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New drop off charge at Edinburgh Airport


A £4 flat-fee will be introduced for drop-offs and pick-ups at Edinburgh Airport from November 9, which means taxis dropping off in a new ten minute window will now pay £2 , while those picking up passengers within 15 minutes will pay £4 instead of £5 .

Bosses at Edinburgh Airport claim they have been forced to make the changes in response to financial challenges of the coronavirus pandemic which could mean losses of £60 million this year.

Airport transfers to Edinburgh Airport can be booked on 0800-6190575.

But chairman of the Unite Edinburgh cab branch, Scott Blair, fears taxi drivers will not be able to recoup the £2 extra charge as they are fixed to a tariff lasting 18 months which was set at Edinburgh City Council’s sub-licensing committee in March.

Once more Edinburgh Airport is fleecing the airport taxis they rely on to bring customers to the airport .

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New drop off charge at Edinburgh Airport
