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Vesselplasty: New Method To Treatment Of Spinal Cord

Vesselplasty: New Method To Treatment Of Spinal Cord

Vesselplasty: Every organ is important for the smooth functioning of the body, and each part has its distinct function. Some physical problems are age-borne, whenever there is something that can be a victim of people of any age. One of such problems is the problem related to the spinal cord. Problems related to the spine can be due to many reasons. It includes damage to the vertebral bone in an accident, injury to the spine, TV of the spine, Osteoporosis, etc. There are some similar incidents where there is pressure in the nerves due to injury to the spinal cord. Due to this, the effect of blood is disrupted, and the spine becomes disordered.


With pain in the spine comes the inability to do any work. Constant pain in the legs, difficulty in getting up and sitting, the body becomes more controlled, becoming paralyzed, tingling in the hands and feet, affecting the ability to touch, etc., are occurring due to damaged spinal. Therefore, doctors conduct various tests when suffering from spinal disorders.

Treatment Of Spinal Cord

The doctor treats with medicines, injections, and physiotherapy based on different tests. But all these treatments are afforded where the problem is common, and treatment is likely to provide relief. If there is any damage in the bone or pressure in the nerves, then the option of surgery has to be adopted. In surgery, the option of open surgery is often adopted. In this, the damaged bone is brought to the old position with the help of titanium screws or rods. However, this process is a bit complicated and lengthy. This type of problem takes time, but according to the patient’s age, special care has to be taken for conditions like bleeding.

Due to open surgery, the patient has to stay in the hospital for several days. After this, they are told to take precautions when they leave. The patient must spend two to three weeks in bed, even at home. Therefore, a new technique is being adopted to remove various bone disorders of the body. Vesselplasty is the name of the new technique to remove the disorders of the backbone. With this surgery, the patient returns to his old routine in a short time.

What is Vesselplasty Technique?

Vesselplasty technique for surgery is much better in terms of the patient’s health. In this, the doctor first finds out by examination where is the damage in the spinal cord. During this, by removing some cells from the damaged area, the test detects cancer or Infection Of TB. Then, a medical instrument, consisting of a balloon attached, is delivered to the affected bone in surgery. This device is connected to the camera to see the movements inside. Finally, the bone is brought to the old position by blowing a balloon. Along with this, a medicated chemical (a kind of cement) is filled at that place. It stabilizes the bone again in its place. In this way, the process is quicker, and the patient is also allowed to go home sooner. After a few days of rest, the patients return to their old routine.

The post Vesselplasty: New Method To Treatment Of Spinal Cord appeared first on GyanWaleBaba.

This post first appeared on Mantra For Knowledge, please read the originial post: here

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Vesselplasty: New Method To Treatment Of Spinal Cord
