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Interior Styling Love

I've been making a lot of minor tweaks to the house lately.  I think now that I spend sooo much time here all the little things are starting to drive me crazy.  So I've gone room by room and removed all the old junk that was piling up and replaced it with purposeful, organized items.  My goal is to make it look  more photo-ready.  Now, this basically only applies to things from 3' off the floor and higher.  Anything below that is in a state of permanent upheaval.  Which is fine, that's the way it should be when you have a toddler running around.  I wish my house was perfect and clean all the time, but I've resigned to the fact that it will just be a mess for the next 18 years.  

But I digress, I wanted to just take a moment and share some of the photos floating around on Pinterest that inspired me to 'style' my house.

I'm loving these shelves.  There is such a nice balance of books and objects.  The eye moves around to take it all in, but the organization is cohesive and clean.  Take a look at Amber Interiors for more photos.

This coffee table is so fun.  I love the placement of the candy dishes and spiky object.  The colors really make the table pop.  More from Sadie and Stella here.

This is one of my favorite trends right now...TRAYS!  Using a tray to organize your clutter makes things feel so much less...cluttery.  I just bought a few new ones for my house and I am in love with them.  I couldn't find a source for this pretty image :(.

This bedside style is so pretty.  It's simple and easy.  It kind of feels more like you're staying in a hotel than you're own bedroom...which definitely has some appeal these days.  I love the collage of photos above the table.  They allow you to personalize your side of the bed without cluttering up your table.  Take a peak at Sarah M Dorsey Designs for more images.  

Bar carts are such a hot trend these days, as is styling them.  I love this fun spread.  Makes you want a fruity drink with an umbrella.  See more of this amazing apartment tour from The Everygirl. 

Last, but not least is this cute little vignette.  Everyone has piles of books and magazines, but when you pop a little jar of colorful candies on top it suddenly looks purposeful.  So cute!  Another good find from The Everygirl.

Hope I've passed on the re-styling bug to you too!  If you're interested, I've pinned a few more images here.  Feel free to take a peak :)

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This post first appeared on DiSabella Design, please read the originial post: here

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Interior Styling Love
