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Drone Technology In Agriculture: Know Details

Drone Technology In Agriculture: Know Details

The Use Of Artificial Intelligence and drones for agricultural operations is increasing worldwide. In India, too, the government is promoting the use of technology in the agriculture sector so that along with better yields, the farmers’ income also increases. In the states of Maharashtra, Rajasthan, etc., many farmers have started using drones for agricultural activities. Drone technology in agriculture is one of the modern farming tools, using which farmers can get a lot of help. For example, drones can spray insecticides over a large area in just a few minutes. It will not only reduce the cost but will also save time. The biggest advantage will be that pest management can be done in the fields at the right time. The government has also banned its import from promoting the development of drones in the country.

Drone technology in agriculture

What is Drone Technology?

A drone is an unmanned aircraft that is a flying robot. It can be controlled remotely. It can also fly through software-controlled systems. Drone technology in India is constantly evolving. Today, apart from the Indian Army, drones are being used for weather monitoring, forecasting, traffic monitoring, relief and rescue work, agriculture, photography, etc. Drone technology works in conjunction with GPS and onboard sensors. Modern drones are integrated with dual global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). These drones can fly with GNSS as well as in non-satellite mode. Radar surveillance helps in accurate drone navigation. It also shows the current situation.

What are the benefits of drones?

There can be many benefits from the use of drone technology in agriculture.

  • Drone technology in India can be used for better crop production. It can help in irrigation planning, monitoring crop health, soil quality information, spraying pesticides, etc.
  • Using drones, farmers can get accurate information about their crops regularly. It can make it easier for them to make further decisions. Also, the wastage of time and resources can be prevented.
  • The use of drones can spray pesticides in challenging areas, infested areas, tall crops, and under power lines.
  • Drones conduct surveys with precise data processing that helps farmers to take faster and more accurate decisions.
  • With the help of the data collected by the drone, the problem areas and unhealthy crops, moisture levels, etc., can be focused.
  • Drone technology in agriculture enables better use of all resources like fertilizers, seeds, water, and pesticides.
  • With the drone survey, farmers can keep an eye on their crops and keep an eye on the movements of their cattle. Thermal sensor technology helps in finding lost animals.

Prevent Locusts attack

The threat of locusts has increased in the last few years. Locusts destroy crops, trees, and other types of plants. In recent years, locust swarms have been seen attacking crops in many states of India, especially in Rajasthan. The attack of locusts affecting crops in thousands of hectares is nothing less than a disaster. To avoid this, most countries rely on organophosphate chemicals. The drone can spray insecticide on about 2.5 acres in 15 minutes. Therefore, all such problems can be solved Through Drone Technology. Drones can be used to analyze soil conditions or to spray pesticides over a large area. Drone technology in agriculture will prove much better for the coming future.

The post Drone Technology In Agriculture: Know Details appeared first on GyanWaleBaba.

This post first appeared on Mantra For Knowledge, please read the originial post: here

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Drone Technology In Agriculture: Know Details
