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March 7th 2020 2nd

The Metaphysical Theater

March 7, 2020

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A unified Dreamline through infinity. The Dream of a single stone. It's a flight through time to fragment wholeness's travel back home. flight of loving allowance, granting me myself. If just for single dreaming life. My endless source of wealth. Some kind of unknown kingdom ...invisible to time. an experience deep within it, of imagined scene in mind. An experience all my own... but well out sequence. Yet. Through mysterious living motion, rhymes and lives and all that is... like drops within the ocean. Finding no Desire to set it to rhyme, I always found that rhyming was like trying to force the inexplicable into some flowery explanation. A dream of being unique or seperate from all else. A magic healing potion. Broken piece the wholeness finds.

 I am the wholeness, I am the riddler deep in rhymes. The fragmented being returned to the whole. This certainty remains... Poetry ceases...ignorance blames. Arguments in Congress and courts of hallowed law, Flags raised, shots fired...history revised to mimic a book, the winners careful lies. Practicing discontent, Ignorance has gone beyond the boundaries, veils rent. I discord any rhythm I break any tempo... War of the world's eyes... For some sense of unity is within us each ... to return to the wholeness healed ... cries. My curiosity had undone each, the onion layers peeled. Our deception no matter how well thought out, return to us in time. no matter our man of straw... Our degree of Awareness ... Our engineering or redirection ... Your usury, is no protection. depth within the ocean of our dream. A wholeness ...all is one... Even bankers schemes. we cannot always fly straight to the target... Solid, unified, strong... mysterious living stone... What propelled it is unknown... soaring sensation, smashing impact. dream begins ...Shattered pieces, not to go back? Separation did not make us any less a single whole. A wanting, to return to the past, though this cannot be. The entire bloody show. each shard sensing its individuality. Desire arises...communication. Through our fragmented reality wanting healing... we return... Heavens Hells we burn. a re-joining of the broken fragments cracked apart, all in feeling ... all in life. Sacred actors part. Individuals...who sense the truth of interdependence. Decision is a knife. Wishing to be back together, Each one dreams the same dream. Each having its own life. Each in its own self made weather.

 A deeply unanimous desire within all the fragments of the shattered stone. Apart, together in the physical arrived.. A fervent heat. A dream survived. not in weakness, not alone... Though at the beginning it seems this tone... Is true... complete. Some purpose beyond individual understanding, and by that merit somehow `greater" in urgency of purpose. So then in strength...together. urgency totally self proclaimed. Knowing there is no greater or lesser than... No left or right, Everything is... nothing is greater ... The rhyming must come second to function and is therefore saved for later. Deep in The dream, the fragments forgetting from whence and how they came, forgetting the original intent. Cadence and rhythm is, my tinkering, my passion bent. Once seeing itself separate ...individual ...a change of mind brings the wholeness of reprieve. Relief. From self is always welcome always what we need. I have found a need for... A release of desire, embracing what is In ease. The stone magically re unifies, against all physical law. God sees. Against all worldly wisdom. Though it is only in an individual that this happens... even just one at a time through eternity. It never was a "world-event". Running revelation through your own paces, adding what ought not be. A holistic spiritual renaissance...a reunification in the non-physical essence of the stone.

 This vision, this is what I see. Though within my imagination. Imagination is the great power here. Commands the physical world to obey it. Though our practiced faithless repetition has rendered us weaklings...consistent practice builds strength anew. Just say it becomes so. As with anything else here on earth it must be repeated, patiently until mastered. The power is gentle and the strength soft. It's silent and secure. This self constructed purpose of my experience is ... an awareness of my practiced, chosen strength... Mental conditioning. Belief... Habit... a gentle allowance, overcoming all that is saying... in the world outwardly can-not be... Always insisting much too strongly...the world is always wrong... Whoop dee, whoop dee, dee. Perpetual darkness. still its perception the discord throngs. it always insisted much too passionately that it... Alone is strong. is all that is `real"... It is not, in volitional is not, in subconscious control. Not conscious...if there is such a thing as `control" at all. You are in it. The world is a reflection of your own understanding. Emotions are as valuable as imagination. The sweet chords of God's guitar. Learn chord formation my friend and sweeten the song that is your life. To myself I sing. This little wing ding. true gifts we are endowed with and have Gods corporate branding. The world always believes itself "real" dreamers always believe in the dream. It is all to be, it is all to pass away. 

The rhyming rhythm here at the end, becomes my understanding. "Real" is a completely psychological perception that happens in the same mind that sleeps and dreams. "Real" or the experience of it, is all psychological. What is...not always what it seems. It is a totally subjective interpretation. Your singular perception is fraught with weakness...its tiny awareness alone. A nation. Your so-called "real life", is made of the same substance as your dreams. And you think you know right from wrong. You think you can tell what will be good. And you believe you know what won't be good ... your ego based perception of "'what is' ' has never been right... As an ego, you're just a piece of the stone... not the whole thing....incomplete. myself speaking in earnest. I know we each seek. An ego is a perception that believes itself separate from God. A greater perception in those fractured lines pushed together. Something inexplicable... If there is such a thing as greater than... whatever. Then greater be the healed stone returned to its former state. Whom is you and I both, fully aware. I'm always open to debate. Fully powerfully conscious alignments of perception. The stone returned to its former whole self, right now. Protection. Without rhythms the dance had ended...wholeness has brought our greatest stillness to some endings beginning. Pretended. In each, who once dreamed, deep asleep... just as the dead. Arose, awakened...ending began. This moment is non-physical. Arising from its bed. essence of the stone wholly rejoined. eternally healed... Is a story of us us all. however, this time.... there will be an awareness of the non-physical activity... In the now... A spiritual renaissance in the physical experience. Deliberate alignment and creation of images formation. In this era, chosen by consent. By you, for you...the veils rent. meanwhile in the non-physical...from which all physical experience emerges. A magical place beyond this world ... Mental urges. here within, where the stone has its surges... returned to its whole state unshattered. Imaginal power restored. Into Its original glory... This is my opulence ... My home... where the lines apart believe themselves no longer broken and separated, not wholly understanding the subtle energies powerful process, the stone is once again one in faith. Without full understanding, the law is activated. Instantly healed... Whom radiates wholeness. Is in all that is peace.

 A place where I take myself to experience the desire within. The feeling of fulfilled desire. Feeling ...fulfilled. Rewarding satisfaction needs no "empirical" evidence. To be felt. nor does it need external cause. To be felt. Satisfaction is a feeling and not an inanimate object. or worldly circumstance. Free from such circumstances... A strength of greater understanding. It's satisfying... In feeling alone. It is enough, and a way. All these worldly experiences are window dressing... Just like today. In my radiating fulfilled conception of what is wanted, Certainty... I find rich rewards in the awareness of non-physical. Presence. my wisdom coming through what is not wanted, makes wanted desire clear. Indeed, contrasting experience brings wisdom of results... Choice has its result. I am that contrived human concept that dubs itself God. A choice of awareness ... It is a perspective of responsibility. The substance of my human experience is all psychological. We all succumb to the final curtain call. The adolescent insistence that this experience we are seemingly having is "real". Somehow ending with the corruptible flesh. Not perceived wholly through the mind ... a subjective interpretation. To be well in all states, not to resist the unwanted. Evaluation. To put down the old idea of man's victimhood. Always making certain that, The world somehow pushed upon us by a separate cause outside yourself... Is the only truth. Is the only lie. This strong magnetic "material" viewpoint is the cause of much suffering. I need not ponder or solve it. It Is the misalignment of perception that caused my formerly unwanted state of perception itself. Or atleast a piece of it. A fragment, magnetically returning. I need not qualify this fact to anyone but myself. The old worldly view, a stale belief in the material world. that we ourselves and our circumstance are not self created... but "they", ...our situation and our circumstance ... are somehow perpetrated upon us by a random and separate force or forces in the also separate physical world... Totally independent of our selves... Making us perpetually a victim to this environment we dwell within. This world imposed upon us. Reinforcing the outward physical dream as real... repeating the faithless cycle of experience is a hell... of sorts. 

Or whatever environment you have grown accustomed to. We eternally walk the same spiritual track through all time. This is... the lack of knowledge through which we perish. Our suffering causation... our belief that we are separated from God. I am not, separate... I am God. Both in lack and totally limitless fulfillment. This is freedom ...choice... Deprivation was a choice. Simultaneously at all times, only aware of my focus along those two points ... beginning and end. A feeble attempt at encompassing eternity, my ego fails, yet again. Both these choices, with each their results. In choice freedom waits. My perception is a choice of interpretation... My experience is the reflection of myself from within to outward... I choose the internal vibrational alignment ...with actual truth. I always choose all ways. To believe, to experience ... they wanted... Appreciating and fully enjoying the unwanted like never before. I am stunned with my own transforming perception. All this focus and belief brings unto myself that which I choose to bring to self in earnest. Honest Experience. Attention is always present. In that which I believe... That which I believe that I experience. Conscious and Superconscious. All psychological. Subconscious, not aware of consciously...choosing now. A secret from yourself. Hence, our seemingly secret they both good and bad. Wanted or unwanted. In ignorance or awareness... I sound my rhythms through myself into this self who receives myself. Whom I have maintained in habit. Whom I believe to be real... In sensual experience in thought, feeling... Choice is my power. focus on the opulence ... My daily experience... it is a now state of mind and emotion ... A certainty... A practiced expectation. constructive interpretation of this chosen opulence is right now. Unrestrained fulfillment Always gathering more unto itself. Feeling my choice... I dwell within it... to find that it's form has surrounded me in this seemingly real dream. I have dreamt upon it. Believed it to be real. Expected it ... From inside to out ... I see outwardly into the world. This is its creation...which is already finished. My awareness animating my world, who I am, thought it would seem the reverse. The world shines outwardly through me...back into me... itself. not the sensual seeming direction of outwardly from the world into my awareness. 

The world is not separate or apart from myself. I know that this reflection I perceive ... in seeming solid form... is the sacred substance of my within reflected outward... Not the reverse ... All vibration... experienced as it is. Same substance as all my mind's content. unknown...known...and the delightfully inbetween ... who playfully avoids being "pinned down" or labeled, named ....or otherwise packaged, consumed... and further exploited by corporate marketing and distribution systems. For profit and pleasure... For rich over poor, though we know it's all choice. Rich, poor it is my own responsibility. No one but yourself can decree... Believe and receive. everything and everyone in the world is myself pushed outward. All bringing me the message I need from "God"... in this perfect moment now. They bring my fame and fortune and all the slings and arrows always present with my outrageous success, opulence being. I am responsible for my own condition. The world I perceive is God communicating with me. God who is dreaming he is me. Brings me advanced spiritual, symbolic guidance systems through which to speak with my infinite self. There is a greatly profound message in the symbolic communication God is expressing to me through everything and everyone in the world. I see the world not coming into my awareness but radiating out from me. Re-entering the fragment of stone that believes itself separate. The reunification...and singular awareness of the one invisible eye within, overcoming all that is. The Superconscious now spontaneously aligns me with my dharma. My delightful purpose. My real self no longer shrouded... I have stepped forward into true greatness... I desired perfectly in love. A greater than great experience. A radiating unstoppable force that supports me. Something inexplicable ... Though the spectre of mind that awakening God within me embraces... is not the dreams end... it does not dispel this `incarnation". Poetic articulation of this moment always unfurling through the dream of now. Eternally... Allegory is not always the clearest form of imparting the enthusiasm unto other selves pushed out from me. But my awareness is not with confusion. I do recognize it from a self created distance. An awakening, but not the dreams end... so very interesting this awareness of the cause of the phenomena of my own "physical" experience. I am the cause and the recipient. A hallowed laughter of mysterious joy filled the air ... Essence of bird song... wings in flight...a divine wind erupts from the mountain caverns deep... around and within me unseen unheard. Inexplicable... Truth setting free the once trapped essence of freedom. only I am aware of the joyous presence of myself expanding in total awareness. No God beside me There is no enemy...only self....there was never another... Only myself. It is all that be, that which you choose ...heaven, or lose. You, myself all be that one awareness ...that singular point of now... diamonds and rust, memory is also malleable. You choose your memories as well, we all have been accused of selective memory have we not? I you are... you are as I am. The seeming separateness is our practiced stubborn assumption... A repetition that extends beyond the transient mortal vessel. ...brazen impudence... that creates unity and the separation. 

A lifetime of mental conditioning. our mind can transcend its own content. Allowing all that is. It's its own conditioning...evaporates in sunlight. This is the process of separation, as well as unification. It is healing ...or war...bounty or famine. We condition our truths into being. All through mind, and mind is not the strongest force of this experience. It's only belief and belief is not the strongest force of this experience. Habit has usurped belief... though also habit not the strongest, in fact where is "greatest", but those powers found within. Nothing greater or lesser. Capable...responsible...thoughtful Belief... is also malleable. Habit is like gravity...much stronger than the egos constructed belief. But again what could be strongest or greatest? Love, unconditional is the strongest/greatest... force in this experience. The long practiced separateness in the interpretation of my "what is' '... Habit of perception... was not this dreaming of remembering It was a dream in which I did not know I was dreaming...then. I had not yet remembered. this rising understanding through choice. The way is not the way, here could never be named. I cannot speak or write of it... so here, I merely dream that I am. Some compulsion continues to drip the ink of my soul upon the page. Expression may all be vanity indeed. 

Effortlessly, these rhythms just flow A journey of mind into freedom through no mind. Just being here now... Present. greater expansion beyond the individual mortal story, this single chapter in a single book stacked against volumes of themselves endless rows of shelves... within the eternal library of the world's progressions. The spiritual movements of historical record? All one awareness...stored in an eternal documentation system. We have no outward form... It just is... It is the substance of dreaming. We are the vibrational cause of our experience. We are not the victims of our circumstance. We are the architect of circumstance. Fiery furnaces of affliction, calmed and cooled, allowed to be the necessary energies needed... Right now.... Remembered... Dreams all wrought to purify the fine gold that we are. I am nothing... The allegorical gold that is the spark of love within me ... that granted even this ego its individuality... its false constructs their age... Their own reign of terror. It is only saying yes... The source only says yes... Allowing all that is... I am all that is, my presence beyond the root of the tooth... The tooth of decision I believe myself to be. Beyond though connected. An awareness ... a perception of being this. Now A decision cleaves meat from the bone, just as the tooth does. Furnaces of intense heat wither the egos false facades of constructed truths, once thought of as certainties. All my own perceptions of others ``flaws" pushed outward into my interpretation ... are indeed my own "flaws" bestowed upon the others by myself. In my interpretation alone. Everything is perfect here and now... we have forgotten our power to mold and shape every aspect of this world we experience. Omnipotent ... as allowed. All past misperceptions once so heavy with what was not desired... Moving into the playfully lite... what is desired. All in a simple change... a slight perceptual movement... that cannot be understood or even believed by most of my outward selves... remaining silent is a much better course.... In miracles all that heavy memory that becomes the folly and whimsical fable of the future. All used for a greater purpose I alone decree. Your suffering was brought upon yourself ... through yourself... No amount of attack will bring you peace. In fact, if you still believe in attack... You are so deep in the dream... you have forgotten your own central role in it. You only attack yourself.... There is no one else to destroy ... Still dreaming. These afflictions are the testing of the metal within... an integrity test... Let it go. Dross burning away ... leaving that which is truly desired. The self... true self... being simply present. All our highest ideals become passing clouds in the unchanging sky, our greatest wisdom is foolishness to the emerging realization. All is one...I am that one. And of course so are you. We are nothing... We need nothing, we are engineering all of our "needs' ' and "wants' ' through an entirely psychological process. For some elusively delicious purpose. A greater purpose fulfilled. 

A spiritual truth is Everything is imaginary... all of our life experience is a psychological construct. We are living in the substance of dreams. Believing them  ́ 'real". There is nothing but imagination, Total freedom from myself... freedom from the faith of the worldly, which is utter disparity. Utter hopelessness. It was a choice made to experience the separateness. Release all of it... embracing all change briefly... Nothing held... all flowing even over these busy hands themselves here and then gone, revealing the intent in the hands, the movement of mind. Essence nothing revealed to scaled sight...worldly eyes. Thought...belief...habit hands open... I will gently hold nothing before its passing. All passing away nothing remains. Change itself is never the same, always unique. Flowing through this moment eternally. I make my change as I can, as real change cannot be fabricated , Real change stands out to self unquestionable. Like no experience before it. I am fulfilled in this endlessly turning story of self ... Expanding understanding While just being with nothing. Being aware of self... This new thought or remembered thought. I have contrived through the self, is growing in momentum. It is the "improvement" desired. An answer I must be seeking has come crashing through this illusory place of mind. My desire emerges as a course of unbreakable higher non-physical law. It is God awakening in my skull, who brought all desire. Aware of desire, staying with desire in delicious fulfilling experience of its fulfillment without external evidence... I am living from the end, fulfilled... This alone is enough. Right now is enough... I am enough... Releasing the desire, truly letting it go... My process of awareness is not mechanical but it has become a machine like in its reactive habits. All malleable all plastic in form. I practice responsibility or appropriate responses. Enjoyment has momentum, enjoying myself... Without apparent cause in the world The subjective appropriation of the objective desire. Always transpiring in our ignorance or awareness of it. Desires attainment in feeling... expectation. it can be practiced before any evidence of its fulfilled truth arrives. This alone is a richly rewarding Desire...fulfilled...released More than enough.... It is felt or known to be "certain" before its arrival in the seeming world around me. All that has come to me this way. I enjoy the desire and then... I no longer desire it... All before it physically arrives. Letting it go. Making room for the now. Faith is not empty or unrewarding. Others interpret what they see as "is" none of my business, in focus. Their own interpretation cannot aid me. They are for themselves... I have no tacit approval for them. They are me. I am as they are, I am for my focus you are for yours, I need not be aware of your focus. I always seek to be co-operative; however, I am now in a place where the unwanted is clear to me and now has no place in my awareness. I will not experience the old ways again. It is an impossibility ... Simply vibrating as I am. I choose the opulence...limitless experience. Very simple. Only my choices surround me. I have habitually envisioned in specific detail... The experience of my delight... even feeling the pen in hand... signing the checks...and then the rich experience. even feeling the stacks of fiat currencies sharp paper edges flipping along my thumb... Stacked high and banded, that cocaine smell of cash. Fiat debt based currency. Ha ha ha.... 

I think those who see themselves upon the moral high ground are in for that experience they have chosen. Infinite supply transcends this want of something not present. There is no want, no need. Within my office with the dark red Scarlet O'hara drapes... I lift gold bars cool, to the touch... heavy... Dull shine ...let us invest...all my thoughts, time and action now investments. Into eternal Increase. ...the thudding metallic tinkling sound of gold coins hitting other gold they fall from fingers. Coffers full. Calling me from my underground vault...very important communication. Ringing phone, fervent bankers highly helpful... in my fiduciary maintenance. expansion... investment... All my worldly expansions are unfolding now. It is entirely physical, but has not originated in it. I'm hiring an office staff. A corporate structure to express new thought into the world from. Payroll, sales expand rapidly, my salesmen are the best of this planet. Some relief from the playground of mind. For consumers to enjoy, television series convenience? Dvds, to purchase...more distractions from unwanted? I must not allow my own flaws to be pushed upon my own beneficial circumstance. I see and feel the fine female form of perfection pressing against me. Excellent, posh... supportive environments within which the body can be. Being... Creative and happy... these wonderful conversations of emerging salvation. Sentiment is not the strength of this moment. Or any... Something far greater than money... Something that reveals the freedom from contrivance, such as money. A renaissance, humanities transformation into butterfly. A new way of perception, evolving a new experience. A greater civilization... to unleash the godly powers of man for its full evolution into new beings... Or perhaps not. Neither greater, neither right or wrong. Of completed desires...of greater accomplishment. If accomplished things are even important then. When accomplishment is revealed as the dreams content. Spectres. With myself and myself outwardly bound. Beyond that interval in imaginal creating and exercising my mind. Should I also consider exercising no mind. It's enough reward... There is a deep wisdom unattached to the world... and its physical needs...wants. In no mind. We are safe in any state of mind. In no mind. For our countenance shall no longer fall. Our Faith then complete. Our faith becomes so much more than it was, a real salvation from the gravity of this dreaming place. My strength remains unmoved as a rock. We are safe without this world, and within it we can be totally secure. There are endless worlds here now. Worldly power is mere passing folly.

 The power that draws the entirety of new worlds toward the awareness I am. All that is, has been wrought out of it. It Is the power of my faith. I can leave behind the dream...there is no loss. The danger is like a dream... all self imposed. I choose my interpretation of the moment as another overflowing fulfilment of opulent now. I need no limitation ... I need no worldly convention. Increase is always happening ... With gold without it, ... I cannot be moved... I am at peace. Silencing.... still peace...quiet awareness. Utterly still... just here right now, in bliss. The outer gross vibrational world is a straw dog. The inner subtle vibrational world is a truth. ... overwhelmingly powerful currents of rich limitless abundance. Indescribable ... Increasingly expontinal return on my investments. Parlayed into spiritual renaissance. The center of my swirling vortex. Expands outward throughout eternity. In imaginal action, in mind alone perceiving all experience. Even being aware of that which I am not. Some authentic unification with the once "separate" world, seeing everything and everyone as myself. In experience, the physical actions taken in whole alignment. Breaking the gravity of desire, as nothing knows nothing. Unattached to any desire it is already fulfilled. Already felt in its wholeness. Even its fulfillment is known to be transient. Known to arrive and pass away. All this physical experience faded into nothing, into unknown... I remain unchanged. Unmoved by my own desire. By my own understanding and release, for perhaps again a new understanding... Empty. I can be totally fulfilled right here right now. In nothing. Mysterious ways of my life to unfold moment to moment. The desire, the experience the sensation of movement, the choices all equally right or wrong each one. No right answer. No wrong one. Surprise is the sacred substance of my within reflected without... Weather surprised with what I want or don't want, both experiences all my own contrivance. My choice... I need not know how this works... I need only choose what I want. And simply be. delightfully wondrous in the knowing and calling it forth into being. It is quiet, simple...still. unmoved by this world. Delicious anticipation of the rich experience... But not in want, in quite the opposite. In fulfillment...even such fulfillment... that it's physical experience becomes unimportant and the desire is fully released. Allowed now to emerge in the physical experience I have brought forth this, for my purpose. My own...affluent, effective self. To enjoy myself. To show unquestionably the light of salvations sober course through my mind... It's a healing touch. experience...anew. Or at-least a reasonable facsimile, of the experience... as this story is based on a so-called ``true" story. Through some development of my awareness. Radiating outwardly...clearly it is self that emerges... Responsible... acceptance...allowance... My will needs to be, being done. 

This understanding of the cycle of my experience within and outwardly into the seemingly tangible now. An effective understanding ... Is the experience of a former desire. Being experienced. It can not be found in was not in thought that awareness became so prominent Alive... These textual shadows are a finger pointing, it's outline only indicating direction and not of intention. Thought arrives and passes away These words feeble before it... whatever it is... a mysterious reflection from deep within myself... Something allowing all that is ... I myself shrouded in that which I do not understand. Is not a mechanical schematic... a machine, or science... There is no cookie cutter recipe... No book or instructor... Only yourself who should be silent by then. A mental/emotional choice, a practice... by this one who wants/needs this practice. all humanity's greatest achievements are foolishness...whimsical...transient passing ... Non achievement misalignment in thought...searching in a dream for its end... Folly...until awakening. alignment finding the dreams end only in that awakening. Nothing greater. It's strength is in its passing then, allowing all to pass away. Making room for the answer... Making room for what is wanted... Empty... the answer enters... Poetic searching ... stumbling through grace, my textual feet are not familiar with this sacred ground. All sacred ground, everything sacred Now remains empty... unchanged... all these seeming evolutions through so called time, were my own and not the worlds. The world has not changed... I seem to have changed a great deal. Patient wisdom remains. It is a dream I make real. My improvement not attainment... a realization...a remembering of something beyond mortal memory. In stillness the reward comes forth without provocation. Now is enough. Imaginal action is the entirety and all of my experience. Inwardly... all that is, pouring outward into this entire dreaming world that I am. I can't stop thinking ... If even for a moment. Bliss Both In nothing and this apparent something I am, In the seeming seperated world I am. In mind... it all is interpreted. within mind though attached to it through the seemingly solid form of the body... In truth attached by memory...a cycle of experience. Belief, habit...awareness Vibration ... I believe I am real, though this body... I believe so real, is not me... it seems to be something I choose. I am occupying it for this time-being. Knowing that all this passes away. This experience of being separated. Merged...remembered...returned to awareness of all is one. One stone, wholly singular. This world of multiplicity seemingly divided in many ways. From another separate perspective, it would appear as one. that perception fades away... It dissolves in a greater presence... as a connection to all that is... Eliminating all separateness. Not from sepretness but from the wholeness... a wholeness that... Overcomes all that is. Though even that is not true. As all these truths seem to keep passing through as well. Nothing remains..... Unchanged....or changed Still empty Still silent. All is one.... As apparent as I allow. As powerful as I choose. Even these written expressions gather more infinite strength of defined beautiful purpose, Like breathing... A law of vibrational attraction. Gathering the wanted together for experience. Gathering feeling that will not be overturned to the material view. Held in an effective belief. God awakening within me realizing he was dreaming he was me. These words, small symbolic representations of vibrations. If it is something, I have made it into such. Let these words grow beyond anything that has been before. To say, teach, learn and fully live nothing. Nothing to impart, no agenda or desire to change this world, only love. To undo my seeming self. These words are dim shadows that attempt to explain the unexplainable here now. feeling of freedom I feel. The written token of the feelings... I feel surging through me into myself pushed outward. To a page, to selves ...I am, I am not. Writing, These expressions my audible mantra, I become the content of my focus, and If I am not "it" itself, then, I am experiencing it as I have seen it. Believe it to be. Desires Drive these groping attempts at an artistic expression of infinite intelligence. Like a wooden stake. Through the vampiric heart of worldly or ceasers power, Only myself freed, from the spectre, who was myself... oh ... Indeed it may all be vanity... We align ourselves into our experience by tuning in or focusing. By certainty...expectation. 

Our Attention always gathers more of itself unto itself. Though I must admit I do not know how... what I focus on becomes "real"... I seem to only be able to perceive "what"... How ... the "what" comes about, in my life experience is a complete mystery to me. I am endowed with this experience through brazen impudence alone... It seems... There is no five year plan... In being there ...there is only some powerfully effective understanding. through the total surrender of any understanding at all. I have experienced the desire for greater understanding. Something has profoundly changed, Some immensely huge...peaceful stillness remains always in my awareness nothing It never leaves me... a comforter. It seems I am noticing a huge disparity between former thought, belief and current thought belief. But it's presence is gentle...its companionship is light, a loving allowing friend. No agenda... In this future thought habit is clear. 

Success...happiness...purpose... I need not want any further, as the floodgates are opened Experience of my attention is inevitable. My magic is belief which dwells impenetrable between the moments of thought and so called time. Truly nothing... no no place. Imaginal wisdom is non action... action is my unstoppable flow as always it is. Experience Will be. And it is not. Eternally allowing. Everything is a personal interpretation. Everything is a choice. Physical activity is not how life is experienced. This is a memory of the reflection of truth. We can rise above the past missing of the mark, transcending the way I once saw this world and all within it. I choose to know this perfection in every micro moment of my now. I am very interested. I am detached from any outcome. Finding freedom in letting go. Finding abundance in feeling fulfilled. Finding relief in total unattached being. Just being a gentle witness. To myself. I witness the self without any attachments to it. So in this experience I find a greater definition of what I believe... I turn to the feelings I desire to feel, rather than something seemingly without or apart from me. Nothing outward can not be me as my clear awareness of it is a connection. Your faith is as wispy or solid as you believe it is. It is all myself reflecting back to me, here and now. All is connected in profound adherence. At its root, self. Powerfully aligning my perception into this lavish opulent experience of desires spontaneous unfoldment. By no non action I receive all the physical action necessary to realize my desire. Alignment of perception first... released in faith or fulfillment Desire, no desire, maybe even this too much... Just stillness ... Just now is enough overflowing ... Experience always comes... I miss or lack nothing... Everything, everyone is me...all is one movement of spirit. But I need not concern myself with that too much. Let it be. All is one yes... Though the non-physical vision to perceive not, experienced with my body's eyes, or senses. An expansion...a renaissance of awareness... a greater perspective from which to grow. Construction of neural pathways of delight and ease, of new perception. Of comprehension. Though I am sure my meat mind is only a really cool radio of sorts... Of thoughts understanding...of potential greatness in these mysterious reflections. Of easy unattached beings... Of everything necessary to experience that which I want. happiness, fulfillment ...oddly fulfilling in a very counterintuitive way. Letting go....really letting go...emptied... I can now be fulfilled. The fear of loss does impede many from the desired freedom they are wanting. No wanting, only receiving...allowing. Wholly fulfilled in the awareness of nothing. It feels like no thought... It seems to be nothing... Though thought may be sometimes re-emerges ... Aware of thought again... It's presence is a regular occurrence . Sometimes for moments fully stopping... My desire is to again realize no thought. Bliss Then thought is fully present very close... Because of my recent wish to not experience thought... I experience thought...but I know how to let go, relaxing my grip....thought falls away... Even if for moments. Physical experience...emerges... thought emerges...thoughts pass away...and sometimes the sweet state of no thought. inexplicable ... My desires all realized in letting them fall away. Fall away from a wanted state, into the question... What does this fulfilled desire feel like? Letting go to receive...without want of reception, the desire unfolds without egos prompting. It's just a passing need not be closely examined... I release attachment. Nothing to be missed...nothing not to be missed. I do not try... I am Simply Being... Though here while I write it is a lie, a fabricated description of a memory. Though here now also present... A reassurance that is a greater understanding of the meaning of that word. And any remaining attachments are ok .... I am always learning. I am learning to let go of the former ways of being. Always allowing the passing of what is. 

Movement is just fine. We all choose our roads, and I seem to see them all from here. Best, better...better than the best. Worst of the worst...and every combination between the wanted and unwanted. All seems I needed to experience them all. All sacred, and all have no moral superiority or inferiority. They just are all in this perfection here and now. Now is enough... It is all that is... I can choose... I have always chosen. These roads I've thought I've known Winding, and straight.... all leading to the within or perhaps nothing, a profound silent stillness. A center... Nowhere, out of time. I am undone, somehow now greater good can shine within me. Always emptied... somehow its powerful presence that is so gentle... it could go unnoticed. Gratitude in the awareness...of presence. Fill me with the wanted content to be reflected into the physical experience. What is always wanted here Through me in many ways... Now something like light illuminating within ...which is a self that has so easily fallen away. And rose again... Nothing literal...there is no fiction...there is no fact...only awareness. All is one. I pick up the gentleness I so easily cast away as foolishness ... Into nothing is sweet relief from myself. It remains with me now... it's indescribable. its pure majesty shining into my world in all ways ... Always ... Not an explainable experience. Just delicious. I have found an answer, a solution. Because I speak from the pompitous of love, my brazen impudent assumption of the desire fulfilled always completes itself. Nothing more. It's not rocket science. If the world of dreaming is completed then perhaps I must also admit my continued dreaming. Completing these dreams. Letting go of dreaming... God is dreaming he is me... I dream I am somehow separate from God. Here in the world of divided appearances. This dream I have brought forth this experience of awakening as God, who was dreaming he is me. The separateness is illusion. A construction of my mind. As all experience is a self engineered contrivance wrought through self, for the same. The walls fall away with the sounding trumpets call. These walls caused the unwanted to be experienced... The purpose of the walls was to keep the unwanted out. The ego mind cannot see what is right or wrong. In ego mind, doing nothing all is achieved. We seemed to have missed the clear evidence that we all carry the unwanted and wanted within ourselves and we are its source. To be of one eye within.... 

This moment is enough. Wholeness in the unchanging moment now. Simply watching...simply still. Total satisfaction. Nothing in the dream compares. Since comparison still seems relevant for some reason. I am emerging from my slumber. I am taking responsibility for the unwanted experience...the wanted experience. I am responsible for my own condition that I have brought forth for this purpose. This experience. Realization... Opulent experience of expanding success... of artful articulation of my dreams causation... the source of my experience within and outwardly into the seemingly tangible now. Perfection. I am expressing the mysterious formlessness... Though it is not able to be expressed. Perhaps like a stained glass window, I have colored the colorless, light... Through self the creation of hues... I have somehow colored the light that shines through the opaque shards of different shapes and names. Joined together here now to be this window of colored textual expression. An invisible spark of animating power of non physical awareness. It is like light... But it's not light... somehow all thought... in something like, darkness and the light not light, something like no thought. These notes to myself are clear enough for myself, to remember. it is not the physical sensation of light. It is a personal revelation. The light of understanding. Shining through the stained glass picture window of this expression. Which is me, as all that is...and me as this little meat sack as well. is me, All that is. My journey is one of limitless imaginal action. I need not listen to the voices of the ego or even personality...if you will, I understand that my "little" self is a totally fabricated artifice of insecurity and security. A certainly higher self is allowing all of this experience of that is limitless imaginal action. Of boundless capacity to bring forth abundance to self and those selves around me. This is my desired experience. Since I have deeply lived through its polar opposite, it would be natural for this personality to be very insecure about money. I am responsible for my own condition. My specific choice is Clearly the cause of my specific perception. Or Interpretation is the doorway into all experience. Interpretation is experience. In this freedom..all is apparent. I can always choose my reaction". Making it a reasonable, beneficial response. My perception of being an individual vessel that infinite intelligence squeezed itself within to be me. The body...mind. Is largely my perception of the ego self. Limitlessness decided to experience limitation which is my personality... Body....mind. I experience you as separate from you experience me, as separate from you. ego based shelves believing the illusion of separate forms... personally imposing every limitation it holds so dear, Outwardly from within, upon the other...unknowingly the cause. An undoing of the phantom self... Undoing the disciplined or undisciplined habits of perception. Whom is this material, sensually based awareness. Undoing the former self took no effort on that same selfs part. It is a process of Fun, ease....magic. An instant, a small... tiny...yeah even invisible internal movement of perception. No effort. releasing the unbounded freedom of eternal love into my life, I am nothing ... I ride the wave of expansion into promises, I made to myself long ago in good faith. I can experience anything... The remaining remembering...fulfilled. Fulfilling now forever, allowing as it always has. Always saying Yes... Everything is allowed by nothing in the limitless potential of this right now moment. I can choose to perceive this now ... however I choose. There is no moral high ground. Happiness needs no external cause. Boredom has always come from within... Nothing is wrong, only weighted...only the results of my choice of perception... Now...I'm deliciously free. all I have ever had and will ever have `` right now is . Freedom of choice. Eternally... I choose happiness... Only the arm of flesh fails. The arm of God has no worldly constraint. In no strength it overcomes all strength in its awesome gentleness ... in tender unassuming humility. No mortal fight... no lesson, no game... just being ... I am as you are, the vessel of that arm of God. Limitlessness ... awareness of a greater non physical truth over and above the former memory of this physical experience. Mindfulness...or presence ... a new point of being... most of the time. My union in mind is the choice I have practiced... the wholeness of everything that is as myself, is myself . 

Now is perfection. The Lost horizon I once thought of as desire, Is either the transient worship of the world, or the fulfilment of God's law. Neither is better or  ́ 'right ``. In fulfilling nothing, desire stilled to no want... no desire. True relief... in nothing. Letting the desire go... total relief. It seems seems opposite...but only true relief can come of this awareness immersed completely in nothing. Total surrender of any understanding and of any desire... In no desire.... no mind ... in no thought. desires re-emergence, completely o.k. There is no race...smiling perhaps... Silliness... This perfect peace, always present. A perfect peace that dissolves many desires to their folly and whimsical nature of personalities ``wants", Caused by the very pain the mind sought to avoid by worldly attainment. Only confusion, and perfectly o.k. It was only childhood, not to be shunned. Gathering the outward experience only brings more outward may disallow receiving the internal experience. We are always all in perfect nurturing love at our core. It begins in mind, more specifically your own imagination. Your conditioning may have led you to believe that imagination is a childish, whimsical attribute of mind that has no worldly value. That it is foolishness to believe in the unseen and call it forth by speaking of things that are not yet, as though they are. Perishing through lack of knowledge. 

They see foolishness. By letting go... we may receive... As odd as it feels or seems to feel ...letting go of everything ... is the only way to freedom. The ego or material based mind has perpetually failed. It will fight against a solution. Solution is its death, it's end... the realization that it was never really anything but a spectral phantom of thought. Through self accomplished ...honest introspection.. I find that myself is a phantom. I am nothing... I artificially "whipped up" my personality... Or what I think is me. like an onion there is nothing at the physical center of my individual perception of self. A construction of misunderstanding that brought about the experience of what I did not want. This discovery Is Clarity... I am certain of the unwanted. Harnessed thought...from unrestrained rampant mind. Intensely detached or attached...neither is greater. They just are... There is nothing to learn, nothing to attain. I witness not the destruction of the mind, but rather its nurtured cultivation. A dawn of understanding myself. Though all is relative... Habits of thought and feeling tenderly tamed, mind like a wild beast. Not always useful until trained. Rushing to and fro without focus, or purpose.. The mind finds... in stillness, its peace. In no thought. Wholly one The healed stone... That can be harnessed to a positive end... Trained... disciplined To any desired end... Freedom is dangerous... in thought, emotion, belief alone all experience is wrought... So danger is a choice my belief makes true. Safety is in letting go. no doubt my visions of beauty are more than mere passing thoughts... but indeed are the seeds of my future experience, without fail. Casting my valued seeds into this deep rich valley yields my paradise. I have forgotten about the past weighty sensation and have stepped wholly into it now. This Freedom. I am the cause of my experience through interpretation. I am in control... Calm, unmoved control. I am always appropriating the objective desire by a subjective imaginal interpretation of its ownership already possessed. I need not rely on anyone... Feeling the fulfilled desire fully...well rewarded through the feeling alone. I let go of the want or desire. I cause experience through expectation. But I do not dwell in the wanted... I dwell in satisfaction. My triumph is letting go of my once precious desire... This develops strength and facilitates the desired experience. My victory is over myself and nothing more. We have rejected our first estate of being fully aware that indeed we are the cause. Incarnation ... The falling from grace or in more superstitious parlance, we are the one God. Dreaming we are seperate... We dream our deadly dreams of good and evil. Concepts, ideas...beliefs...memories ... The so-called ``real" physical world. all the same substance as dreams. Look Listen. 

Though without these corruptible eyes and ears. With the eyes, ears...hands of flesh We invented the separate God, who dwells in mysterious unknown, so that we can justify our own irresponsibility. Our own refusal to become responsible. We are God, and our culpability lays entirely with our own self. We can point to a separateness that never existed though this is still dreaming...and blame some cause outward from self... For the unwanted experience. In fact, we blame outward causes to be able to remain ignorant and thereby perpetrate our victimised self and our tyrannical impositions upon seemingly separate "others' '... full justification of our irrefutably real separate selves ... emotional pain bodies. It is a trap! our apparently individual beings. Perceiving As the victim of situation or circumstance. This is a misaligned perception. A worldly perception fraught with all plagues, curses and suffering. Misperception is the only separateness. Though it is revealed to be harmless...later in an awakened state.... while dreaming... the dreamer believes the dream to be `real". We push outward our own flawed perception of what `is" into the seeming world around us... then we focus on the twisted self fabricated truth, Immersing ourselves in our personal perspective. never realizing our own choice of interpretation is what has caused the "circumstance" we believe ourselves victims of. An imaginal distance between awareness and the thinking self can be created. A thought tool. Awareness needs no strain of attention, it is simply present. I cannot think my way into the desired outcome... I allow the outcome to unfold. I can only experience what I am referring to as an outcome. It's seed is mind, experience is the fruit. I labor in ignorance while dreaming a mental clamoring for full awareness... This is what this writing is.

 Though this writing is much like writing. Fulfilled desire is memory and not awareness. Another pitfall within the egos construct. I want to be free of suffering ... This desire seems important enough. I want this though, I never first let go of the ignorant viewpoint that had caused the unwanted initially. My perception is the doorway into experience. suffering is not to be avoided. Embrace the suffering with all the passion that you embrace the wanted with. Neither is fulfillment. The wanted and the unwanted. All is allowed... I remain unmoved. Fashion a habit of perception that allows your desire to bloom. Without doubt become that which you desire to be. Right here right now. Cultivate this new perception into greatness unimaginable, into some new world of joy and nurturing support. Promise yourself this gift. Easy opulent flow... of some rare greatness. All your own, to be fully enjoyed and let go of. Released before and after its experience. Within us all... is all that is. I choose it to emerge in my experience now. Powerfully aware, beyond sleeping...the dead. I dwell in the opulence of all that is...alive. Aware that the bodies needs are not paramount... but my healthy emotional interpretation of the moment. in a healthy constructive...supportive way. I always interpret this world as my oyster... because it literally is. It is here to always benefit myself. the key to this pursuit, the key to this greater way to perceive. For greater wanted results. From awareness of the presence of God... as myself. to the belief in the individual as separate from God. We make many evolutions of understanding. We believe somehow the answer is within the dream. This is why I stepped from God to man's seperate view. The results of the belief in the dream are all the dream is, it has no life independent of you. The answer is with you, you have only forgotten. I take responsibility for my choices to engage the real power over myself. Letting go to "gain"... conquering self to "win". There is no "gain"...there is no "win"... To let go of all that seems so real, in wholeness... Such an authentic relief, undeniable. I can see that our dreams are all the same. We all seek the wholeness in our awareness or ignorance or both. We are the fragmented stone returning to its whole essence in non-physical. We are indeed dreaming the same dreams. It was the sense of separateness that imposed some false measurement upon those equally valuable dreams. Those messages from God to myself ... divine symbolic communication. Lying to myself ...some arrogant dreamers who are myself pushed out....insist that their own dreams are greater than others... Imperial palaces of massive failure. whoa to them when the balance swings back to equilibrium. As all passes away. This too shall pass. Your greatness now paid for in deep suffering. Success is the road to complete failure. You cannot separate the two. Your ignorance of the balance will not save you from yourself. Only now. Your wanted experience always has its opposite end. You cannot make a duality into a singularity, except within the imaginations kingdom. Imaginal action. Only in mind can two become one. Accepting all of what is, begins something new.

 I need no formula or equation. Your greatness now is your future utter failure. Pursuit of the greatness of God...pursuing myself to understand God had not departed. Transcendence of the dual material mind is the escape. It all should be utilized to benefit the environmental conditions, Within and without. Single eye a sustained focus. For everything, everyone who is you. Long term spiritual wisdom will always appear as foolishness to the world's scaled sight. If you put faith in the physical world, You are shortsighted and superficial? perhaps just unaware...perhaps you have not yet had your revelation... Perhaps still believing in yourself is real. Pursuing will come. I accept failure and success equally... People need to realize the stigmata they place on what they experience is the further cause of the expanded experience... Attitude is almost everything...expectation tied right in...habit, belief ... Everything that is happening is a choice. The choices? They are always the perfect choices and always at the right time. I perceive it that way, no matter what. in acceptance I dwell. In total satisfaction I dwell... This is the secret to success. Just feel will expand. A forgetting of the true cause of my awareness. Has temporarily fixed me into where I am progressing from. The here and now. My embrace of the unwanted reveals my own secret desire for it. It also reveals my acceptance of responsibility for it. Such duality is this world. It is perfect But in my mind I can be singular... I can focus...concentrated thought. I accept that I am a pathologically practiced duality of perception and in the center of my being a singularity, allowing all my expansion of a once mysterious experience... into clarity ...the single sight ...pierces my purpose. clearly emerging as the answer I have steadfastly sought. Simply stillness and silence... very deep and eternally expansive. So these more mysterious movements I cannot describe, as I do not understand them. Rich and fulfilling this lush invisible nothing I AM It is true that it does not return unto me void. My word...even these...useless musings of thought here now. Usefully interpreted for beneficial experience. But at the center of my being there is somethin

This post first appeared on The Metaphysical Theater, please read the originial post: here

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March 7th 2020 2nd


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