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Tikkun HaKlali

Tikkun HaKlali – The Ten Psalms:

Rabbi Nachman's promise

Bear witness to my words. When my days are over and I leave this world, I will still intercede for anyone who comes to my grave, says these Ten Psalms and gives a penny to charity. No matter how great his sins, I will do everything in my power, spanning the length and breadth of creation , to save him and cleanse his soul….

and if the person can't be on his grave Rabbi Nachman promised that whoever says these Psalms any where any time, Rabbi Nachman of Breslav will do everything in his power to save him from hell and fix his soul in whatever is necessary

I am very positive in everything I say. But I am most positive in regard to the great benefit of these Ten Psalms.

Sichot Haran #141

The “Yehi Ratzon” prayer to say before reciting the Ten Psalms
Our G-D and G-d of our fathers:
Who chooses King David and his descendants; who chooses songs and praises. Please turn to me in mercy and accept the Psalms I am going to say as if King David himself were saying them, and let his merit protect us.
There is merit in every verse of the Psalms and in every word, in their letters, vowels and notes and in all the holy names spelled out by the first and last letters of each Hebrew word.
Let this merit stand in our favor to atone for our sins and transgressions, cut down our enemies and accusers on High, and destroy all the thorns and thistles surrounding the Supernal Rose. Send down blessing from Your exalted place to all the levels of our soul and spirit, to purify us from our sins, forgive our transgressions and atone for our rebellion, just as You forgave King David who recited these psalms before You. “And G-D will cause your sin to pass away and you will not die” (Samuel II 12:13).
Do not take us from this world before our time. Give us a full life throughout our span of seventy years so that we can make amends for all the wrong we have done.
May the merit of King David protect us, and be patient with us until we return to You in perfect repentance.
Grant us blessing from Your treasury of open-handed generosity, as it is written: “I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and I will show mercy to whom I will show mercy” (Exodus 33:19). Just as we sing before You in this world, grant us the privilege of singing before You, G-D, in the World to Come.
Through our recital of the psalms, let pleasant song break forth with rejoicing and exultation. Let glory be given to Israel; and splendor and beauty shall be in the House of G-D. Bring it speedily in our days, Amen.
Before reciting the Tikkun HaKlali, it is good to say the following:
In saying these ten psalms I am binding myself to all the true Tzaddikim in this generation and all the true Tzaddikim who have departed, "the holy ones who are in the earth", and especially our holy Rebbe, Tzaddik, foundation of the world, the "flowing brook, source of wisdom", Rabbi Nachman the son of Feiga, (may his merit protect us,) who revealed this remedy.
Come let us sing to G-D, let us shout for joy to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; let us sing to Him joyously in song. For GOD is a great GOD and a great King over all gods (Psalms 95:1-3).
I prepare my mouth to give thanks and praise to my Creator, to unify the Holy One, blessed-be-he, and His Shechinah in awe and love, through the Hidden and Concealed One, in the name of all Israel.

Psalms 16

1.Michtam l’David, Shomreni El, Ki-Chasiti Vach.

2.Amart l’Adonai, Adonai Atah, tovati bal-alecha.

3.Lik’doshim asher ba-aretz heima, va-adirei kol cheftzi-vam.

4.Yirbu atzvotam acheir maharu, bal-asich niskeihem midam, uval esa et shmotam al-sefatai,

5.Adonai m’nat chelki ve-chosi, atah tomich gorali.

6.Chavalim naflu li ban’imim, af nachalat shaf’ra alai

7.Avarech et Adonai asher y’atzani, af leilot yis’runi chilyotai.

8.Shiviti Adonai l’negdi tamid, ki mimini, bal emot.

9.Lachen samach libi va-yagel k’vodi, af b’sari yishkon lavetach.

10.Ki lo ta’azov nafshi lish’ol, lo titen chasid’cha lir-ot sha-chat.

11.Todi’eini orach chayim, sova s’machot et panecha, n’imot bimincha Netzach.

Psalms 32

1.L’David Maskil; Ashrei n’sui pesha, kisui chata’ah.

2.Ashrei adam lo yachshov Adonai lo avon, v’ein b’rucho r’miyah.

3.Ki hecherashti balu atzamai, b’sha’agati kol ha-yom.

4.Ki yomam va-laila tichbad alai ya-decha, ne-h’pach l’shadi b’charvonei kayitz sela.

5.Chatati odi’acha, va’avoni lo chisiti, amarti, odeh alei f’sha’ai Adonai; V’atah nasata avon chatati sela.

6.Al zot yit’palel kol chasid elecha l’et m’tzoh, rak l’sheitef Mayim rabim elav lo yagi’u.

7.Atah seter li; mitzar titz’reni; ranei faleit t’sov’veni sela

8.Askil’cha v’orcha b’derech zu telech, i’atzah alecha eini

9.Al tih’yu k’sus k’fered ein havin; b’meteg varesen edyo livlom, bal k’rov elecha.

10.Rabim mach’ovim larasha, v’haboteach b’Adonai chesed y’sov’venu.

11.Simchu va’Adonoi v’gilu tzadikim, v’harninu kol yishrei lev.

Psalms 41

1.Lamnatzeach Mizmor L’David.

2.Ashrei maskil el dal, b’yom ra’ah y’mal’tehu Adonai.

3.Adonai yishm’rehu vichayehu, v’ushar ba’aretz, v’al tit’nehu b’Nefesh oivav.

4.Adonai yis’adenu al eres d’vai, kol mishkavo hafachta v’chalyo.

5.Ani amarti: Adonai chaneni, r’fa’ah nafshi, ki chatati lach.

6.Oi’vai yom’ru ra li, matai yamut v’avad shmo.

7.V’im ba lir’ot shav y’daber, libo yikbatz aven lo; yeitze lachutz y’daber.

8.Yachad alai yitlachashu kol sonai, alai yach’sh’vu ra’ah li.

9.D’var b’liya’al yatzuk bo, va’asher shachav lo yosif lakum.

10.Gam ish sh’lomi asher batachti vo, ochel lachmi higdil alai akev.

11.V’atah Adonai choneni vahakimeni, va’ashalma lahem.

12.B’zot yada’ti ki chafatzta bi, ki lo yari’a oi’vi alai.

13.Va’ani b’tumi tamachta bi, vatatziveni l’fanecha l’Olam.

14.Baruch Adonai Elohei Yisra’el meha’olam v’ad ha’olam, amen v’amen.

Psalms 42

1.Lamnatzeach Maskil livnei Korach.

2.K’ayal ta’arog al afike mayim, ken nafshi ta’arog elecha Elohim.

3.Tzam’ah nafshi l’Elohim, l’el chai; matai avoh v’era’e p’nei Elohim.

4.Hai’ta li dim’ati lechem yomam va-laila, be’emor elai kol hayom: Ayeh Elohecha.

5.Eleh ezk’ra v’eshp’cha alai nafshi, ki e’evor basach, edadem ad bet Elohim; b’kol rina v’toda hamon chogeg.

6.Ma tishtochachi nafshi, vatehemi alai; hochili lelohim ki od odenu y’shu’ot panav.

7.Elohai, alai nafshi tishtochach, al ken ezkorcha me’eretz yarden v’chermonim, mehar mitzar.

8.T’hom el t’hom korei l’kol tzinorecha, kol mishbarecha v’galecha alai avaru.

9.Yomam y’tzaveh Adonai chasdo, uvalaila shiro imi; t’fila l’el chayai.

10.Omrah l’el sal’i, lama sh’chachtani, lama koder elech b’lachatz oiyev.

11.B’retzach b’atzmotai cherfuni tzor’rai, b’omram elai kol hayom: Ayeh Elohecha.

12.Ma tishtochachi nafshi, uma tehemi alai; hochili lelohim, ki od odenu y’shu’ot panai velohai.

Psalms 59

1.Lamnatzeach al Tashchet, l’David Michtam; Bishloach Sha’ul, vayishm’ru et habayit lahamito.

2.Hatzileni me-oivay, Elohai; mimitkom’mai t’sagveni.

3.Hatzileni mipo’ale aven, ume’anshe damim hoshi’eni.

4.Ki hine arvu l’nafshi, yaguru alai azim; lo fish’i v’lo chatati, Adonai.

5.B’li avon y’rutzun v’yikonanu, urah likra’ti ur’e.

6.V’atah Adonai Elohim tzva’ot Elohei Yisra’el, hakitza lifkod kol hagoyim, al tachon kol bogdei aven sela.

7.Yashuvu la’erev, yehemu chakalev, visov’vu ir.

8.Hinei yabi’un b’fihem, charavot b’siftoteihem, ki mi shome’a.

9.V’atah Adonai tischak lamo, tilag l’chol goyim.

10.Uzo, elecha eshmora, ki Elohim misgabi.

11.Elohei chasdi y’kadmeni, Elohim yareni v’shor’rai.

12.Al tahargem pen yishk’chu ami; hani’emo v’chelcha v’horidemo, maginenu Adonai.

13.Chatat pimo d’var sfatemo; v’yilachdu vig’onam, ume’ala umikachash y’saperu.

14.Kale v’cheima, kale v’enemo; v’yed’u ki Elohim moshel b’Ya’akov, l’afse ha’aretz sela.

15.V’yashuvu la’erev, yehemu chakalev, visov’vu ir.

16.Hemah y’ni’un le’echol, im lo yisb’u vayalinu.

17.V’ani ashir uzecha, va’aranen laboker chasdecha; ki hayita misgav li, umanos b’yom tzar li.

18.Uzi, elecha azamera; ki Elohim misgabi, Elohei chasdi

Psalms 77

1.Lamnatzeach al Y’dutun l’Asaf Mizmor.

2.Koli el Elohim v’etzaka; koli el Elohim, v’ha’azin elai.

3.B’yom tzarati Adonai darashti; yadi laila nigra v’lo tafug, me’ana hinachem nafshi.

4.Ezk’ra Elohim v’ehemaya asicha v’titatef ruchi sela.

5.Achazta shmurot enai, nifamti v’lo adaber.

6.Chishavti yamim mikedem, sh’not olamim.

7.Ezk’ra n’ginati balaila; im l’vavi asicha, vai’chapes ruchi.

8.Hal’olamim yiznach Adonai, v’lo yosif lirtzot od.

9.He’afes lanetzach chasdo, gamar omer l’dor vador.

10.Hashachach chanot El, im kafatz b’af rachamav sela.

11.Va’omar: Chaloti hi, sh’not y’min Elyon.

12.Ezkor ma’al’lei Yah, ki ezkra mikedem pil’echa.

13.V’hagiti v’chol pa’olecha, uva’alilotecha asicha.

14.Elohim bakodesh darkecha, mi el gadol kElohim.

15.Atah haEl ose feleh, hoda’ata va’amim uzecha.

16.Ga’alta bizro’ah amecha, b’nei Ya’akov v’Yosef sela.

17.Ra’ucha mayim Elohim, ra’ucha mayim yachilu, af yirg’zu t’homot.

18.Zormu mayim avot, kol nat’nu sh’chakim, af chatzatzecha yit’halachu.

19.Kol ra’amcha bagalgal, he’iru v’rakim tevel, rag’za vatirash ha’aretz.

20.Bayam darkecha, ush’vilcha b’mayim rabim; v’ikvotecha lo noda’u.

21.Nachita chatzon amecha, b’yad Moshe v’Aharon.

Psalms 90

1.Tefila l’Moshe Ish Ha’Elohim; Adonai, ma’on Atah hayita lanu b’dor vador.

2.B’terem harim yuladu, vat’cholel eretz v’tevel, ume’olam ad olam Atah El.

3.Tashev enosh ad daka, va’tomer shuvu v’nei adam.

4.Ki elef shanim b’enecha k’yom etmol ki ya’avor, v’ashmura valaila.

5.Z’ramtam, shena yih’yu, baboker kechatzir yachalof.

6.Baboker yatzitz v’chalaf, la’erev y’molel v’yavesh.

7.Ki chalinu v’apecha, uvachamatcha niv’halnu.

8.Shata avonotenu l’negdecha, alumenu lim’or panecha.

9.Ki chol yamenu panu v’evratecha, kilinu shanenu ch’mo hegeh.

10.Y’me sh’notenu vahem shivim shana, v’im big’vurot sh’monim shana, v’rabam amal va’aven, ki gaz chish vana’ufah.

11.Mi yode’a oz apecha, uch’yir’atcha evratecha.

12.Limnot yamenu ken hoda, v’navi l’vav chochmah.

13.Shuva Adonai ad matai, v’hinahem al avadecha.

14.Sab’enu vaboker chasdecha, u’n’ran’na v’nism’cha b’chol yamenu.

15.Sam’chenu kimot initanu, sh’not ra’inu ra’ah.

16.Yera’eh el avadecha fa’olecha, vahadar’cha al b’neihem.

17.Vi’y’hi no’am Adonai Elohenu alenu; uma’aseh yadenu kon’na aleinu, uma’aseh yadenu kon’nehu.

Psalms 105

1.Hodu L’Adonai kir’u vish’mo, hodi’u va’amim alilotav.

2.Shiru lo zamru lo, sichu b’chol nifl’otav.

3.Hithal’lu b’shem kadsho, yismach lev m’vak’she Adonai.

4.Dirshu Adonai v’uzo, bak’shu fanav tamid.

5.Zichru nifl’otav asher asah, mof’tav u’mishp’te fiv.

6.Zera Avraham avdo, b’nei Ya’akov b’chirav.

7.Hu Adonai Elohenu, b’chol ha’aretz mishpatav.

8.Zachar l’olam b’rito, davar tziva l’elef dor.

9.Asher karat et Avraham, ushvu’ato l’Yischak.

10.Vaya’amideha l’Ya’akov l’chok, l’Yisrael b’rit olam.

11.Lemor l’cha eten et Eretz K’na’an, chevel nachalatchem.

12.Bih’yotam m’tei mispar, kim’at v’garim ba.

13.Vayit’hal’chu migoi el goi, mimamlacha el am acher.

14.Lo hini’ach adam l’oshkam, va’yochach aleihem m’lachim.

15.Al tig’u vimshichai, v’linvi’ai al tare’u.

16.Va’yikra ra’av al ha’aretz, kol matei lechem shavar.

17.Shalach lifnehem ish, l’eved nimkar Yosef.

18.Inu vakevel raglo, barzel ba’ah nafsho.

19.Ad et bo d’varo, imrat Adonai tz’rafat’hu.

20.Shalach melech vayatirehu, moshel amim vay’fat’chehu.

21.Samo adon l’veto, umoshel b’chol kinyano.

22. Le’esor sarav b’nafsho, uzkenav y’chakem.

23.Vayavo Yisra’el Mitzrayim, v’Ya’akov gar b’eretz Cham.

24.Va’yefer et amo m’od, vaya’atzimehu mitzarav.

25.Hafach libam lisno amo, l’hitnakel ba’avadav.

26.Shalach Moshe avdo, Aharon asher bachar bo.

27.Samu vam divrei ototav, umof’tim b’eretz Cham.

28.Shalach choshech va’yachshich, v’lo maru et d’varo.

29.Hafach et meimehem l’dam, vayamet et d’gatam.

30.Sharatz artzam tzfarda’im, b’chad’rei mal’chehem.

31.Amar va’yavo arov, kinim b’chol g’vulam.

32.Natan gishmehem barad, esh le’havot b’artzam.

33.Va’yach gafnam ut’enatam, vay’shaber etz g’vulam.

34.Amar vayavo arbeh, v’yelek v’ein mispar.

35.Va’yochal kol esev b’artzam, va’yochal p’ri admatam.

36.Va’yach kol b’chor b’artzam, reishit l’chol onam.

37.Va’yotzi’em b’chesef v’zahav, v’ein bishvatav koshel.

38.Samach Mitzrayim b’tzetam, ki nafal pachdam aleihem.

39.Paras anan l’masach, v’esh l’ha’ir laila.

40.Sha’al va’yave s’lav, v’lechem shamayim yasbi’em.

41.Patach tzur vayazuvu mayim, hal’chu batziyot nahar.

42.Ki zachar et d’var kadsho, et Avraham avdo.

43.Va’yotzi amo v’sason, b’rina et b’chirav.

44.Va’yiten lahem artzot goyim, va’amal l’umim yirashu.

45.Ba’avur yishm’ru chukav, v’torotav yintzoru, Hal’luyah.

Psalms 137

1.Al naharot Bavel, sham yashavnu gam bachinu, b’zachrenu et Tzion.

2.Al aravim b’tocha, talinu kinorotenu.

3.Ki sham sh’elunu shovenu divrei shir v’tolalenu simcha, shiru lanu mishir Tzion.

4.Ech nashir et shir Adonai, al admat nechar.

5.Im esh’kachech Yerushalayim, tishkach y’mini.

6.Tid’bak l’shoni l’chiki, im lo ez’k’rechi; imlo a’aleh et Yerushalayim al rosh simchati.

7.Z’chor Adonai livnei Edom et yom Yerushalayim; ha’om’rim aru aru, ad hay’sod bah.

8.Bat Bavel hash’duda, ashrei she’y’shalem lach et g’mulech shegamalt lanu.

9.Ashrei sheyochez v’nipetz et olalayich el hasala.

Psalms 150

1.Hal’luyah, hal’lu El b’kadsho, Hal’luhu birki’ah uzo.

2.Hal’luhu big’vurotav, Hal’luhu k’rov gudlo.

3.Hal’luhu b’teka shofar, Hal’luhu b’nevel v’chinor.

4.Hal’luhu b’tof umachol, Hal’luhu b’minim v’ugav.

5.Hal’luhu b’tziltz’le shama, Hal’luhu b’tziltz’le t’ru’ah.

6.Kol han’shama t’halel Yah,hal’luyah.

english_tikkunhaklaliolami Tikkun HaKlali – The Ten Psalms  Translation to read pdf format.

You must try the following remedies for your soul

Rebbi Nachman of Breslev “pideyon nefesh”

evil eye and curses removel with lead


Rabbi Nachman for all diseases, both mental diseases and diseases of the body and life.

Rabbi Nachman gave the name "General Remedy" – in Hebrew,  to the Tikkun HaKlali –Ten Psalms that he recommended for recital as a general spiritual remedy bringing inner purity and joy as well as many other benefits.

The Ten Psalms are: Psalms 16, 32, 41, 42, 59, 77, 90, 105, 137 and 150.

The General Remedy

There are places so fine and narrow that no remedy has the power to penetrate them except through the General Remedy, which injects healing into even the narrowest, finest places. First it is necessary to apply the General Remedy, and through this all the individual flaws will automatically be rectified.

It is true that the General Remedy is higher and more exalted than all the individual remedies. But all the different remedies depend on the mind and brain: it is necessary to draw purity from the mind and brain. And the only way to elevate the mind is through the General Remedy. This is why it is first necessary to go to the higher level, the General Remedy, in order to rectify the mind and brain, and through this everything else is automatically rectified.

Likutey Moharan I, 29

The post Tikkun HaKlali appeared first on ברסלב מאיר.

This post first appeared on ברסלב, please read the originial post: here

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Tikkun HaKlali


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