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Solar Power Now | Affordable Residential Solar Power Blog

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US Solar Breaks Another Record
The United States solar industry can proudly say that it has yet broken another record. For the first time, solar power production accounted for more than 50 percent of all new electricity… Read More
Solar Industry Sets Records For 2020
Despite the Covid 19 Pandemic, the U.S. solar market experienced significant growth in 2020. According to the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), the industry grew by 43 percent a… Read More
2020 Will Be A Record Year For Solar
The Energy Information Administration (EIA) is predicting a stellar year for solar power in 2020. A total of 24 Gigawatts of solar is expected to come online by the end of the year, accor… Read More
Homeowners Are Warming Up To Solar
A recent Pew Research Center survey shows that homeowners across the U.S. are showing much higher interest in solar power. The overall awareness of residential solar is certainly nothing… Read More
Renewables To Surpass Coal By 2021
It’s not a good time to be in the coal business. Based on current trends, sources of renewable energy should surpass energy produced by coal in the United States by the end of 2021… Read More
The Big Future Of Small Grids
The potential, and the need for, microgrids cannot be overstated. This can be seen as a follow-post to one written earlier this year in January, 2019. In that post, based on a sfchronicle… Read More
The Future Is Electric!
A future based solely on renewable energy is not far off. We can and will transition to a society that no longer utilizes the burning of fossil fuels. The electrification of our infrastr… Read More
Report Shows Strong Solar Growth Trend
In a recent Department of Energy report, new wind and solar power capacity additions dwarf most fossil fuels types. This post is basically part two of the most recent one detailing futur… Read More
America’s First Solar Airport
Chattanooga, Tennessee can now proudly boast to be the first city in America to have an airport that is 100 percent solar powered. This story comes by way of a recent CleanTechnica articl… Read More
The Full Value Of Residential Solar
Anyone familiar at all with solar power knows of the contentious relationship between utilities and residential solar. So far, the situation has been quite apparent; many energy corporat… Read More
Hawaii Adds More Solar Power Storage
The state of Hawaii is taking yet another step towards meeting its goal of utilizing 100 percent renewable energy by 2045. This post is courtesy of a recent utility dive article. Ener… Read More
Disney has just announced plans to cut its carbon emissions by 50 percent by 2020. The company now has multiple solar installations, with one of their most notable one being their Mickey… Read More
Chicago To Go 100 Percent Renewable
A recent announcement from the Major of Chicago details plans for the city to be powered completely by renewable energy by 2035. If it gets approved, Chicago would become the largest city in… Read More
Major Solar Bill Of Rights Introduced
California Senators Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) and Jim Nielsen (R-Fresno) has just proposed significant solar power legislation. Their Solar Bill of Rights proposal, if passed, would… Read More
Yet Another Solar Plus Storage Story
Much has been written on this site concerning the significant near term potential for solar plus storage applications. This post goes beyond the hypothetical as we look into the contract… Read More

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Solar Power Now | Affordable Residential Solar Power
