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Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless, add what is essentially your own.

Absorb What Is Useful, Reject What Is Useless, Add What Is Essentially Your Own.

I absolutely just love this quote, "Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless, add what is essentially your own." I don't know about you, but I can relate to it when building a business.Absorb what is useful.I see this as constantly learning and absorbing the pieces of information that are useful to you and your business. There is so much information to be had these days with the ever booming internet and more networking outlets (such as reddit) to connect with people and share knowledge, that you can find yourself trapped with information overload. Not everything you come across will pertain to you, but might be useful to somebody else, which is why the next part, "Reject what is useless" is valuable.Reject what is useless.Having the ability to obtain so much information can be daunting and overwhelming, but rejecting what doesn't help you can be difficult to do. It's not just information that doesn't apply to you that should be rejected, but the negatively, the doubters, the naysayers that don't believe in your vision that should be rejected. We don't need to carry around that baggage!There's a saying "opinions are like axxholes, everyone has one." and I'm sure a lot of people will want to give you advice on how to run your business and what you need to do be successful, but that doesn't mean what worked for somebody else will work for you. Which leads us to the next part of the quote...Add what is essentially your own.All business ideas don't need to be original. I sometimes come across negativity in my ideas because people tell me "so-and-so competitor is doing the same thing", but they don't see the vision I have that adds value or does things a little differently than what is normal. Everything in this world is built upon the works of something else! It's us entrepreneurs that take a known idea and apply our vision to make something amazing for this world.About this QuoteThe full quote goes as follows:Research your own experience. Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless, add what is essentially your own.So who said this quote?The amazing thing about this quote is it's from a famous person, but not from somebody who became the CEO of a fortune 500 company, a college student dropout who created a unicorn in silicon valley... Instead, these are the words of Bruce Lee. It was his way of life for constantly researching and refining his martial arts experience. Martial arts was his "business" and he was never satisfied with one type of fighting style because he realized there was not a single style that was better than the rest, but it was a mixture of different styles he learned that best fit his abilities.Have a read on Bruce Lee's website about this quote here. I find this a highly inspirational article that I can relate to from an entrepreneurial perspective and no doubt can be applied to anyone's way of life. The best part of the article is towards the end where it says, "The final product of all of these ideas is ACTION. It is not enough to just think about something, you have to do the work." This is so true with any entrepreneur. It's not good enough to talk about your idea, you have to take action and set out to do what your vision is.I hope other readers here can relate! via /r/Entrepreneur

This post first appeared on Learn Everything Fast, please read the originial post: here

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Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless, add what is essentially your own.
