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Only Ambidextrous School In India: Know Details

Only Ambidextrous School In India: Know Details

You must know that there are more right-handed people in the world. It means that he does most of his work with the right hand, such as writing, eating, drinking, etc. But some people are left-handed, meaning they do most of their work with the left hand. The number of such people will be only 10% worldwide. You must be wondering what is so surprising about this. But when you come to know that there are such children in India who can write with both hands, you will indeed be surprised. It is because such genius children here use their hands to write simultaneously. It is the superior ambidextrous school in India. Let us know about it in detail. See also, Development Of Children In Kilkari Bihar Bal Bhavan


Ambidextrous School In India

This super ambidextrous school is located in Singrauli, Madhya Pradesh, India. In the Veena Vadini School here, not only children with exception but about 150 children are ambidextrous. These children can write very well, not with one hand but with both hands simultaneously. Not only this, these children are so talented that they know about six languages. These children can write simultaneously in 6 languages: Hindi, English, Urdu, Sanskrit, Arabic, and Roman.

Ambidextrous means to use both your hands simultaneously for equal power. According to a report, naturally, only one percent are ambidextrous people. But to develop this extraordinary skill in children, a great mind is needed. And that great mind is the principal here B.P. Sharma. Mr. Sharma is the principal here and the founder of this school. Mr. Sharma was earlier in the army. He says that he is very much influenced by the first President of India, Dr. Rajendra Prasad. Dr. Rajendra Prasad was also ambidextrous, i.e., he also used both his hands to work together.


How Does This happen?

ambidextrous school in Madhya Pradesh: Impressed by the ambidextrous skill of Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Mr. Sharma started teaching this skill to his school children as well. Mr. Sharma further says that whenever a new child comes, he writes for a few days with the same hand he has already been writing. After a few days, he teaches him to write with his other hand. When that child gets the practice of registering with the other hand, gradually make him practice writing with both hands.

According to the information received, in a 45-minute class, every child is given the practice to write that subject with both hands for 15 minutes. It also benefits the children to quickly write a paper of 3 hours in one and a half to 2 hours. Yoga is also the reason behind developing extraordinary skills in children. In this school, yoga is taught to the children every day. It increases the power of concentration in children. These children are brilliant in their studies because here children are made to study sports and games.


What Neurologist Says?

However, does writing with both hands increase the concentration and power of children’s brains? To understand this, a neurologist was talked to. She said, “It’s well known that the brain cell responds to repetitive activity by increasing in size and number and their connection. In this case, children are doing the exercise with their hands in two different languages. And therefore, it is likely that both sides of their brain are being stimulated simultaneously. And the cells are enlarging, and connections are developing on both sides of the brain. Hence they might turn out to be smarter than normal kids who use their one hand to write.

In this way, you have seen that if the child’s mind is put in two places and two methods, their development occurs at an extraordinary level. This fact was proved entirely by the children of a school in India. See also, Relationship Between Teachers And Students

The post Only Ambidextrous School In India: Know Details appeared first on GyanWaleBaba.

This post first appeared on Mantra For Knowledge, please read the originial post: here

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Only Ambidextrous School In India: Know Details
