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The Geekiary Blog

Tags: fangoria chainsaw awards blue vortex manga gabe cole novoa uhd bluray combo ghostbusters frozen empire bluray combo pack comic book reviews ghostbusters frozen empire thriller ganymede box office blue vortex vortex manga holdem collection christie burke drag race adult swim andrew joseph compound fracture exg pro chainsaw awards fangoria chainsaw gilded age rupaulacircs drag casey mcquiston gretchen felkermartin josh galarza reanimated series ranch dorito frozen empire ghostbusters frozen adult swim book reviews star wars comic book gabe cole cole novoa pride reads zombies drag christie burke review office despicable magical gilded ranch nominations compound twisters thriller war star ganymede episode suite trainee goodday vampire unworthy gretchen felkermartin reanimated adult swim goodday house pride episode holdem quiet neopets interview grownup goodday episode trainee dragon roguelike signups playtesting adult swim crunchyroll bury gays chuck
The Geekiary is a geek news and analysis website started by fans, for fans. We’re proud members of our fandoms. We’re Tumblr users and Twitter experts. We’re con goers, photographers, cosplayers, artists, and writers. We’re consumers and analyzers of geeky media and enthusiastic fans. Sometimes we squee. Sometimes we rant. Sometimes we cry about our fictional character feels. The point is, we’re fans. We have a lot of FEELINGS. This is where we talk about them. We hope you’ll join the conversation!

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The Geekiary
