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40 Overconfident People Saying Dumb Things Shared In This Online Thread

Show me a person who claims they never talk nonsense and I'll show you a liar. Silly words falling from our mouths is what makes us human.

But preaching ignorance in an attempt to persuade others? Not so much.

Recently, Redditor GuyWithAScuffedLife asked other platform users: "What is the dumbest thing someone has said with full confidence?" And boy, did that question resonate with everyone!

So far, the post has received nearly 1,500 comments, many of which prove how easy it is to make a fool of yourself.


"I don't eat cows, I eat beef."

Image credits: siren_nymph


Teenagers are too young to truly have anxiety, depression, or PTSD.

Image credits: deleted

The idea for this post came to GuyWithAScuffedLife quite spontaneously. "I was talking with my friends and I was just scrolling through Reddit, and then decided to ask a random question," they told Bored Panda.

"There [were] a lot of liberal and democratic people [in the comments] because a lot of the replies were directed towards anti-maskers, Trump, etc." But the good thing was that a lot of the stories turned out to be funny and GuyWithAScuffedLife had plenty of opportunities for a good laugh. Which is what they think is how you recover after saying something stupid yourself.

"Just laugh at it with other people because there is no harm in [admitting to saying something silly] and laughing about it."


A woman yelled at me for parking a car with a handicap tag in a non-handicap spot. She believed that I had to park only in handicap spots.

Image credits: ocrohnahan


"If evolution is true then how did a human man evolve perfectly to match a human woman."

As if they evolved separately then met up one day.

Image credits: TopScruffy


Discussing religion with two Christian friends (Brother and sister duo) - I’m a nonbeliever and they were in your face jerks about it. These two are pretty much why I hate discussing religion.

The sister said something like “I bet you don’t even know how many apostles there were!”

I said “Twelve.”

The brother shouts “Ha! Wrong! It was seven!”

To her credit, the sister immediately facepalmed. And I kid you not when I say this is my actual response: “So, was it Doc or Dopey that betrayed Christ?”

Cherilynn Veland, MSW, LCSW, who is a counselor and coach based in Chicago and who has been helping individuals, couples, and families for over 20 years now, agrees. 

The best way to cope when we suffer from a verbal snafu, according to Veland, is to:

  • Try to learn from the feelings of shame that these situations create;
  • Use the mistake to practice humility;
  • Find the learning lessons in the mistake;
  • Practice laughing at yourself.

Plus, apologies are often accepted!


"If pregnancy were really that challenging and such a burden, the human race would have died out a long time ago."

Yes, it was a man. Yes, I still know him.


“If evolution was real, why are there still monkeys?” – worst first & last date.

Image credits: Ferretastic359


Gay people choose to be that way. Yup they wake up and think, well life is good I feel like being abused for no reason.


"It's FAA law that there can only be one Christian pilot per plane. That way when the rapture comes, the other guy can land the sinners left on the plane safely."

This was in college. Not a religious college. She said this like we were the stupid ones.

Image credits: IrradiatedBeagle


The vaccine is made from aborted babies


That being diabetic is something you can DO at home, and an addiction that is not suitable to DO when in public.

Yes, someone told me that in full confidence.

Image credits: Emile_the_rat


Was told by someone that Australia doesn't exist cuz we don't fit on the flat earth......... we were in Australia


Being Bipolar is a choice. Yea sure it is sweetheart. I don’t talk to them anymore


"Informed people don't make better decisions than uninformed people. That's a myth." He wasn't joking.

Image credits: Siryl7001


I was told by a teacher that lots of people have diabetes and I need to get over it, it's not that big of a deal.

Image credits: just_browsing21


In my sex ed class in highschool, we had an assignment where we had to name all the parts of the male genitalia and this one girl said (with a nasty attitude, might I add) “men don’t have bladders!”

Image credits: Elle-mic


Rabbits lay eggs.

Image credits: TurtleTree30


Maybe the thing about injecting bleach into your system to kill the coronavirus


If you wash your hands in the hot water you don't need soap. Hot water will kill all germs

Image credits: LeftChoux


“I didn’t know Hitler was Australian.” If you didn’t get it, I would gladly tell you the full story if you want to.


Someone told me you could get to Hawaii by boat in 20 minutes because it’s right off the coast of California.

I think he was looking at one of those maps that had Alaska and Hawaii in the bottom left corner and thought that’s how it really was.


I had just moved into a new place and had a roommate told me that women who get raped while drunk deserve it.


A coworker of mine once told me that any animal could reproduce with any other animal, that DNA wasn't important and that all sperm was the same.

She believed this because she once saw a litter of diseased, deformed puppies and had decided that they must be half rat.

Image credits: Hypersapien


I told a guy a few hours after a terrible date (needed to calm down) that it wasn’t going to work between us. Two days later I get a text saying he had a long hard conversation with himself the day after the date and, long story short, he didn’t think we were compatible to date right now.

Completely confident that it was his idea. Just gonna let him think it and be glad I never have to deal with again.


The earth is flat!

Image credits: lemons_of_doubt


“Two years from now, spam will be solved.”

Bill Gates 2004


"This bacon is so raw, I can still hear it mooing!"

(For the record, the bacon was precooked.)

Image credits: NeedsMoreTuba


i have diagnosed ADHD. my friend once told me i didn’t have it and was lying because i didn’t bring fidget toys to school


I was in a high school history class and we were talking about Freud. Our teacher asked if any of us knew what penis envy was. One student who was straight faced and way too confident answered “it’s when one man is jealous of another man’s penis size”. Comedy gold.

Image credits: Salt-Career-8668


An adult told me that the sun isn’t a star.


My roommate once told me we were in South America. We live in Canada.

Image credits: renklo


I once drove past a car park being demolished with my mum in the car. The demo crew were spraying the structure with water to keep the dust down, my mother, bless her insisted they were doing it to soften the concrete.


A friend once told me that all cancer was a completely man made phenomenon.


"I thought the turtle would eat algae. That's what my koi did."

The baby turtle was kept in a small glass bowl without algae. It also didn't have UV light, and was fed shrimp, the turtle equivalent of living on desserts. I got it a perching spot in an aquarium, UV light, water heater/thermostat, and real turtle pellets.

This person otherwise comes off as fairly bright, and sustains himself with his own businesses. The differences between fish and reptiles apparently didn't really hit him.


that i'm stupid for checking reviews on products before ordering them.

Image credits: _nachosandsalsa_


One time I was sitting with a patient, he was bit by a dog, his leg was torn up pretty bad, he couldn't even walk. As I finished bandaging him, he said "it's fine, I can walk" and he got up, and fell on his face


Pigeons are fat because they are pregnant.

Image credits: rmadiumbeadist


Cuba is in Asia.

Image credits: MrCopperYT


Not sure if this counts, but one time my little brother walked up to me and awkwardly asked “is the cat dead” as he held our cat, who was purring…

Image credits: Electrical_Ostrich_4


My grandmother always believed whenever we saw a rain clouds in the distant she would be upset(being a farmers wife) because she thought the clouds were sucking the water out of the ground. My mom set her straight but I don’t think she believed her though

Image credits: comicsemporium

This post first appeared on How Movie Actors Look Without Their Makeup And Costume, please read the originial post: here

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40 Overconfident People Saying Dumb Things Shared In This Online Thread


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