of cannabis in a fake baby bump
