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Sant Ravidas Jayanti 2022: A Social Reformer

Sant Ravidas Jayanti 2022:  A Social Reformer

Sant Ravidas Jayanti 2022: The disciple of Sant Shiromani Ravidas Ramanand was such a poet of tradition, in whom the spirit of Nirguna Bhakti was filled. He is a poet of Nirgun Dhara in Hindi Bhakti literature. According to his view, God is omnipotent, present in every living being on earth; like the fragrance of sandalwood, it is absorbed into every particle. He was such a saint walking on the path of religion, who constantly tried to eradicate untouchability high and low discrimination from the society. His principles his thoughts still inspire us to walk on the path of truth. See also, Samarth Ramdas: Know Biography And Life Story


Sant Ravidas Jayanti 2022

Sant Ravidas was born on the day of Magh Purnima in 1376 in Banaras, in Sir Govardhanpur, which is situated behind BHU. However, there are different opinions regarding his birth. Some say 1376, some 1388, and some say 1398, but a couplet is prevalent concerning his birth-

Magha Sudi Pandaras of fourteen hundred thirty-three
Shri Ravidas manifested the welfare of the afflicted.

There is a difference of 57 years between the Christian year and the Samvat year. Therefore, if seen based on this couplet, Samvat 1433 AD 1376 is justified.


Sant Ravidas Jayanti 2022: There is a story regarding his birth. The childless father of Ravidas was told by some Mahatma that if you fast on Sunday, you will get the son. So Sant Ravidas’s father fasted and brought his son on Sunday itself. Perhaps he was named Ravi because of his birth on Sunday. Since the lower caste people were seen as enslaved in the then society, Das must have been added in front of his name. So his name was Ravidas. The followers of Ravidas are called Raidas, so somewhere Ravidas is also called Raidas.


Ravidas’s mother’s name was Kalasa Devi, and his father’s name was Santokh Das (Raghu). His wife’s name was Lona, his son’s name was Vijay Das, and his daughter’s name is said to be Ravidasini. Since childhood, Sant Ravidas used to take great pleasure in the company of Satsang. Saint-Sangat had filled him with practical knowledge. When Ravidas did not leave the company of the saints despite the father’s persuasion, the father got married to Ravidas.

Even after marriage, there was no shortage of his saints. Then the parents, exhausted, threw them out of their house with a sad heart. Ravidas started living with his wife by making a hut in the village itself. He used to make shoes, which was his family business. Despite being separated from his parents, he started doing his work diligently and absorbed in Ram Bhakti. They gave shoes and slippers to the poor, needy people without paying any price.


Ravidas was a Nirguna poet. He had no faith in pilgrimage and idol worship. He believed that true religion is the inner feeling of a person and his behavior towards others. A story is prevalent about him that once he was asked to go for bathing in the Ganges. He rejected the talk of bathing in the Ganges, saying that if I leave my work incomplete and take a bath in the Ganges, then my mind will be engaged in my work, and in this way, I will not get merit. My work is my religion, and if I do my work here with all my heart, then my home is my pilgrimage, and the water of my house is Gangajal.

It is said that Ravidas Ji sent some dams (money) from the hands of the same Brahmins who went to bathe in the Ganges, saying that they should be handed over to Ganga Maiya by calling him.

Going to the Ganges Ghat, those Brahmins took a bath in the Ganges, worshiped. Then, while coming, offered the Dams given by Ravidas to Ganga Ji. It is said that Ganga Maiya took up the hand provided by the Brahmins and gave one of her bracelets as a gift to Ravidas Ji. But, seeing the beautiful gold bracelet, greed caught up in the minds of the Brahmins. In the desire to get the reward, they did not give the bracelet to Ravidas and gave it to the Maharaja of Kashi.

Pure Heart Of Ravidas

When the bracelet reached the queen’s hand through the king, the queen demanded a pair of that bracelet from the king. Once again, those brahmins were called in the king’s court. Those brahmins fearfully told the whole truth to the king and apologized for their mistake. When the king came to know about all the facts, then he reached Ravidas; Told them all the things, and told them that he would have to go to Gangaghat and bring this pair of bracelets for the queen.

It was a time of examination for Ravidas. He said that if I am truly in mind and action and have true faith in Ganga Maiya in my heart, then I do not need to go anywhere else. Ganga Maiya can also appear in this stance of mine. After that, a miracle happened. Ravidas Ji invoked Ganga Ji by placing the water of his cut soaking the leather in front. Ganga Maiya appeared, and she also gave her blessings with a pair of bracelets. Perhaps since then, this proverb has come to be
To the pure heart, everything is pure.

Great man: Sant Ravidas Jayanti 2022

Sant Ravidas gave this message to the people on the strength of his spiritual knowledge that no person is small or big by birth, but that person’s actions make him small or big. Ravidas believed that true devotion to God could only be done by giving up honor and pride and being inspired by the feeling of benevolence, following good behavior with others. In the present scenario, his couplets are very relevant. Today people are fighting among themselves in the name of religion; they are bent on humiliating each other; But in the eyes of Ravidas Ji, Krishna, Karim, Rahim are one. Sant Ravidas Ji was a staunch opponent of caste and creed.

According to him, if unity and brotherhood are to be established in society, the discrimination of caste and philosophy will have to be eradicated. Forty verses of Ravidas Ji are compiled in the holy book ”Guru Granth Sahib” Of The Sikhs. It is the reason that every year, on the day of Magh Purnima, a group of Raidasis from Punjab-Haryana reaches Banaras to celebrate his birth anniversary.

The post Sant Ravidas Jayanti 2022: A Social Reformer appeared first on GyanWaleBaba.

This post first appeared on Mantra For Knowledge, please read the originial post: here

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Sant Ravidas Jayanti 2022: A Social Reformer
