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Booster Dose: Why Booster Dose Is Necessary?

Booster Dose: Why Booster Dose Is Necessary?

Booster Dose In India: Once again, corona cases are increasing continuously in the whole country. In the last 24 hours, about 200,000 new cases have been reported from across the country. If we talk about The New Variant Of Coronavirus, i.e., Omicron, then more than 5000 new cases have come about it. The way the effects of coronavirus are seen from time to time, it is known that it will be a part of our life for the next few years. In such a situation, it is the responsibility of all of us to keep ourselves and our families safe from coronavirus. Talking about this topic, today we will talk about how important it is to have a booster after taking both doses of vaccine.

Booster Dose In India

The main reason for the increase in so many virus cases is that people consider themselves safe after taking both doses. That is why such people meet each other without wearing masks and without social distancing. I think this people’s thinking is the main reason for the present situation. It is fair that the risk of corona decreases after vaccination, but it is also true that it does not provide a hundred percent protection from coronavirus. After taking both doses of the vaccine, a person can avoid severe corona cases (death) but cannot avoid getting infected with it. Vaccination can reduce the risk of death, but the effect of the infection will remain on the body. That’s why you should always have a protective shield in the form of a vaccine. The impact of the third wave and the emerging Omicron variants is being seen quite a lot.

Keeping this in mind, on December 25, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced giving a ‘precautionary dose,’ i.e., a booster dose of the vaccine. Who is eligible for a booster dose? The process of giving booster dose has been started from January 10 itself. Those who vaccinated themselves 9 months ago are eligible for the first booster dose. It means Doctors, frontline workers, and senior citizens above 60 years of age, who had first administered both doses of the vaccine, would get the boosters first.

Many of us have a question in mind; will the booster doses contain the same vaccine they had before, or will it be taken from something else? The answer is that you will be given the same vaccine as a booster, for which you have taken both doses earlier. For example, if you took a dose of Covishield 9 months ago, you will be given Covishield.

Why are booster doses necessary?

A booster dose is not a permanent treatment of coronavirus. But yes, this dose increases the antibodies in the body. It also strengthens the immune system of the body. After the booster dose is applied, the immunity will become stronger. It does not mean that you will not be at risk of covid but a booster dose to protect against New Variants Of Covid Like Delta or Omicron.

The post Booster Dose: Why Booster Dose Is Necessary? appeared first on GyanWaleBaba.

This post first appeared on Mantra For Knowledge, please read the originial post: here

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Booster Dose: Why Booster Dose Is Necessary?
