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What Will 5G In India Change In The Internet Revolution?

What Will 5G In India Change In The Internet Revolution?

5G In India: The wait for 5G (better connectivity) in India is about to end now. According to the Department of Telecommunications, 13 major cities of India will start getting 5G service this year. At present, 5G services are present in more than 60 countries worldwide. If we talk about its speed, then based on the results tested so far, it can be said that its speed will be about 10 times higher than 4G. So whatever technology we have at the moment, 5G will be completely different from it. The development of 5G Technology will see major changes in many sectors, including agriculture, automotive manufacturers, healthcare, energy, urban planning, media, also entertainment, etc.

5G In India

However, 4G has already changed the way of connectivity and communication. But with the entry of 5G, we will get to see something ahead of the expectations.

Superfast internet speed.

The Internet has become a part of our lives right in the 1980s. It has changed the dimension of connectivity. 5G mainly focuses on higher data speeds, reduced data access delays, and increased concurrency of data access. Through this, users will enjoy speeds of up to 1GB per second. For many years, the Indian company has been doing 5G trials. Now 5G is poised to create new avenues of growth in the digital economy. With better internet speed from 5G, entrepreneurs and small businesses sitting in remote areas will be also able to work in real-time. According to research firm IDC, about 75% of the 55.7 billion connected devices worldwide will be also connected to the IoT platform by 2025.

The ultimate thrill of online gaming.

Stadium-like adventures can be experienced in the living room through 5G. With this, 8K quality streaming can be delivered on the screen. It will also transform the TV viewing experience. Not only this, one can choose their camera angle to enhance the live match experience. It can display multiple angles simultaneously while watching the match. All this will be possible because the 5G can deliver huge amounts of data with ultra-high speed. Mobile devices through 5G networks will get better quality videos with much faster speeds and more reliable connections. It will make the contact streaming experience an adventure for the users.

Some major changes related to 5G In India

  • Due to 5G, reliable health services can be accessible to remote areas. Services like remote diagnostics and teleconsultation will become better.
  • Connected devices, IoT, AI, will help give a new dimension to healthcare in India.
  • 5G will change remote education to a great extent. It isn’t easy to get uniform teaching quality across India. It is a big problem, especially in rural areas. With 5G, high-quality interactive virtual classrooms and content can be streamed from anywhere in the country. It will also help in bridging the gap between rural and urban India.
  • Smart agriculture has started in the country. Technologies like digitization of agriculture and AI-enabled by 5G can help in improving productivity. Smart sensors will tell farmers what needs to be done to keep the crops healthy and insect-free.
  • Devices equipped with sensors that talk to each other will become smart and become quite common for smart cities. Moreover, With The Help Of Artificial Intelligence, many things in the house can be controlled automatically. For example, 5G can improve smart electricity grids, metering systems, smart traffic management, security systems, etc.

Which cities will get 5G technology first?

Recently, it has been confirmed by the Department of Telecommunications that 5G services will be available in 13 cities in India. These services will be available by the end of this year in the following cities.

  • Delhi
  • Mumbai
  • Kolkata
  • Chennai
  • Guru Gram
  • Chandigarh
  • Bengaluru
  • Ahmedabad
  • Jamnagar
  • Hyderabad
  • Pune
  • Lucknow
  • Gandhinagar

The post What Will 5G In India Change In The Internet Revolution? appeared first on GyanWaleBaba.

This post first appeared on Mantra For Knowledge, please read the originial post: here

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What Will 5G In India Change In The Internet Revolution?
