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“I Have A Third Nipple”: 81 People Confess About Their Unique Features They Thought Everybody Had

“I Have A Third Nipple”: 81 People Confess About Their Unique Features They Thought Everybody Had

Human beings have a lot in common, from the need for meaningful relationships to the innate drive for creativity. Even our biology is similar. Or is it? Sure, our hair and eye color might differ, just like our height and build. But sometimes the differences go far deeper—and unnoticed for a very long time.

Redditor u/amistakewasmadehere turned to their fellow internet users with an intriguing question. They asked everyone about the things about their body that they thought were completely normal but turned out to be quite the opposite. We’ve collected the most interesting tales to share with you, Pandas. Scroll down to have a read.


I have bad ankles. I once asked my mom if bad ankles run in our family. She told me that nothing runs in our family. I asked her “because of the bad ankles?”

Image credits: dubler2020


Cataplexy, I lose the ability to grip/hold things, chew, sometimes even stand when laughing. Basically, my muscles s**t the bed whenever I start laughing too hard. Me, my sister, and my dad have it. My sister has even dropped her children because of it (don’t worry more of a gradual release than a full blown drop and no one was hurt) I grew up thinking it was entirely normal, and my mind was blown when I found out it was not. I asked the next 10 people I saw, friends, coworkers, drug dealer if they got weak while they were laughing and they looked at me like I was crazy.

Image credits: MesciVonPlushie


I thought everyone had the same hearing I did. Then the pandemic hit and suddenly my hearing got worse. Turns out I needed hearing aids and the reason my hearing "got worse" was because I could no longer read people's lips due to the masks.

Image credits: artsycraftsy626

Biological oddities occur due to random mutations. Some of them can be responses to a particular environment, increasing an individual’s chances of surviving and thriving there. Other abnormalities, however, offer no clear advantage over anyone else. However, a few can be quite a disadvantage if they cause pain or make the person constantly feel uncomfortable. There’s also the fact that others can ostracize you due to these differences to consider. 

For instance, having 16 wisdom teeth instead of the standard set of 4 might make someone extremely uncomfortable due to growing pains. Meanwhile, the person’s peers might think that this is immensely weird and might even bully them. On the flip side, they find it super cool and take an even bigger liking to them. You can’t always control how people react to you and your body.


My tongue has a bunch of cracks and craters in it and is not smooth.

Image credits: slapstick223


Dermatographia. I have really sensitive skin with an overactive histamine response. When I’m gently scratched with a blunt object, I get a hive in the shape of the scratch. I can write my name in hives on my forearm.

Image credits: BriCMSN


I have a double uvula. That little hangy thing in the back of your throat... Mine looks like a ballsack. I thought that's just what they looked like cuz like, how often do you look in people's throats? I remember seeing cartoons as a kid where they'd zoom in on a character's mouth when they are screaming or something... And I just thought the artists were lazy, drawing a simple droopy line. But no, that's what most people's look like.

When I was in my 20s I went to the doctor for something unrelated and she checked my throat and just said "huh you have a double uvula. Neat!" I went home and told my roommates and they all had to look in my mouth. I thought they would think the doctor was the weirdo but they were all shocked... I'll never forget one saying "you've got balls in your throat!"

Image credits: xx2983xx

However, what you can do is change how you react to how people treat you. A large part of thriving in society comes down to emotional resilience. It’s about loving yourself, knowing your worth, and loving yourself independently of whether the rest of the world adores or abhors you.

You ought to strive to accept the things about yourself that you cannot change and then focus on cultivating healthy habits. Not to sound too cheesy, but you have to be your biggest cheerleader and supporter. Far too often, we give into negative self-talk. This saps our confidence and leaves us doubting ourselves. The world’s far too big and diverse for us to be doubting ourselves just due to a handful of genetic quirks.


For a long time I figured that everyone felt horrible after every meal, and that I was just a huge baby for complaining about how badly my stomach hurt all the time.

Turns out, I was just a severely lactose-intolerant child born into a very credulous family at the height of the 90's "kids must have a giant glass of cow milk with EVERY SINGLE MEAL or they'll die of rickets or end up in a gang" craze. To this day my mom forgets (or "forgets", I'm not sure) about this every time I go back home to visit, and will make some dairy-heavy meal/dessert and then act like I'm choosing not to eat it just to hurt her feelings. Like, no, sorry, I already spent a dozen years medically underweight due to being violently ill after every meal, I don't feel any urge to return to that state of affairs now.


Aphantasia or the absence of a mind’s eye. When I found out that people can picture stuff in their head I was amazed.

I was also 45.

Image credits: Toby_O_Notoby


Feeling the compulsion to sneeze when seeing the sun.

Image credits: thejude555

Body image coach Jessie Barnes told Forbes that body confidence is the ability to “feel at home in your body,” no matter your size or shape. “It's the understanding that your appearance is simply not the most important feature of who you are as a person and that there is no such thing as a 'perfect' body,” she explained.

“When you live with body confidence, you free up a tremendous amount of energy that you can then focus on your goals, your mental health, and on connecting with the people you love. On the surface, it may seem like it’s about wearing a bikini confidently (and that part is fun!) but the real benefit comes in allowing you to live a life aligned with your true values.”

Cultivating this body confidence might take some effort. For one, you have to separate your idea of self-worth from your appearance. You have to begin seeing yourself and others as people who have a lot more going on in their lives and far more to offer than just how they look at this particular moment. 


I get itchy as soon as I get overheated. Like an all over body itch. There's no rash that pops up, I just get very very itchy.

Image credits: fuckfuck9001


I thought I was bad at running because my throat would seize up and get painful whenever I ran for more than a minute. I mentioned this to my doctor when I was 30. Turns out I have asthma.

Image credits: PachinkoBiloba


Nobody told me this…I ended up learning this on my own in my early 20’s.

I have a third nipple. I always thought it was a mole on my rib cage and I actually used to like it and kinda thought it was cute. As soon as I discovered the truth, I immediately started to dislike it.

And it’s funny but it actually does make me feel exposed when I’m wearing a bra or bikini and one of my nipples is showing. Lol.

Image credits: pocketsizedpieces


That I had 8 wisdom teeth grow into the extra space in the back of my jaw (two for each side, top and bottom) that all grew in just fine after 20... Only to find out on my last trip to the dentist that I have 8 more growing in sideways...

The normal amount of wisdom teeth is 4. Not 16.

Image credits: Rathewitch


I’ve got ‘alternating exo’ the eye doctor called it. I can choose which eye I can see out of and can switch as I please, which ever eye is not “picked” “turns off” and I don’t see out of it since I chose the other eye. Since i've been able to do it all my life both of my eyes can operate alone so if I lose one it won’t be as bad adjusting. Pretty nice actually but the ‘exo’ makes me hate selfies cuz whichever eye isn’t picked drifts outward which is noticeable to me at least :( That’s not the only one I can think of to lol edit; Yes I know there’s surgeries to fix the drift but my eye doc said that it might cause more problems and it’s minimal enough that I can live comfortably. I don’t have any issues with bumping into things I couldn’t see or dealing with small things

Image credits: Nez_bit


I thought feeling your heart beating was normal, even in a sedentary state. Turns out, I had a heart murmur (patent ductus arteriosis) and didn’t find out until I was 30. All those years of multiple doctors listening to my heart and finally a doctor detected it. After I had the procedure to close it, I told my dad I feel great, I don’t feel my heart beating in my chest. He was shocked I lived like that for so long. I thought it meant I was alive and well. ETA: I didn’t mean to freak y’all out. To clarify, I could feel my heart pounding lying down or just sitting and could hear it too. Think of how you can feel and hear it while working out or when you’re anxious. Mine was like that 24/7 (at a normal heart rate) and I thought it was normal. Many can see and feel it if you focus. I more mean it was always noticeable even when I wasn’t focusing on it

Image credits: Responsible-Glove-68


I have a big head. I've never once found a hat that fit. Not even a toque.

Image credits: Grant_Ham999


The first year of menstruating I had intensely painful periods and severe constipation. The periods would last two weeks, with two weeks in between each one. Everyone told me things would calm down and even out. Then one night, at a friend’s sleepover, I was in so much pain that I was sobbing on the bathroom floor. My parents rushed me to the hospital. Everything I was describing, pain-wise, made it sound like I was in labour. But I was 14 and still very much a virgin.

After a week of tests and painkillers, they finally figured out the issue; I then had surgery to open up my second uterus and cervix, which had been sealed shut by a membrane. I had been having periods for a year and had built up like 2 liters worth old blood in my sealed second uterus. So once that was drained out and I was put on major antibiotics, I got to go home and tell all my friends that I had two uteruses.

I was also born with one kidney. Not sure if that’s related, but I sure am a mess down there lmao

Image credits: SM0KINGS


That your brain never stopping is not normal. It’s actually a sign of hyperactivity.

The first time I took meds and I only thought of one thing at a time? Overwhelming.

Image credits: Lozzanger


I can taste words.

For example, if someone says three, an image of a cupcake immediately comes to mind and I sometimes will start salivating.
The same word has always had the same food association. It’s called [Lexical–gustatory synesthesia](

Image credits: texasyogini


I once took part in a study as a paid participant. The doctors used ultrasound probes to examine the blood vessels on my face. They commented on how strange my face's blood vessels were, they struggled and puzzled a little while examining my face. Then they handed me more cash and asked whether I would be willing to donate my body after I died to a medical study. (They were polite and respectful throughout the whole process, just seemed excited?)
Edit: They didn't tell me what's wrong, so idk either. And my face looks perfectly normal, at least from the outside.

Image credits: breakdancing-edgily


Pain in your stomach and esophagus when you're hungry. Apparently that's acid reflux, not hunger.

Image credits: tmills87


I have bones in the bottom of my mouth — mandibular torii. I was in my 20s before a dentist commented on them being uncommon! Finally explained why x-rays of my teeth were always so painful!


My jaw pops whenever I open my mouth. I thought it was normal for your jaw to just "unhinge" because how else could you open your mouth wide? Turns out, nope.

Image credits: PikaBooSquirrel


Strawberry Legs. I have a ton of small dark spots on my legs and I thought that's just what legs look like. Apparently hair follicle or clogged pores that are exposed to air after shaving your legs can oxidize and turn dark. There are even treatments to get rid of it because they can be a major insecurity but I've never bothered.

Image credits: oliviagummybears


When I'm around a large group of people, I have a hard time remembering everything that happened when I get home and I'm alone. This is without drinking. Thought that was normal. But I mentioned it to my friend.

Turns out I have horrible social anxiety and essentially, I mentally check out in settings where I'm uncomfortable.


I thought I had one big ball when I was a kid. I read they are normally different sizes in puberty class. At 12 got my first sports physical. Hernia.

Image credits: inlike069


Inverted nipples. never really thought much about them, until i saw boobs in various settings (media i.e. movies, and in person) and none of their nipples looked like mine. i guess no specific person has ever pointed it out to me, i just don’t ever see them anywhere so i still feel weird about them.

Image credits: bl00dandbl00d


I constantly have to flex my muscles. Not in the douchey "check me out ladies" kind of way, but in a more frustrating "I need to move this muscle in the next 3 seconds or I will feel like I am being tortured" kind of way. Constantly rotating my shoulders, flexing shoulder blades, neck, arms, wrists, ankles, legs, wherever. Makes it hard to sit still or sleep.

Only seriously noticed when I slept with my first partner, who was very confused as to why I wouldn't stop twisting and flexing for at least 2 hrs before falling asleep. I just figured everyone got that feeling. Being under a weighted blanket, feeling my arm or leg fall asleep- both feel like utter torture and will make me scream and writhe about. Would love to know what the hell this is and how I deal with it, because so far I have no clue.

Image credits: DeviousFox


I was blowing up balloons with someone once and silently judging them for not being able to do it in a single breath. Turns out I’m the freak who just has mental lung capacity for some reason.

Image credits: StrangledByTheAux


I’m very buoyant. I have a hard time sinking to the bottom of a pool at all no matter how hard I try, and float completely with almost no effort for very long lengths of time.


The way that my eyes see car headlights at night. I thought everyone saw it that way, but apparently it's not normal, and is due to astigmatism. Check [this]( out to see what I mean.

Image credits: shadow2087


Had an online friend who seen a IRL photo of me and messaged me asking if I had a speech impediment. When I asked why, he said I have a weird shaped chin/jaw (obviously less bluntly, didn’t come across as offensive). He then randomly asked me to send him a pic with my tongue sticking out.

That’s how I found out I’m tongue tied. Nobody in my family/life ever acknowledged my speech impediment or extra short tongue until some random guy on the internet said I have a weird chin and diagnosed me. Wtf.


Thought I had great vision - until I tried glasses and found that everything was so much sharper and more vivid! Apparently my left eye has a vision defect but my right eye learned to compensate so I never realized!

Image credits: LLAA00


I have perfect pitch. Somehow, a discussion about it never happened so I went through 2.5 years of band learning notes and tuning the way I thought everyone else did.

To make a long story short, I found out when my dad was trying to play a tune by ear, kept missing a note, and I finally yelled at him that he should be playing X note, which led to my parents freaking out & quizzing me, and me freaking out because I thought they were playing dumb. It took months and coming across a National Geographic article before it fully sank in that I had an entirely different relationship with sound than anyone in my social circle.


I knew I always had a stuffy nose, but didn't think much about it. Got onto medicine that finally helped, and my nose cleared up a bit and I could smell a little better in high school. Didn't realize how bad it had affected my sense of smell until college, though. I had a chemistry lab where we had to determine the scent of some liquids (it's been too long for me to remember what they were); I couldn't smell anything until I breathed through my mouth. I was suddenly able to figure out each one. That's still how I "smell" things.

Edit: so I wrote this and then went to bed, and it exploded while I was asleep. So here are answers to 2 of the most popular things.

My doctors are aware I am like this, and my septum has been checked. It's not off enough to cause the problem. I just have a long list of incredibly annoying allergies that cause the issue. For example, I'm allergic to just about every green plant.

Always check with your doctor about what will specifically help you, but I have to take an OTC allergy pill year round, but if I take the same one for too long, it stops working. I rotate every three months through Zyrtec, Allegra, and Claritin. I also take Dymista nasal spray. Singulair is technically for my asthma, but it seems to help open my nasal passages too. And it isn't perfect, but I can breathe through my nose most of the day now.

Image credits: agirl1313


In my late 30s, I was diagnosed with a minor Arnold Chiari Malformation. It is a genetic condition from birth which causes increased pressure on the brain stem which can lead to a lot of weird things. My wife was reading up on the condition and asked if I had any problems sneezing. I thought this was an odd question because I have a lot of allergies, so I said no. She asked what it felt like when I sneezed. I said, you know...your vision goes white and you get dizzy, worried about falling down, sometimes an instant headache...but it passes in a second or two. Her eyes got wide like saucers and her mouth dropped a little. I remember saying, "Now that I say that out loud, I'm guessing that is not normal?" Her reply was "Not normal at all!"


Lower Back dimples, I got teased in middle school when we went to a water park. My partner loves them.


Apparently most people don't have much in the way of toe dexterity, I am monke down there.

Image credits: EtherealPheonix


My tolerance for alcohol. I went years of heavy alcoholic drinking with no one realizing I was doing it. I just didn’t get sloppy or slurry or unable to do normal tasks. I was drinking 8 - 10 drinks a day. It was easy to lie to myself and think I had no problem because I was excelling at my job, getting certifications and licenses, and generally being a good member of society. I never understood why some folks had three or four drinks and were out of it. It all finally catches up to you though. I always kind of knew it wasn’t normal but I didn’t realize how bad it was until I finally went to rehab and experienced withdrawal that included auditory and visual hallucinations and shakes that even the meds didn’t fully control. To this day I have acquaintances that have no idea I was blasted every time I talked with them. A lot of alcoholics say this but their friends and family say “we knew something was wrong but never said anything.” My friends and family were almost doubtful when I told them I had a problem. My wife figured it out first. But not because of how I acted, because she saw the evidence in the form of empty vodka handles hidden before I could toss them. I truly flew under the radar for maybe years of being constantly drunk day to night. In those three years I had a kid. Got promoted at my job twice. Had hobbies. Got licensed for my profession in two different states without anyone knowing I was drinking morning to night. Like I said, easy to lie to yourself that way. 


Since I was kid I was aware of the running commentary in my head. My mind is consistently thinking about one thing and then bouncing off to something else, "talking" over something that happened last week or running through an interaction I expect to have tomorrow. I will zone out mid-conversation and have even been in meetings where I miss chunks of things because my mind has gone off on what I need to do when I get home.

I asked some friends and family if they experience the same and they gave me a side eye. Apparently an inner voice narrating your day is not normal. I can't imagine what it is like to have a quiet mind when people say they can just sit there and have nothing going on inside.


When you come inside from the cold it isn’t normal to feel dizzy. When you bend over or over exert yourself it’s not normal for your ears to whoosh. It’s not normal for your vision to ‘roll’ when looking at patterns, or to always have a fair number of floaters or little flashing lights. Diagnosed w IIH in 2019, had these things for as long as I can remember…just figured they were normal.


I was seeing a dermatologist and she noticed my nails and asked if I was wearing nail polish, I wasn't and she said I had Leukonychia. Never noticed before and now I notice my freakish white nails all the time.


Me and my dad both sneeze when we get full, I thought it was normal…


Sometimes I can feel and hear my spinal fluid moving in my neck and the base of my head. It sounds like a rain stick.


I never understood why people were able to tolerate heat so easily, or why they would complain about sweating. One day I came across the term anhidrosis and a light bulb went off. Basically I don’t sweat enough so I’m c**p at regulating temperature, I just get dizzy and nauseous if I overheat instead. My mom and son are the same way, so it didn’t seem all that weird to me.


“Sharp” poops. (This got lengthy. TL;DR at the bottom.)

I’d never had regular daily bowel movements. At best, a couple times a week, but not multiple times every day, and when I would go, I was in and out in under 2 minutes. When I was younger, I just thought everyone else was weird. By the time I was a teenager, I thought I was just odd or chronically constipated. Went to the pediatrician, and they found nothing wrong. “Eat more fiber, drink more water.”

In my 20s, I’d gone to a new doctor to see about it, and they’d always suggest increasing fiber, trying a stool softener, and drinking more water.

Mid 20s, I started having “sharp” poops. I’d feel a sharp, almost dragging sensation and would eventually have a bowel movement later in the day or the next day. I figured they were just hard turds or I was dehydrated again.

Over time, I’d started to notice blood on the tissue. I brought it up to another doctor again and was told more of the same, and after a small exam (finger and glove), it was suggested I might have internal hemorrhoids or be pushing too hard. More fiber, more water, stool softeners.

Late 20s I’d developed the unique talent to know whether the overwhelming urge to go after the sharp poops would actually be a real poop or just on-the-toilet meditation. Asked a doctor, same story.

By my early 30s, instead of meditation there’d be blood floating in the toilet; sometimes liquid, sometimes sort of like collagen. (It actually describes as similar to red currant jelly)

I went to the doctor for what I thought was intestinal blockage and mentioned I thought I had ibs-c or something and she referred me to a gastroenterologist.

He thought things were weird enough to schedule a colonoscopy which was early for my age but they got my insurance to cover it, so I went.

Turns out, I had stage 1 colon cancer. There was a huge, pedunculated (attached to a stalk, like a mushroom), polyp that would dip into my r****m and retract back up into my sigmoid colon. It was bleeding at the head and had caused my intestine to telescope in on itself. They found it and removed it while I was under for the colonoscopy. Apparently the cancer started at the top of the polyp and was working its way down the stalk. It was about 1 cm away from the base when they found its and removed it. It probably wouldn’t have been the same if it wasn’t found then.

TL;DR- it was colon cancer.


The tail.


I thought my toes were normal until someone said they’re freakishly long.


Not me but a friend. She said “you know how sometimes you’re exercising and your whole body goes completely numb and you can’t breathe?” I was like “no?!?!”

Yeah. She was in heart failure. Luckily she was able to get treated in time.


Dang I'm so late to this thread. I thought everyone got chest freezes , you know like a brain freeze but in your chest? Never gotten a brain freeze and the only other person I've known that feels it in the chest was my dad


Headache from bright lights.


The petite mal seizures I can remember as far back as 6 years old. It wasn't until I was 10 and had a grand mal seizure that I really understood I should have said something before then but I was embarrassed.


Found out i'm Hypoglycemic because I went to the doctor after having this conversation with someone. "Ugh. This sucks. You know when your whole body gets kinda hot but your blood feels cold and you get dizzy?" They did not know that feeling and so I went to the doctor, got blood work. Sure enough.


Apples aren't spicy.


My tongue has patches of white and pink. A dental hygienist pointed it out to me and called it a geographic tongue.


Period pain that doubles me over. I thought every woman just dealt with this much pain until my doc told me it was in fact, not normal.


first time i went to physical therapy for a back problem i knelt on the table and both my knees cracked loud. PT was like what was that?!?! im like oh just my knees....she was like do they do that all the time??? with this kinda worried look lol. yes mine do.... then i proceeded to learn how inflexable parts of me are. Ive honestly been doing the at home excersizes and they do help! least the back issues...


that i don’t have aerolas or any color to my nipples unless they’re hard and the fact that my skin goes purple randomly. also my tonsils. they were always swollen and i didn’t know they weren’t suppose to be swollen until i went to an ent and had them removed last year.


I guess regular people don’t practice facial expressions for specific emotions in the mirror? How they didn’t diagnose my autism until I was 36 is a mystery.


Every word, letter, or number I think about has a colour associated with it. It’s apparently called synesthesia. When telling family and friends about this, they thought this was strange.


Being able to see in the dark. Not complete darkness, but as long as there's just a little bit of light, I can see fine where others can't see anything.


I can activate my tensor tympani muscles (they make that roaring in your ears when you yawn) at will.

For some reason, they also activate when I feel sudden pain, even when there’s no sound or noise involved.


Growing up I had large bone spurs growing from the back of both feet. Just like spurs on cowboy boots, but pointed. Used to use them as weapons when I’d fight my brother as a kid lol. I thought everyone had them. Lost a shoe size (and a weapon) when I got them removed. Kinda miss them.


My stomach hurts every day. I brought this up with some coworkers like oh you know just my stomach hurting like normal. They said that's not normal. Turns out I have extreme anxiety and I shouldn't be eating cheese.


When I lean on my elbows my shoulder blades stick pretty far out behind me. Hard to explain I guess, but multiple people have pointed it out as weird.

Also I can crack my wrists the same way most people can crack their knuckles. It's very satisfying (and like 5 times as loud)


If I’m sorta tuned out or focusing on something and I hear a sound behind me or to one side, I can literally feel my ears attempt to turn toward the sound (like many animals do, such as cats). My ears don’t actually move around, but there’s some automated reflex that tries to do it. I mentioned it to my wife (in an innocent statement that began with “you know how you can feel your ears try to move to pinpoint a sudden sound?”) and she looked at me as if I have 6 eyes. I haven’t found anyone else since then who knows what the hell I’m talking about.


I got like tiny areola even for a dude. Like dime sized. Never thought about it till high school when I was changing and one of the seniors pointed it out.


Food regurgitation. I didn't think anything of it. Eventually food got caught in my esophagus and now I am learning how this is not normal and harmful.


The amount my eyebrows move when I talk (and I'm nervous).


All the freckling. …. In places most people don’t have freckles.


I have a f****d up rib, if I press on it I can feel it move in and out of place. I can quite literally put my hand inside my ribcage to some extent. When I'm bored sometimes I just do that to entertain me lol.

Edit: Wow I didn't realize how common it actually is, that's crazy. And for those asking, yes, it's a floating rib, but it's misshaped.


That it was normal for your shoulder to sublux out of joint when you lift a gallon of milk. Or for elbows to dislocate sometimes when you put a jacket on.


Double jointed thumbs. I didn’t know they were double jointed for years and I thought it was normal to be able to bend your thumb over 90 degrees


My palm crease is a straight line. It's called a Simian crease and turns out it's pretty rare. Typically a sign or down syndrome or some medical problems. Sure glad I dodged that one


Sympathy pains. If I see someone that has been through a bad time or they have a disfiguring disease it makes me have as dull ache in that area. Also, when I fall or have an injury, the area will feel very warm right after. I was in my late 40's and my friend said she never experienced anything like that.


I can bend all of my fingers at all if their joints, individually. For example, I can hold up my pointer finger and bend it at the joint right by the nail without bending the other joint.


I used to be able to grab my kneecaps and slide them back and forth. I went to student health services for an injury and the person who treated me was really excited about it and disappointed that I'd come in so late in the school year. It was a few days before summer break and the student workers that she wanted to show my weird knees to (pre-meds?) had already gone home.


During winters while eating food either cold or hot my nose used to start running not like in terms of flu but water would just keep running down my nose even with non spicy foods. My mum and sister pointed me out a lot and I found through the internet that I suffer from a medical condition known as Gustatory Rhinitis which isn't treatable. 


Post-nasal drip. Until my late teens, I thought everyone had that mucous feeling at the backs of their throats. One day, someone mentioned having it, so I looked it up and discovered that maybe my sinus problem was worse than I thought lol


When I was doing my physical to join the Navy, the doctor told me I have high arches. They've never bothered me.

Also, now that I know to look, it does look like everyone else has flat feet in comparison.


I thought it was normal for your body to just stop liking foods after eating it consistently (maybe once a day) for like, two weeks or so. I thought that's what food poisoning was.

Apparently I'm really sensitive to wheat, whey, and soy, in addition to about 107 other things, on top of general IBS and GERD. My health has improved after a complete diet overhaul.

This post first appeared on How Movie Actors Look Without Their Makeup And Costume, please read the originial post: here

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“I Have A Third Nipple”: 81 People Confess About Their Unique Features They Thought Everybody Had
