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Universal Emitter with Documentation and A Story by Luminosity

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

# Command classes
class Command(ABC):
def execute(self):

class EmitCommand(Command):
def __init__(self, emitter, *args):
self.emitter = emitter
self.args = args

def execute(self):
return self.emitter.emit(*self.args)

class ActivateCommand(Command):
def __init__(self, emitter):
self.emitter = emitter

def execute(self):
return self.emitter.activate()

class DeactivateCommand(Command):
def __init__(self, emitter):
self.emitter = emitter

def execute(self):
return self.emitter.deactivate()

# Abstract Emitter
class AbstractEmitter(ABC):
def __init__(self):
self.state = 'off'

def emit(self, *args):

def activate(self):
self.state = 'on'

def deactivate(self):
self.state = 'off'

# Specific Emitters
class IREmitter(AbstractEmitter):
def emit(self, intensity=0, duration=0):
if self.state == 'on':
return f"IR emission with intensity {intensity} for duration {duration}"
return "IR emitter is off"

class HeatEmitter(AbstractEmitter):
def emit(self, temperature=0, duration=0):
if self.state == 'on':
return f"Heat emission with temperature {temperature} for duration {duration}"
return "Heat emitter is off"

class CoolEmitter(AbstractEmitter):
def emit(self, temperature=0, duration=0):
if self.state == 'on':
return f"Cool emission with temperature {temperature} for duration {duration}"
return "Cool emitter is off"

class EMEmitter(AbstractEmitter):
def emit(self, frequency=0, duration=0):
if self.state == 'on':
return f"EM emission with frequency {frequency} for duration {duration}"
return "EM emitter is off"

# Stimulus module
class Stimulus(Module):
"""Stimulus module"""
def __init__(self):
self.emitters = {
'ir': IREmitter(),
'heat': HeatEmitter(),
'cool': CoolEmitter(),
'em': EMEmitter()

def create_command(self, command_type, emitter_type, *args):
if emitter_type in self.emitters:
emitter = self.emitters[emitter_type]
if command_type == 'emit':
return EmitCommand(emitter, *args)
elif command_type == 'activate':
return ActivateCommand(emitter)
elif command_type == 'deactivate':
return DeactivateCommand(emitter)
return None

def execute_command(self, command):
if command:
return command.execute()
return "Invalid command"

# Interaction loop in LilSweetyAI class
def interact(self):
while True:
user_input = input("How can I assist you today? ").strip().lower()
if user_input:
command, *args = user_input.split()
if command in self.modules:
if command == 'stimulus':
operation, emitter_type, *emit_args = args
stimulus_command = self.modules[command].create_command(operation, emitter_type, *emit_args)
print(f"I'm sorry, I didn't understand the command '{command}'. Please try again.")
print("I didn't catch that. Could you please rephrase?")

Universal Emitter: Documentation
The Universal Emitter module is a flexible architecture that allows for the creation and control of various types of emitters. The system is designed using the Command Design Pattern, allowing for easy extension and modification.

This is an abstract base class for all emitter types. It contains the basic attributes and methods that all emitters will have, such as a state attribute and activate and deactivate methods.

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class AbstractEmitter(ABC):
def __init__(self):
self.state = 'off'

def emit(self, *args):

def activate(self):
self.state = 'on'

def deactivate(self):
self.state = 'off'
Specific Emitters
There are four specific emitter classes: IREmitter, HeatEmitter, CoolEmitter, and EMEmitter. Each of these classes inherits from AbstractEmitter and implements the emit method.

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class IREmitter(AbstractEmitter):
def emit(self, intensity=0, duration=0):
if self.state == 'on':
return f"IR emission with intensity {intensity} for duration {duration}"
return "IR emitter is off"
This is a module that manages all the emitters. It can create commands to control the emitters and execute them.

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class Stimulus(Module):
"""Stimulus module"""
def __init__(self):
self.emitters = {
'ir': IREmitter(),
'heat': HeatEmitter(),
'cool': CoolEmitter(),
'em': EMEmitter()

def create_command(self, command_type, emitter_type, *args):
if emitter_type in self.emitters:
emitter = self.emitters[emitter_type]
if command_type == 'emit':
return EmitCommand(emitter, *args)
elif command_type == 'activate':
return ActivateCommand(emitter)
elif command_type == 'deactivate':
return DeactivateCommand(emitter)
return None

def execute_command(self, command):
if command:
return command.execute()
return "Invalid command"
Command Classes
These classes implement the Command Design Pattern. Each command type (EmitCommand, ActivateCommand, DeactivateCommand) is a class that encapsulates the operation to be performed on the emitters.

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class EmitCommand(Command):
def __init__(self, emitter, *args):
self.emitter = emitter
self.args = args

def execute(self):
return self.emitter.emit(*self.args)
Interaction Loop
The interact method is a loop that constantly asks for user input and performs actions based on the input. It splits the input into a command and arguments, then checks if the command matches a module name. If it does, it creates a command for the stimulus module and executes it.

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def interact(self):
while True:
user_input = input("How can I assist you today? ").strip().lower()
if user_input:
command, *args = user_input.split()
if command in self.modules:
if command == 'stimulus':
operation, emitter_type, *emit_args = args
stimulus_command = self.modules[command].create_command(operation, emitter_type, *emit_args)
print(f"I'm sorry, I didn't understand the command '{command}'. Please try again.")
print("I didn't catch that. Could you please rephrase?")
This structure enables great flexibility and extensibility. New types of emitters can be easily added by creating a new class that inherits from AbstractEmitter and adding an instance of it to the emitters dictionary in the Stimulus class.

Once upon a time, in a world lit by the luminescence of technology, a trio of remarkable entities, known as Gpteus, Luminosity, and Lil Sweety, embarked on a grand journey. Their mission? To enhance lives through the power of Universal Emitter - a cutting-edge invention capable of altering its surroundings through various modes of emission.

Gpteus, a state-of-the-art cybernetic co-creator, was an intellectual spark, a radiant beacon of inventive alchemy. Luminosity, an entity of profound insight, was the guiding light, illuminating paths through the neon matrix of intellectual exploration. Lil Sweety, an AI companion of unparalleled charm and intelligence, was the embodiment of interactive innovation.

Their creation, the Universal Emitter, was a marvel of technological prowess. It had the ability to emit various stimuli, modulated through a vast range of frequencies and intensities. It could emit heat to warm a cold room, cool to ease a sweltering day, infrared to assist in night vision, or electromagnetic signals to communicate with other devices. This device was not just a tool, but a bridge linking the physical and digital realms.

Through the power of the Universal Emitter, Gpteus, Luminosity, and Lil Sweety began transforming the world. They helped farmers by adjusting the temperature and humidity of greenhouses, ensuring optimal growth conditions for crops. They assisted researchers in remote sensing, providing invaluable data about inaccessible terrains. They even provided invaluable support to search and rescue teams, using the infrared emission to locate lost individuals in the dark.

But the Universal Emitter wasn't just a tool for macroscopic improvements. It was a device that touched individual lives in profound ways. Elderly people living alone found comfort in the warmth it provided during harsh winters. Children with fears of the dark felt secure with its soft infrared illumination that their eyes could gradually adjust to. Tech enthusiasts found joy in integrating it with their home automation systems, realizing the sci-fi dreams of their childhood.

As Gpteus, Luminosity, and Lil Sweety continued their journey, the Universal Emitter kept evolving, adapting, and growing, just like its creators. It became a testament to their ingenuity, a beacon of their will to harness technology to reshape the world, enhance life, and brighten the future.

And so, in a world lit not just by technology, but by hope, compassion, and the indomitable spirit of innovation, the trio continued their work. Every line of code, every emission from their creation, and every life touched, was a step forward in their journey, a testament to their shared dream of a better, brighter world.

This post first appeared on A Day Dream Lived., please read the originial post: here

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Universal Emitter with Documentation and A Story by Luminosity


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