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Growth Of Forests In India In Last 2 Years

Growth Of Forests In India In Last 2 Years

Forests In India: The whole world had to face many problems During The Corona Epidemic. But like there are two sides to a thing; similarly, there have been some positive effects of the epidemic. Can’t say anything about the whole world right now, but in our country India, a piece of good news has come out about trees and forests. The Ministry of Forest and Environment has issued a biennial report on the current situation of the deprived. According to him, the area of forests and trees in the country has increased by 2261 square kilometers compared to 2019. In this, the forest area has increased to 1540 square kilometers, and the area of tree cover has increased to 7021 square kilometers.

Forests In India

According to this report, the forests of Andhra Pradesh have increased the most in all India in these two years. This growing greenery will go a long way in efforts to tackle the threat of climate change from such growing trees and forests. However, a piece of bad news has also come out in this report. The forest cover has reduced in the northeastern state. The forest cover has decreased the most in Arunachal Pradesh.

Union Forest and Environment Minister Bhupendra Yadav Thursday released the India State of Forest Report prepared by the Forest Survey of India regarding greenery in the country. According to the report, there has been an increase of 0.22% in the forest area and 0.76% in the tree cover compared to 2019. The total forest area and tree cover are 8.09 million hectares. It is 24.62% of the total geographical area of the country. In the National Forest Policy, a target has been set to make 33% of the total geographical area green.

The total estimated carbon stock of forests in the country is 720.4 crore tonnes. There has been an increase of 794 million tonnes in comparison to 2019. After this report, the work of conservation and plantation of forests started happening very fast because now people were filled with enthusiasm. Under the National Green Mission, there is a preparation to bring some more new schemes soon. According to him, India is entering the second phase of the Green Mission. By 2030, India has set a target of increasing the carbon stock by 2.5 to 3 billion tonnes. The Ministry is also working in the direction of employment security and other facilities for the personnel working in forest conservation.

In which states, how much forest area increased? 

  • Andhra Pradesh 647 square kilometer 
  • Telangana 632 
  • Orissa 537 
  • Karnataka 155 
  • Jharkhand 110 
  • Chhattisgarh 106 
  • Bihar 75 
  • Bengal 70 
  • Rajasthan 25 
  • Uttar Pradesh 12 
  • Madhya Pradesh 11 
  • Uttarakhand 2 

According to the report, the medium dense forest area in the country has reduced by 1582 square kilometers in the last two years. The situation in the northeastern states is a matter of concern. The forest area in these states has been reduced by 1020 square kilometers. Let’s look at which the Northeastern States have reduced how much forest area. 

  • Arunachal Pradesh has a reduction of 257 sq km
  • 249 sq km in Manipur 
  • 235 sq km in Nagaland 
  • 186 sq km in Mizoram 
  • 73 sq km in Meghalaya.

The post Growth Of Forests In India In Last 2 Years appeared first on GyanWaleBaba.

This post first appeared on Mantra For Knowledge, please read the originial post: here

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Growth Of Forests In India In Last 2 Years
