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Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Syndrome And Treatment

Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Syndrome And Treatment

After the death of famous musician Bappi Lahiri, Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), i.e. the disease of breathlessness during sleep, is in the news. If this form is not recognized in time, due to delay in treatment, its patients die of a heart attack in their sleep. In this, the heart rate deteriorates due to the lack of oxygen due to the sticking of the windpipe and the vibration caused by breathlessness. According to medical science, having less than 50 per cent oxygen in the body increases the risk of death due to heart attack. Around 100 crore people in the world are suffering from this disease. About 10 per cent of the country’s population, especially the urban population, has the problem of sleep apnea.

See also: Asthma Disease: Cause, Symptoms, And Treatment


Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Every hour during sleep, the windpipe sticks and opens several times. During this, many times, the respiratory tract sticks completely or 50 per cent for 10 seconds and then opens. Due to this repeated occurrence, the amount of oxygen in the body decreases by more than 50%, and carbon dioxide increases. As a result, it significantly increases the blood pressure in the main veins that carry blood to the heart. In addition, it weakens the control of BP and sugar.

Symptom information

This disease is more common in people with increased weight, especially in those men whose throat is very short and puffy. Suppose there is heaviness in the head on waking up in the morning and dizziness while driving a car, office, or vehicle. If the household complains of snoring, or the person wakes up from sleep with sharp snoring, then it is very important to come for a sleep apnea check-up. Medical consultation becomes necessary even if a person’s weight is controlled or BP and sugar gradually become uncontrolled.

Obesity is a dangerous sign.

The problem of Obstructive Sleep Apnea is caused by obesity. Especially people whose waist is more than 45 inches and age is also more then they need to be very careful. Such people very quickly fall prey to this disease. Consumption of alcohol or smoking is not believed to be a major cause. However, if diabetes and high blood pressure gradually become uncontrolled and increase the drug dosage repeatedly, then OSA may have started.

How is this disease confirmed?

A polysomnography examination confirms it. Then, sleep has to be done by putting a machine in it. This machine monitors how many times per hour the windpipe clogs and the amount of oxygen in the body during that time. It also tells whether the patient has mild, moderate, or severe OSA. Its investigation is done through government and private hospitals.


Obstructive Sleep Apnea treatment

If OSA is moderate or severe, the only treatment is an auto CPAP machine. By applying this, when the windpipe starts sticking due to sleep, its microsensor recognizes it. And then leaving the artificial breath at that time keeps it open. Due to this, there is the complete circulation of oxygen in the body throughout the night. And there is no problem like breathlessness. Unfortunately, there is no medicine for this disease. In such a situation, sleeping with this machine to moderate and severe patients is the only way to avoid serious consequences. Obstructive Sleep Apnea treatment is not home oxygen or oxygen supplementation. This machine is not yet made in the country, so the quality is the most expensive.

A healthy lifestyle can provide relief.

Mild-grade OSA is largely curable with A Healthy Lifestyle And sleeps hygiene. However, for this, you have to pay attention to some things.

  • Go to sleep and wake up at fixed times.
  • Take a light meal two-three hours before bedtime.
  • Do not drink alcohol before sleep.
  • Exercise for half to 1 hour daily.
  • Losing weight.
  • Always try to keep the waist thin.
  • Do not sleep in the afternoon.
  • Eat light food at night.
  • If you have to sleep less for 1 day, do not sleep much the next day.

The post Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Syndrome And Treatment appeared first on GyanWaleBaba.

This post first appeared on Mantra For Knowledge, please read the originial post: here

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Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Syndrome And Treatment
