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World Cancer Day 2022: History And Significance

World Cancer Day 2022: History And Significance

Cancer is a deadly disease, but it can also be avoided if it is detected on time. Cancer symptoms depend on where the cancer is, how big it is, and how much it affects nearby organs or tissues. Whether it is due to a bad lifestyle or something else, there has been a massive increase in the number of cancer patients in the last few decades. It is a deep concern due to the increasing trend of mortality and morbidity globally. It is estimated that one member in every family is likely to suffer from this non-communicable fatal disease in the future. Today, on World Cancer Day, we will know about some symptoms and Treatments Related To Cancer.

World Cancer Day 2022


First of all, when did World Cancer Day start? According to the information received, World Cancer Day began on 4 February 2000 at the first World Summit against Cancer held in Paris. At the event, leaders from various government agencies and cancer organizations signed the Charter of Paris Against Cancer. The Charter document consisted of 10 articles that called for a cooperative global commitment to improve the quality of life of cancer patients and to continue investing in advanced studies on cancer, its prevention, and treatment. That’s why World Cancer Day is celebrated globally on 4 February every year.


The main objective of celebrating World Cancer Day (2022) is to spread awareness about cancer’s severe and deadly disease. On this day, by organizing camps from place to place, people have to be educated about cancer and tell them about fighting cancer. Along with this, people have to be encouraged to help the patients suffering from this disease.

According to a report, if the number of people dying of cancer continues, the death toll due to cancer worldwide could exceed 16.3 million by 2040. However, if the awareness about cancer increases among people, this figure can also be stopped. And only then the purpose of celebrating World Cancer Day will be successful.

Cancer disease affects not only the patient but also his family. It proves to be highly challenging for them physically, mentally, and financially. If cancer is detected and treated at the right time, it can also be avoided. Some doctors believe that cancer screening tests in high-risk groups can result in early cancer diagnosis.

The Government need To pay attention

To prevent serious diseases like cancer, the government should pay attention to some things. The government has to strengthen our medical facilities for cancer treatment further. The World Health Organization recommends at least one teletherapy unit for radiation therapy per million population. India needs to have at least 1400 teletherapy units against 762 units available. To improve such a background, every medical college should have a comprehensive cancer center. Along with state-of-the-art facilities for diagnosing and treating all types of cancer in each district.

To avoid incomplete and incorrect treatment, tumour boards should be constituted in each cancer wing so that the Best Evidence-Based Treatment can be provided to every cancer patient. Government and NGOs should look into this need so that life of these patients can be made comfortable.

The post World Cancer Day 2022: History And Significance appeared first on GyanWaleBaba.

This post first appeared on Mantra For Knowledge, please read the originial post: here

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World Cancer Day 2022: History And Significance
