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Rare Bird Species Are Seen In Biodiversity Park Of Delhi

Rare Bird Species Are Seen In Biodiversity Park Of Delhi

The atmosphere of Delhi, the capital of India, is pleasing to the birds. It is the reason why Rare Bird Species Are Being Seen in the Biodiversity Park of Delhi. In this year’s census, 420 species have been recorded in different parks. Last year 46 species were seen in Aravali Biodiversity Park, but their number has increased to 73. Among them, the Eastern Arfian Warblers and Black Eagles have been found mainly. Both these species are pretty rare. Seen them after a long time.

Bird Species In Biodiversity Park Of Delhi

Counting birds was done in all Biodiversity Parks of Delhi on behalf of the Big Bird Day organization. However, apart from the parks, the species present in other wetlands and bird hotspots of Delhi are yet to be recorded. Based on that, the new census of bird species will be completed. In charge of Aravalli Biodiversity, Dr. M Shah Hussain said that it is a big deal to see 73 species in an incident of 2 hours. He told the Black Eagle that it is a scarce bird found in Delhi. Arabian warblers and cattle egrets have also returned to the forests here.

Dr. Fayaz Khudsar, Scientist in charge of Biodiversity Park, said that the team of students, teachers, and experts counted the birds in all the 7 parks of Delhi. He also said that to improve the environment of Delhi, the enumeration of birds and their species information would be necessary. According to him, there are seven biodiversity parks spread over about 2500 acres in Delhi. Among all these things, Yamuna Biodiversity Park is the oldest. It was developed in the year 2002. Talking about the same, Kalindi Bio-Diversity Park is the newest. This park was created in 2019.

The number of Bird Species in different parks in 2017 to 2022

  • Yamuna Biodiversity Park- 102 to 102 
  • Aravali Park- 51 to 73 
  • Tilpath Park- 64 to 43 
  • Kamala Nehru Ridge- 54 to 58 
  • Neela Hauz- 26 to 20 
  • Tughlakabad Park- 69 to 55 
  • Kalindi biodiversity park- 69

The post Rare Bird Species Are Seen In Biodiversity Park Of Delhi appeared first on GyanWaleBaba.

This post first appeared on Mantra For Knowledge, please read the originial post: here

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Rare Bird Species Are Seen In Biodiversity Park Of Delhi
