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How Eliquis Works to Control Irregular Heartbeat and Prevent Blood Clots

Eliquis, also known as apixaban, is a direct oral anticoagulant (DOAC) used to control irregular heartbeat and prevent blood clots. Irregular heartbeat, also known as atrial fibrillation, is a condition where the heart beats irregularly and can lead to the formation of blood clots. Blood clots can travel to the brain and cause a stroke, so preventing their appearance is essential. In this article, we’ll explore how Eliquis works to control irregular heartbeat and avoid blood clots.

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Irregular heartbeat is a common condition affecting millions of people around the world. It is estimated that up to 6 million Americans suffer from atrial fibrillation. An irregular heartbeat can cause the heart to beat too quickly or slowly, resulting in various complications such as blood clots, heart failure, and stroke. People with irregular heartbeats are five times more likely to have a stroke than those who do not have the condition.

Anticoagulant medications often prevent blood clots in people with irregular heartbeats. Anticoagulants are medications that help to prevent blood clots by thinning the blood. Eliquis is one such medication, and it works by inhibiting a clotting factor in the blood called Factor Xa. By reducing the amount of Factor Xa in the blood, Eliquis helps prevent blood clot formation.

Factor Xa is a clotting factor that aids blood clot formation. When a blood vessel is damaged, Factor Xa is activated and aids in constructing a lump, which stops the bleeding. However, people with irregular heartbeats are more likely to develop blood clots in the heart. An irregular heartbeat can cause blood to pool in the heart, forming blood clots.

By inhibiting Factor Xa, Eliquis helps prevent blood clots formation in people with irregular heartbeat. This helps to reduce the risk of stroke and other complications associated with an irregular heartbeat. Eliquis is taken twice daily, with or without food, as directed by a doctor.

Eliquis has several advantages over other anticoagulant medications for an irregular heartbeat. One of the most significant advantages is that it is associated with fewer major bleeding events than other anticoagulants. Anticoagulant medications can cause severe bleeding, resulting in hospitalization and even death. Eliquis is associated with more occasional major bleeding events than other anticoagulants, making it a safer choice for many people.

Another advantage of Eliquis is that it is easier to use than warfarin, another anticoagulant medication commonly used to prevent blood clots in people with an irregular heartbeat. Warfarin requires frequent blood tests to monitor its effectiveness, and the dose needs to be adjusted based on the results of these tests. This can be inconvenient for people who have to go to the lab for testing and may need help with scheduling appointments. Eliquis, on the other hand, does not require regular blood testing, which makes it easier to use.

In addition to its benefits, Eliquis does have some potential side effects. Like all anticoagulant medications, Eliquis can increase the risk of bleeding, including gastrointestinal bleeding and bleeding in the brain. This can be a severe side effect, and it’s essential to monitor for signs of bleeding while taking Eliquis. People taking Eliquis should avoid activities that increase the risk of injury or bleeding, such as contact sports or using sharp objects.

Eliquis may also cause easy bruising, nosebleeds, headaches, dizziness, nausea, fatigue, itching or rash, and allergic reactions. It is critical to consult a doctor if these side effects occur, as they may indicate a more severe condition.

Eliquis may also interact with other medications, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and blood thinners like aspirin or clopidogrel. It’s critical to tell your doctor about all medicines you’re taking before starting Eliquis to avoid any potential interactions.

Eliquis is an effective medication for irregular heartbeat control and preventing blood clots. Eliquis helps to avoid the formation of blood clots in people with irregular heartbeats by inhibiting the clotting factor Factor Xa, lowering the risk of stroke and other complications. Eliquis has several advantages over other anticoagulant medications, including causing fewer major bleeding events and being easier to use. However, it does have potential side effects, and it’s essential to monitor for signs of bleeding and speak with a doctor if you have any concerns. Eliquis, when used and monitored correctly, can be a safe and effective option for preventing blood clots in people with irregular heartbeats.

How long does it take for Eliquis to start working?

Eliquis, like many anticoagulant medications, takes some time to reach its full therapeutic effect. The time it takes for Eliquis to start working and become effective can vary from person to person and may depend on factors such as age, weight, and overall health.

It generally takes about 2 to 3 hours for Eliquis to start working after it’s taken. This means that it begins to inhibit the clotting factor Factor Xa and prevent the formation of blood clots in the body. However, it may take several days for the medication’s full effect to be achieved.

It’s important to note that it’s essential to take Eliquis precisely as a doctor prescribes to ensure it is effective. Missing doses or accepting more than prescribed can affect its effectiveness and increase the risk of bleeding or other side effects.

If someone is starting Eliquis for the first time, a doctor may recommend a loading dose to help achieve the full therapeutic effect more quickly. A loading dose involves taking a higher amount of the medication for a short period to help build up the concentration of the drug in the blood. After the loading dose, the person will continue to take the regular dose of the medication as prescribed.

It’s important to note that while Eliquis starts working relatively quickly, it can take several days for the medication to be eliminated from the body after it’s stopped. If someone needs to stop taking Eliquis, they must talk to a doctor and follow their instructions carefully to avoid any potential bleeding or other complications.

The post How Eliquis Works to Control Irregular Heartbeat and Prevent Blood Clots first appeared on TamilDada.

This post first appeared on TamilDaDa, please read the originial post: here

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How Eliquis Works to Control Irregular Heartbeat and Prevent Blood Clots


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