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Stalking victims demand protection for survivors with introduction of national register of offenders

The Sunday People today joins victims in demanding a stalker ­register that will prevent lives being blighted – and ended.

MPs are also backing the call for a national database, which comes as ­figures reveal the number of offences reported trebled in the past three years while the rate of charges plummeted.

Among the victims speaking out are Samantha Shrewsbury, whose 17-year-old daughter was murdered, and Zoe Dronfield, almost killed by her obsessed ex in a brutal eight-hour attack.

Last week, we told how bus driver Imre Marton, 33, wears a stab-proof vest after his six-year ordeal with obsessed passenger Charlie Howells, 24. She is now in jail for the second time and, ­backing our campaign, he said a register would “help police act quicker”.

The database would be part of the Violent and Sex Offender Register and help cops identify and monitor stalkers.

Zoe Dronfield was frustrated by what the police were unable to do to help

Zoe Dronfield was attacked by ex-boyfriend Jason Smith and was hypnotised to help her remember the traumatic assault

An attack on Zoe Dronfield by ex Jason Smith also left her arm battered and she was in need of stitches

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Samantha said a database might have saved her daughter Jayden Parkinson – who was pregnant when she was ­strangled by ex-partner Ben Blakeley, 26, who had ­terrorised previous partners.

Samantha, 51, said: “That monster took everything when he killed Jayden.

“If there was a register and it had been taken more seriously she might be sitting here now with my grandchild”.

Samantha Shrewsbury lost her daughter Jayden when she was murdered by a stalker

Zoe was stabbed and beaten by her ex after months of harassment. Since he was jailed, 14 other women have told her they were terrorised before her.

“For me that’s injustice. I can’t accept it,” said Zoe, 41. “I was almost ­murdered. If there was a register police would have known his history for stalking and he may have been arrested before it almost cost me my life.”

So far, more than 150,000 have signed a petition by stalking advocacy group Paladin.

Ben Blakley murdered 17-year-old pregnant ex Jayden Parkinson

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Zoe, who campaigns with Paladin and has spoken in the Lords, added: “It’s a culture change that would shift focus on to the perpetrator’s behaviour rather than the victim making multiple reports.”

Paladin founder Laura Richards added: “For too long the focus has been on the victim. They are told to not go out, not go online, change their ­number, move. We are asking for the Violent and Sexual Offender Register to include serial stalkers.”

Between 2014 and 2015 there were 2,882 recorded stalking cases but by 2017-18 it had risen to 10,214. Of the 6,702 cases in which a charge could have been brought, only 1,692 ­offences, or 25 per cent, led to one.

In 2014-15, 49 per cent of ­reported crimes led to a charge. That fell to 32 per cent in 2015-16 and 30 per cent in 2016-17.

The Home Office said the rise in incidents was down to better recording. But a July 2017 report found police are failing stalking victims.

A Freedom of Information request last month revealed stalkers, partners or exes killed 49 women in the past three years, despite being reported.

Jayden was terrorised by Ben before he murdered her

A Stalking Protection Bill by Tory Sarah Wollaston, including a stalker ­register and stalking protection orders, has a third hearing in November. If passed, police could give SPOs early, leading to five years in jail if breached.

Samantha said: “Jayden’s name was read out in parliament for the Bill. It’s too late for her now but if it helps one person now I’ll be grateful.”

Binman Blakeley controlled Jayden and beat her. She reported him went on to kill her in 2013 after learning she was pregnant. Her body was found in his uncle’s grave in Didcot, Oxon.

Samantha said: “Authorities saw Jayden as an unruly teen who wasn’t to be taken seriously. They left her to the clutches of that evil man.”

In July 2014, Blakeley got life with a minimum 20 years. A Serious Case Review which made 65 recommendations after failings in Jayden’s case said police and social workers showed “no urgency” after she went missing,

It also said Blakeley was violent and controlling to three other girlfriends.

Samantha, who blogs on stalking and domestic violence, said: “Mums say I’ve saved their daughters. Other girls say Jayden’s story saved their lives. It makes me proud but sad. I’ll keep campaigning until the day I die.”

Samantha, also mum to Sharday, 28, and Boid, 26, wants relationship education in schools too. She said: “Young people need to be taught about relationships so they can ­recognise signs of obsession.”

Zoe needed special treatment to be strong enough to testify against her attacker in court

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Zoe agrees, saying ex Jason Smith displayed signs early on. She said: “He’d touch my face and say, ‘You’re mine.’ It puts chills down my spine now.” When the mum-of-two cooled her one-year relationship with Smith, of Coventry, his stalking began. Zoe said: “Police said there was nothing they could do.”

In February 2014, Smith talked his way into her home then punched, kicked and stabbed her in an eight-hour attack with a meat cleaver. She suffered stab wounds, bleeding to the brain a broken nose and wrist.

Zoe needed hypnotherapy to recall the ordeal and to testify against him. She said: “He almost left my children without a mother. We must protect future victims.”

In 2015, Smith, 35, was convicted of GBH with intent and criminal damage, getting ten years. Stalking only became a criminal offence in England and Wales in 2013. The same year, a study said one in six women and one in 12 men are stalked – but charities fear the ­actual figures are higher.

High-profile cases have boosted awareness. Girls Aloud singer Nicola Roberts, 32, was stalked by ex Carl Davies, who got a lifetime restraining order in May 2017 for threatening her via social media.

Yvette Cooper has taken a stand against the lack of police powers to tackle this crime

Labour’s Yvette Cooper has said stalking “still isn’t taken seriously enough”. The ex-shadow home secretary, who in 2011 campaigned for stalking to be made illegal, said the new Bill is “important”.

The Home Affairs Select Committee inquiry into domestic abuse is also considering stalking. And Labour’s Carolyn Harris said: “We know this form of harassment can lead to murder and rape if ­police are unable to intervene.”

A Home Office spokesman said: “We know there is more to do to keep people safe.”

Urging our readers to sign the petition, Zoe added: “I didn’t realise I was in so much danger. My stalker was serial, he was known. My attack could have been prevented.”

I’m living in terror but men get no sympathy

A bus driver stalked by an ­infatuated passenger for six years says male victims are not “treated with sympathy”.

Imre Marton says trolls said he should “be a man” and “stop being a pussy” after he spoke out to the Sunday People last week. He backed our campaign saying: “My stalker crossed the line so many times. This would mean police could act quicker.”

Charlie Howells, 24, memorised Imre’s schedule, sniffed him as he drove and sent 500 ­messages a day after he rejected her love.

Imre Marton was forced to go into hiding due to a female stalker

Passenger Charlie Howells became obsessed with Imre

She was jailed for two months but after later threatening to stab Imre was sentenced to three years last month.

Imre, 33, who left his job and moved house, said: “After speaking out I got comments saying I’m scared of a little girl.”

He now wears a stab vest and fears one day Howells will kill him.

Alice’s brutal killer had harassment conviction

Sue Hill’s daughter Alice Ruggles was murdered by her ex-boyfriend stalker who had already been convicted for harassment.

Alice, 24, dumped cheat Trimaan Dhillon – and in a revenge campaign he travelled 200 miles to leave gifts, bombarded her with hostile messages and hacked her Facebook account.

After learning she was dating someone new, he broke into her home and slit her throat.

Recalling how Dhillon’s ­pursuit left Alice “frozen with fear”, Sue, 54, said: “Police should have known how serious it was and arrested him.”

Last year at Newcastle crown court he got life jail and must serve 22 years.

Sue and husband Clive Ruggles, 66, of Leicestershire, are backing the stalker register.

They said police could have arrested Dhillon sooner if there had been a database to check for his harassment conviction.

£6k battle to feel safe.. but he could do it again

Melanie Young, who paid £6,200 to feel safe from her ex and fears he will terrorise other women, says a register is vital.

Raymond Smith, 59, ­bombarded her with 50 abusive calls a day after they split and once stood over her as she slept.

It took 30 calls to police before he was convicted of harassment and given a restraining order by Sunderland magistrates.

Smith and Melanie

Smith, dad to Melanie’s ­children aged 12 and 10, broke the order within weeks and followed postie Melanie, 46, on her rounds. In April 2014 he was given a six-month community order and curfew. Melanie said: “It was a slap on the wrist. I was frightened to leave the house.

“He’s free to live in my area and might do the same to another woman.” She twice moved house and forked out on legal fees over contact and child custody, and on security cameras.

Join our campaign

The People is backing a petition for the Violent Sexual Offender Register to include serial stalkers.

Perpetrators with a history of stalking are dangerous and must be identified and tracked.

For too long, serial offenders have been able to terrorise multiple victims – in the absence of an effective means of monitoring them. For victims, the impact of this is devastating, resulting in psychological damage, physical trauma and loss of life.

A register would allow cops to keep tabs on serial stalkers, and intervene quickly when they reoffend – which would save lives.

The database would also shift the onus away from the victim to report multiple crimes and onto the perpetrator to change their behaviour.

And it would send a clear message to stalkers that they will not get away with the crime.

So far, over 150,000 people have signed the petition. Add your signature here .

How protection orders can make a difference

The Stalking Protection Bill, if passed, will introduce Stalking Protection Orders (SPOs). The proposals for SPOs include that they:

  • Ban stalkers from contacting victims, going near them or following them online
  • Ban them from using encrypted messages
  • Order them to register names they’re using
  • Allow police to act more quickly
  • Take pressure off victims to have to take action

The bill has just passed the committee stage and will returns to the floor of the House of Commons for its report stage in November.

Source; Mirror Uk

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Stalking victims demand protection for survivors with introduction of national register of offenders


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