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Edinburgh Airport expansion


Budget airline Ryanair has announced its biggest ever Edinburgh summer schedule with eight new destinations, a larger fleet of planes and new jobs.

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The airline will have a total of 250 weekly flights from the Capital – 50 more than in the pre-pandemic summer of 2019 , with  65 routes, including the new destinations of Bari, Cork, Madrid, Marrakesh, Nimes, Palermo, Paris, and Santiago.

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 Two additional aircraft will be based at Edinburgh Airport for summer 2022, increasing the fleet to 10, five of which will be Boeing 737 8-200 “Gamechanger” aircraft which have four per cent more seats, burn 16 per cent less fuel and create 40 per cent less noise emissions.

Ryanair said it represented an investment of over a billion euros and would support 300 highly-paid aviation jobs and 3,000 indirect jobs at Edinburgh airport, including 60 new jobs associated with the extra aircraft and around new 500 indirect jobs.

It said the expanded summer operation would give holidaymakers an abundance of choice to top European destinations in Greece, Spain, Italy, and Croatia and also give Scottish tourism a much-needed boost after two lost summers.

And Ryanair combined the announcement with a call to the UK government to scrap Airport Passenger Duty (APD) immediately for all travel saying that while the proposed cut is a step in the right direction, it is simply not enough.

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Edinburgh Airport expansion
